Quiz Hate

Well… let it never be said there isn’t peer pressure in blogging. TP has convinced me/pressured me/urged me to do it, so here it is, and I’ll never do another one of these because… just because.

bloggers-only quiz

1. which political party do you typically agree with? Probably the French Green Party. (cause the german, us, portuguese… are all lame ducks)

2. which political party do you typically vote for? Green and Socialist (depending on which country I vote in.. if I even vote)

3. list the last five presidents that you voted for? how old am I… hmm.. I can only remember voting Nader in 00. That was my first. And I’d fucking do it again – because he’s the only candidate who represents ME!

4. which party do you think is smarter about the economy? its Greenspan either way, so neither.

5. which party do you think is smarter about domestic affairs? There Ill go with Dems… not Clinton Dems…. FDR Dems!

6. do you think we should keep our troops in Iraq or pull them out? Re-allocate military into NGO’s…. let those who want to help stay.

7. who, or what country, do you think is most responsible for 9/11? The Global Economics system which leaves few super-rich and majority super-poor.. and eventually extremely desperate or angry enough to become terrorists. Religions also help to make matters worse.. so I blame the pope, mohammed, abraham, and vishnu. (Buddha.. hmm.. maybe him too) Also the CIA… them and their black budget.. blood all over those hands.

8. do you think we will find weapons of mass destruction in iraq? Whatever Rummy wants.. he gets.

9. yes or no, should the u.s. legalize marijuana? They can’t handle it. Just decriminalize for now.

10. do you think the republicans stole the last presidental election? Supreme Court did.. but yeah.. the party too.

11. do you think bill clinton should have been impeached because of what he did with monica lewinski? If GWB is still going at this lying rate… no.

12. do you think hillary clinton would make a good president? If by good you mean.. yet another Republicrat.. yes. Her speaking style makes me ill.

13. name a current democrat who would make a great president: Senator Byrd. (the W-Virginia guy.) Also Barbara Lee.

14. name a current republican who would make a great president: Paul O’Neil.

15. do you think that women should have the right to have an abortion? Shouldnt even be a question. Yes.

16. what religion are you? None. Non-theist.

17. have you read the Bible all the way through? Seemed to me that in grammar school they kept making us read the same passages over and over… so why bother going all the way through.. I got the idea.. by heart.

18. what’s your favorite book? Martin Eden, by Jack London.

19. who is your favorite band? The Clash.

20. who do you think you’ll vote for president in the next election? I doubt I’ll vote. But If I get my absentee… Nader.

21. what website did you see this on first? tonypierce.com + busblog

Today’s Music: Tahiti 80 -Fun Fair (I cant even hear the French accents)

Countdown to Visitation

Two posts in a row this weekend, in defiance of my every-other-day policy:

Early Saturday, I started my morning as I always do, listening to the BBC Worldservice. I heard the program “The Big Question” which was doing a special on Weblogs and the internet. It didn’t say anything new about blogging, but it provided an excellent overview of the blog world and culture. If you feel like giving it a listen, you can do so here. (it’s is so great that the BBC archives everything on the net.)

Jeff Jarvis and his Buzzmachine, one of the blog-gods I’ve never mentioned(mostly cause I find the designation of blog gods utterly boring; but man, every blogger knows him, and I’m a nobody), shared a good survey about bloggers. Reading it, I discovered I fit into few of the top categories because I’m too young, too poor, and I don’t spend enough on books, music, and causes.

Tony Pierce + Busblog gave some especially touching advice for children today. Not that he advises kid touching, no. But man, he offers some lessons to live by. I’d like to trackback to him, but it appears he has pulled that option, and I think Haloscan is down. Lazy bastards. (I mean, I love you!)

Today’s Music: Morrissey – You are the Quarry (yes again!)

Him in Iraq

I’ve said it many times, and it continues to be true, the blog world is something really special. I recently decided that I needed to read some blogs written by soldiers in Iraq, cause we’re all heard how they’re all over the internet. So most of them didn’t capture my attention, and as you can imagine (if you know my politics) I had a hard time reading through them. But one in particular caught my attention, first and foremost for its title: A Line in the Sand.

As I read through this blog, while I didn’t agree with what the Sgt. had to say about the occupation of Iraq, I did find his honesty and open reflection compelling. So I read a few more posts, and eventually left a comment. Before I did that, I had to really think about it. This because most comments on this type of blog, as you can imagine, are just constant praise and support for soldiers and the “war” on terrorism. By posting on there, I risk bringing, perhaps unwanted attention to my own blog.(that’s if I fear ultra-conservative spam in my comments, which.. ok I do) But I guess I wanted to give it a go, so I commented in the calmest and respectful manner I could at that moment. Here comes my point: the soldier emailed me personally, thanking me, and continuing the discussion about music that he noticed we both listen to. (the quality Indyrock that many of you know and love) I was impressed… his email was respectful and curious, and I looked forward to responding.

