Out my window I hear spain

As I glance out my Amsterdam window, I notice there’s quite a bit of sunlight lately. Take that all you NL critics who complain it only rains! Plus the days are getting longer… which is great.. I feel less guitly for sleeping in. I hate to jump the gun, but spring is in the air.. and that means outside bbq time and long aimless bike rides to taunt sheep and look at all the lovely people on their hip-n-cool boats. Here, have a look outside my window for yourself (yeah there’s commonly a car parked there):

Briefly I’ll touch on an issue that’s getting alot of attention, and perhaps rightfully so – The Spanish Election. First, I’d like to express great joy and the downfall of J.M. Aznar. I’m a huge critic of his policies and attitudes. He not only turns his back on his European Partners, he uses terrorism as his red-herring for military and political goals. So good riddance! In comes Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, who I’ve followed for the past two years (not literally!) and am interested to see him take the helm. He’s not a revolutionary. But he may have something increasingly few leaders have – A SPINE!

Oh hey… my favorite Portuguese blogger helped me find a great report on the state of journalism in America. Its all here on a very sleek website. Want the highlights? Basically big media companies are losing their audience. To which I say – YOU DID IT TO YOURSELVES MORONS! And it’s supposed to get worse because without the audience.. they’re cutting back on things like… REPORTING! Brilliant! There’s no money because people don’t like us, so we’ll do an even worse job thanks to huge budget cuts! That’s why we’ll all better off right here in the blogosphere, where the air is cleaner. Sniff Sniff.

Today’s Music: Faudel – Samra (RAI music)


In less than 1 week I shall be on a TGV/Thalys train to Paris. As a train-o-file, I’m excited just to be getting on such a smooth ride… even if it has been around since 97 or so, it still seems so high-tech. So today when I noticed that they’re working on a China to Europe connection, I got super excited. At some point in my life, I hope to ride on such a train… Europe to China! Across Russia and Kazakstan! One day, oh yes.

This year there’s a conference that no one should miss, it’s called “The Fifth Hope: Hackers on Planet Earth.” It’s taking place in New York City and it will bring together some of the most creative and original characters in the tech world! You can hear more about it and get a general idea of the nature of this conference my listening to Off the Hook or Off the Wall at 2600.com I’m going to see if I make it out there in July, it’ll be sad to miss this one.

Fantastic documentary film that I’ve not yet seen, “Searching for the Wrong-Eyed Jesus” It’s about the SOUTH of the US. It looks disturbingly interesting. And the music features some truely original artists. I’ve missed my chance here in Amsterdam, but I’ll be renting it over at Cult Videotheek ASAP.

Today’s Music: Curtis Mayfield – I forget the album

Maple Syrup Delight

The “work” section of my website had been updated with my recent papers, one of which has been submitted for eventual publication, I hope. There’s also an article towards the bottom of that list, that recently came out here in Amsterdam, and as I wander around different University buildings, I swear I see that newspaper everywhere. Probably students using them to clean their spills. I figured I’d mention these things because my weblog visits are slowly increasing!

Today was yet another terrible day for the entire world, another act of mass murder. I was just flipping through the world newspapers to see what they’re saying about the Madrid train bombing. I find it disturbing and yet typical of the Spanish government to immediately blame their scapegoats – ETA. I say this because they do no investigation, much like the American government who loves to attribute everything to Al Qaeda, Madrid likes to blame every act of violence on ETA. It’s skipping right over the investigation and going right to the conviction, then they can try to round up the usual suspects. Why? Because they spoonfeed people this black and white, good versus evil, scenario. As if the Spanish government is filled with saints. Many hands are stained with blood on this one. The only encouraging thing I’ve seen are the people taking to the streets all over Spain to stand together and denounce violence and express solidarity with one another. That’s what I like… when people remember that we’re all in this together, and we need to take care of each other.

