Stockholm Here I Am

I’m not sure but I think this is how to email a post using blogger. Which is of course, down right now. Talk about one of the worst performances by a company, has been a total let down in 2005. It’s no wonder people are running away and moving to word press, as will I, shortly.

Stockholm rocks the house as far as cities go. And I say that without having seen much. It’s enough to sit with my friends Marty McFly and the Sweetest Sofia and reminisce, share new stories, etc. This alone gives me an idea of how great there world is here in Sweden’s capitol. Tomorrow is tourism time, and soundseeing of course. So I hope you’ll join me.

For now, there’s a comfy guest cot awaiting me, and I can hit the snooze as much as I want in the morning.

Today’s Sounds: Downloaded South PArk Episodes


See Me Live

Some of you seen me all live and fully clothed on the internets this afternoon. I talked a mighty talk bout podcasting, and I tried my bestest not to offend too many out there, but you know – the mouth, its got a mind of its own.

Still I think it went well. The audienced seemed chill and the virtual audience was pretty active and I loved seeing many of you asking me questions. Specially Joggl in Germany and BlondeButBight currently in the UK! Actually there were other questions from other friends, so thank you to all of you. Tomorrow I’ll see if I cant get a link to the archived video up.

Today I met Dijereedoo Jim, if I may baptize him with that blogname. He’s an Australian living here, but to simplify his identity in a few blog setences couldn’t do him justice. Among other things, we had a long talk about the yuppification of cities, since he had lived in the Pijp neighborhood of Amsterdam back in 99, and it was then becoming, and is now, very trendy. The order seems to go, industrial wasteland, working class housing, artists, people who think artists are cool to live near, and then yuppies. With each level double the rent, while you’re at it.
Anyway I digress, the man rocks.

Tomorrow, it’s Stockholm for me, and Ill be podcasting of course. Soundseeing tours, with limited editing cause I gotta say, Garageband is simply not as cool as Audition. But, apparently MAC has a much cooler program called Soundstudio or something, and I must get it! Underground channels, can you help a new MAC bother out?

Sidenote: After the presentation a pair of MAC guys sat down with me and pulled out there 17 inch and 15 inch…. LAPTOPS… it was hot. I was sweaty. Those are so gorgeous machines, my baby 12 is a hotty too, but when you see those other chicas…. yowzah.

Eventually this blog will talk politics again, just not right now. Still, somebody should keep an eye on Bush, Congress, and the plan to drill in the arctic. I hear theyre reviving it bigtime.

Today’s Sounds: Dawn and Drew’s latest


Low Budget Blows

Remind me to tell you my plan for getting together a bunch of young kick-ass laywers to take all these low budget airlines like RyanAir and Transavia to the European Court of Justice and sueing them for violations of my traveler rights and fraud. It doesn’t count as Brussels, Stockholm, or Rome if the airport is 2 HOURS away from the actual city! Yet they advertize cheap ass flights as if it were true. If you come to Europa, stick with the quality airlines or else Easyjet – cause they still do it with real airports.

Here I sit in Umea, which is a one hour flight north of Stockholm. I saw piles of snow, but the weather is spring-like for Scandinavian standards. So far so good. Stockholm was city-ish yet small, but I’ll really get to know that place on thursday. For now I’m here amongst the academics and enjoying all the loving care I get as a gust in this particular house. There was a bit of a party here tonight and I met lots of cool Swedes, but also a great Iraqi couple and a fantastic Brazilian with whom I had crazy insane discussions with. We’ve concluded the answer to life might lie in Portugal, eventually. Write that down somewhere. He also gave me this quote which I find bloggable:

“Sweden is the best place in the world to raise children! But I’m not a child! (So get me out of here)”

So maybe, just maybe, you want to see me live streamed on the internets, as I give my talk about podcasting! Exciting says you? Well, you can find out, 7:15am EST / 13h15 CET, it’s available via the HUMlab blog, I hope.

Oh, and lucky me to have the German Phrase of the Week, the new pope guy is German!

My own photos tomorrow, I promise… i think.

Today’s Sounds: Swedish countryside?


Study Sverige Now

Dear Blog readers, stop the presses! Tomorrow we’re heading to Sweden! YES – Scandinavia! By we- I mean you and I, with emphasis on the ME. In a few measly hours I’ll endure the HORROR of low-cost transavia airlines and the middle-of-nowhere airport they call Rotterdam airport. I’ve got lots of toys loaded onto the PBg4 which I can toy with throughout the journey, and I picked up pistachios, which will be my sustenance for the duration.

HOWEVER – before we fly to a new land, we must first study this land… or at least amass a collection of quirky facts so we can feel edumacated. So, let’s get studying the Kingdom of Sweden! (cue the Abba music!)

Lesson 1: The penis shaped country covers a landmass of 410,934 sq km, that’s like – slightly bigger then California. – I wonder if it gets landmass envy?

Lesson 2: Sweden has a population of around 9 million. It’s capital, Stockholm – home of my buddy Marty McFly, has around 740,000 people. But they did the census before he moved there, so add one.

Lesson 3: Swedish people have an average life expectancy of 80.4 years. Number 7 on the alltime greatest life-span-hits list. Japan is above them, and so are names like Andorra and Macau, which isn’t even a country, but what do you expect from the CIA’s info?

Lesson 4: MAybe you knew that Abba and Ace of Base, two of the finest groups ever assembled, are Swedish. But did you know that Millencolin, The Hives, and YES Roxette, are Swedish.

So there you have it, study up, cause tomorrow we go Swedish, and we want to fit in right?

If you’d like to learn more about Sverige, please consult the widely acclaimed LEARN SWEDISH blog, or this young lady, who will give me shelter and cake.

Today’s Sounds: Cardigans – Long Gone Before…


AudioCommunique#27-IvegoneMac, CatchingUp, Apartments

This moving to mac thing ain’t easy. This one is recorded on my old machine, going to take time for this padewan to become a Jedi on mac. Still, lots of goodies, music, and a rant about the insane logic of housing in capital cities throughout the world. Speaking of the world, my next podcast will be from Sweeeeeden!

AudioCommuniqu? #27(mp3)

23min+, 64kbps, 11Mb+


A Radio MacGuy
My Voicemail 206-339-7850
German Phrase of the Week with Joggl
Georgia on my podcast, from Caribbean Free Radio
Lots of Tunes, including Swedish Rock


BM Meets PBG4

She’s here. At least I think it’s a she. If its a male, that’s fine, I’d still be in love with him. All day and all night I’ve been fiddling with my new PowerbookG4 – which you the readers and listeners helped make possible!

So this post is thank you. For all the tips you left in the tip jar, advice you left in the comments, or words of support left in my gmail. It all helped. The PBG4 is sweet, silent, sleek, speedy, powerful, and fun-as-hell. I suspect in the coming years Apple stuff will continue to get popular, thanks to the prevalence of items like the Ipod. Which means being a Mac person won’t be as lonely. Matter of fact, it won’t be as special. But for now, hello world, my name is bicyclemark and I’m a new macboy.

Speaking of Mac people, Verbal C was on Australian radio with me recently-talking about blogging and podcasting, and she loves her ibook. While Brain of J just received his PBG4 this week as well. Good writers with the right tools, that’s what the world needs. That… and laughter.

PS – I’ll still be paying for it little by little, so it’s still appreciated if you decide to drop a tip in the jar.

Today’s Sounds: Malcolm X – Bullet or the Ballot Speech