It’s a funny thing how we disagree or how we communicate with one another despite differences. I’ve very interested in doing that, and I’m weary of people who just turn off opinions they don’t like. (though I admit some are just broken records, so why bother) But this was a really welcome thing, to talk to a soldier, despite my strong disapproval for wars and military related things in general. (except military surplus, I’m always shopping there!) In summary… I’ve made a new friend.. in Iraq.

Out with the old and in with the new it seems. The white house’s best Iraqi friend has become the new worst enemy. Looks like it’s pretty hard to be a politician on the governing council these days, what with all the assasinations, searches, and you can bet soon… arrests.

Today’s Music: Mos Def – Black on Both Sides

Brown Commission

On beautiful, happy-go-lucky days like today, one could easily forget the horrors in this world. Biking down the street, I glance over at the fire-department, where it seems the fire-fighters are letting an entire primary school class have a go at using the hose. I get sprinkled, but kind of enjoy it, and I snap off a few photos of them.

This all comes to an abrupt end when I get home and turn on internet radio to listen to… brace yourselves.. the 9/11 commission.

Never has a more useless group of politicians been assembled in order to address such an important subject: the failures and reasons behind the failures on 9/11. But no real questions have ever or are ever going to be asked. And yet I listened, like so many, wishing for one of those commission members to have a sudden revelation – that he/she should start asking real questions. But alas, nothing. For hours they each take the mic and give some neverending speech kissing the ass of the witnesses like Rudy Giuliani, Mike Bloomberg, G.W. Bush, etc. They even manage to throw in little promos for the war on terrorism. But never do they find the time to ask useful questions about why emergency agencies (fire and police) can’t seem to work together, why FDNY equipment was of such poor quality, and why intellegence warnings were ignored.

There was one highlight, all be it a dim one. The hearings are being held in NYC right now, and many audience members were directly involved/affected by the tragedy. During the proceedings some would stand up and shout their questions and frustrations at witnesses and the commission. By favorites were the guy who shouted: “Just give me 15 minutes to ask real questions!” or “Why isn’t there a single family member on that commission!?” or even better, the more blunt: “LIAR!”

In the end, this is merely a hoax. Nothing will be learned because the government whose failures and policies allowed 9/11 to happen will not allow for a real investigation of themselves. That much is clear if you read the depressing and soporific transcripts.

Today’s Music: Morrissey – You are the Quarry

Make this House a Home

When it rains it pours. In the past 78 hours I’ve been offered 3 apartments. Now I’m not talking luxury living, but functional apartments for acceptable prices. All through my wonderful friends. Well, yesterday I got the call… a friend in the Oud West saying “Why don’t you take my place”… since he’s migrating to Spain for 6 months to a year. This works well for me, love the neighborhood, like the place, need the option in half a year to perhaps move somewhere else. Sure, moving is tiring, but you do get accustomed to it, and I’m not sure I could commit longterm to an apartment at the age. “I’m just not ready.” “It’s not you it’s me.” “I want to see other apartments.”

On yesterday’s Democracy NowI heard the son of a homosexual couple expressing his joy that his moms were getting married. It was such a sweet moment… even through the radio I could hear how much he loves his parents and what a wonderful home life he has. How shameful that it has taken this long to allow gay marriage in Massachusetts or anywhere!

I’ve started to read legal blogs… meaning blogs written by lawyers, law students and law professors. I find them quite insightful; to have an inside look into the world according to those who work in law. Some blogs, like How Appealing, are extensive linkdumps for legal news from around the net. Others simply contain honest reflections about law and the daily work these professionals do, such as Notes from the (Legal) Underground. That particular post I linked to talks about how this lawyer actually gained a client thanks to the blog. For collective opinions by a group of fun and interesting law students, De Novo is where I go.

These type of blogs represent another aspect I love about this method of personal publishing, the chance to get information straight from those involved in certain activities. Direct testimony from doctors, journalists, students, wives, children, etc. THAT-is a great new possibility.

Today’s Music: Vinicious Cantuaria-Vinicious

Waffle’s Anyone?

Quite exhausted after a nice birthday party for a wonderful friend in Utrecht last night. It was nice to get to speak with so many Portuguese and Brazilian folk. Plus during the day, I did make it over to Port Industry Day. There, I boarded a military ship and took photos of ships, including a Green Peace flagship. I love ports, and I found the event to be generally quaint. Photos to follow on Tuesday.

I’m about to skip off to Brussels for an overnight visit with my family there.It is always nice to get over to Belgium, especially because there are always so many cultural events taking place. I shall try and catch the tail end of the Brussels Jazz Marathon. Who knows, I meant even run into Belgian Waffle, who doesn’t seem to get sleep anymore.

While I’m out, I’m pretty sure this issue is going to get big: the videos that were taken of Guantanamo prisoner abuses. I think it’s a crime against humanity, what went on there, therefore I say let the videos get around… then let’s put these bums on trial.

Today’s Music: Fernando Lameirinhas – Alegria do Triste