Inquiry… Who Believes this shit?

So W announces he’s “concerned” about the intellegence reports on WMD’s that he based his invasion of Iraq on. Therefore he creates a independent council. You know, a few of his pals to examine his own lies. And then of course his shoe-shine boy, Tony, does the same thing at Downing Street. The whole process stinks. It’s like the fox being appointed to guard the chickens… or Dupont being named director of the EPA during the Reagan admin. Obviously he’s not going to enforce ant strict standards that would hurt his business. Same goes for Bush’s investigation, he named the team, so obviously he’s not going to select someone who will find him guilty of fabrication and fraud on a mass scale.

Fact is this man lied about a matter of national security.. better yet.. international security. We’re not talking about a blow job here… we’re talking about blowing up an entire country! Every day more soldiers and civilians die in what they like to call a “war.” The whole reason they are there has been proven false… it is, as it always was, an unjust occupation under a false pretense. Most of he world as well as the US knows this, the question is, when will the moronic majority wake up to this awful truth. Relection they say? They should be worrying about him going to jail!

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Sick Process Makes Sick People

It’s interesting that the cattle and poultry industries choose to play so innocent when things like BSE and Bird Flu hit. With their practices of loading up their animals with antibiotics and other fattening drugs, their factory-farms that create the worst of conditions for an animal to exist, and their obsession with cutting costs and corners in order to make for profit… why are they surprised? It is a basic formula. There should be more bird-flus, and of you notice, more and more.. we are seeing these types of mass sicknesses in response to the mass industry irresponsibility.

Primaries and Caucuses

Add it to the pile of evidence proving what a poor quality democracy the US has… the Iowa caucuses and the forthcoming primaries. So let’s see… Gephart loses Iowa… a farm state with a population of very few, and he pulls out of the race. So now when primaries come around to California or South Carolina.. those people can no longer choose that candidate… they lose the right to vote for the rep. of their choice.

Furthermore does anyone know what happens in a caucus? Its not going in and voting.. you walk into a room and you debate with other delagates/party members about who you choose. As was appropriately mentioned on WUSB’s Off The Wall radio show , this makes it highly unlikely someone who likes Al Sharpton will walk into an Iowa caucus and shout.. “I love reverand Al!” They might fear getting their butt kicked, so they choose the more popular candidates. Once again, this isn’t democracy, it’s some sort of cabal to intimadate you and keep people out.

What does it all mean? Just a reminder of how horrible the electoral system is. In case the selection of GWB wasn’t proof enough.

Libyan Pride

Suddenly every newspaper is giving their little anaylsis of how Libya’s decision to dismantle their weapons programs is a victory for GW Bush’s pre-emptive strike doctrine. They say its thanks to Bush’s invasion of Iraq that other countries are panicing out of fear.


For almost 10 years now Libya has quite publicly changed its policies with the outside world. Why? Because of Kadaffi and his ego. The man is obsessed with the notions of his legacy and doing important things that will make him loved long after his death. For this reason he has dedicated his time to the creation of the African Union, a European Unionesque framework in its beggining stages. He has also renounced his position as dictator of Libya, keeping a symbolic role of head-of-state, self proclaimed king in many ways. In his place Libya’s parliament makes policy decisions, complete with all the corruption you would find in any western governing body. Kadaffi has also focused on improving his relationship with Europe.. especially France and England, by owning up to his government’s relation to the lockerbie and other hijackings. His government has shelled out millions for families of bombing victims… how many other governments can claim to do the same? Does Saudi Arabia pay WTC survivors?

In a recent interview with a NYTimes reporter, Kaddafi talked about how he once believed in arm sturggle to forward a cause, but now believes he was wrong, and better avenues should be taken to create change.

There is no doubt the man has a huge ego, which in the past has hurt people. But it is not as western media tries to paint it… he is not the same kind of dictator as Saddam or Pinochet…. we always want to paint things black and white, and put things into categories.

This is not the result of Bush’s bully tactics that have alienated the world. Bush has done nothing to make the world a more peaceful place – war does not result in peace, it results in more fighting and despair.

Libya is not a trophy, Libya has been changing for a long time, it’s the press that has no memory of history.

meaningless capture

Well I’ve kept my silence long enough…. what does mark think of this saddam business… I don’t give a shit. Saddam Hussein in an old and sick man… I wish he had not gotten caught but rather died in hiding or killed himself. My reasons are: A> Let him die, taking whatever feeling of guilt and hate with him B>By being caught he gives the US false hope.. that terrorism can be stopped using guns and bombs.

Now we will have one of the most corrupt court cases ever. An Iraqi court… which means a puppet court set up by the occupying force.. run by people who havent practiced law in ages. No constituion… no court system… yet they claim to be able to hold a trial.

I would like to hear from Hussein regarding his reasoning… what was going through his mind. And more importantly.. I want the scoop on his nixon/reagan/bush relations, cause he was allied with each of them until he became public enemy 1 in 1990. And now we’ll never hear about it… it will be buried by his captors.

All this TV bullshit tries to paint such a good vs. evil picture. They are all evil.. the administrations, the dictators.. they’ve all murdered. They don’t mind letting old man pinochet, a genocidal fuckhead, get off based on mental incapacity.. but they’ll try an old and pathetic hussein.

Meanwhile the war on terrorism will never end… its like declaring a war on crime… it will always exist.. especially in a society full of inequality, hate, and desperation.

We got em? We got nothin.

Moon man

Return to the moon. that’s the Bush camp’s big vote-getting plan, among other crap ideas. It is a shame that science gets raped my politics.. investment in the space program has always been completely abused by political whims of old conservative males. Beyond that, the Bush Admin now presides over one of the largest budget deficits in history, so.. how exactly will he pay for his joyride to the moon?

Be afraid… not just America.. the whole world pays a price when this rich brat gets an idea.