My other thing today has been looking up American Universities and their “Canadian Studies Programs.” This because I read in the Courrier International about how college students studying Canada are becoming fewer and fewer. Can you believe it? The “neighbors to the north” and no one is interested in them! They don’t know who the PM is! (Paul Martin) They don’t know what province Regina is in, or how to pronounce it! (Saskatchewan and umm.. it’s like a part of the female anatomy) People should be studying these things! I checked out these “Canadian Studies” programs, one at the U of Vermont and another at Plattsburgh, they look cute, I would have studied Canada. Then again.. I am one of those Canada-o-philes.

Today’s Music:311 – Evolver (cause yesterday was 3/11)

Part Time Lover

There has been an increase of UK residents visiting my blog in the past week, I’d just like to take the time to welcome them! Today I was totally enjoying the London Underground Blog and this video of a guy sliding down a huge escalator, that she had posted on there. Public transport stunts are the best.

So I grew up in NJ, as you may well know, and I was glad to read that unlike that coward Bloomberg, the mayor of Asbury Park and Governor McGreevey, have legally recognized gay marriages. They join the mayor of Seattle and of course, “America’s Mayor” San Fran’s Gavin Newsom. Hooray for my homestate! Oh and one last thing about gay marriages… I completely agree that this whole anti-gay marriage push is horrid. However, it should not underscore my distaste for the institution of marriage in general. Overpriced ceremonies, showers, gifts, clothing, food… I could care less for it. Nevermind the fact that I find it has become devoid of meaning. What Im saying is, in many ways – sure you should have the legal right, but why participate anyway, in such a crap tradition. Civil Unions all the way!

This week I bought a Portuguese book on weblogs by Mr. Antonio Granado a great journalist in Portugal. His blog has become the way I start the day, and we’ve even exchanged emails, which is great. I must become a well rounded scholar in the realm of weblogs and online communication! Speaking of which, my article on alternative journalists was submitted today to a scholarly journal in the states… I’ll be posting it on my website this week, as well as announcing if and when it gets accepted. Oh, and anyone in the Amsterdam area, an article of mine came out in this month’s “Insiders” published by the ISN. The online version should be available shortly. See, I’m earning my self-proclaimed title of a “journalist!”

Today’s Music: Art Blakey- Feelin Good (love that Caravan)

Web bugs and Backup Governments

Apparently, around the same time I was enjoying the company of some lovely Swiss visitors, my blog went down. I’ve heard rumors of blogger being plagued by bugs.. but now I’ve properly backed it up. I’ve added a few good blogs to my blog links just to your left.. by all means.. check them out.

Well it’s official, the Greek elections are over, and the Conservative Party, aka New Democratic party, have won. Years of domination by the socialist party have ended, to no great surprise – it’s a trend in Europe. Lets see now… Portugal, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Austria, Denmark.. all conservative parties in power, elected in the last few years. Mind you, we’re talking European Conservative, which in American terms would be considered liberal… the spectrum is a bit different. Now I know what you’re thinking – and no, the Olympics will go on as scheduled. You’ll still get to watch Ballroom Dancing, Skeet Shooting, and Kayaking direct from Athens… if they ever finish the construction. I’ve never been there, but it was not rated very highly in terms of the World’s Livable City Survey But Amsterdam came in tenth place! Just below Syndey and Frankfurt. For all the Canadians out there, Vancouver came in second place, and Calgary (home of Miss B.) was declared best in terms of health and sanitation. Click on that link, find out if your city is livable. If it isn’t, in the name of humanity, MOVE AWAY!

I’m finally polishing off this Hunter S. Thompson book Kingdom of Fear, what started as a smooth read filled with Drugs, Guns, Sex and Politics – in that order, has now become difficult to finish. Next up will be a re-read of Freud’s Civilization and It’s Discontents. Fun aren’t I? Otherwise there’s always the Utne Reader Book Club.

Today’s Music: Bill Frisell – Gone Just Like a Train

Melt peanutbutter for instant joy.

By now you may have heard that my curtural outing for this Friday has been cancelled. Which is probably best, mentally I wasn’t prepared to watch women use bananas in unorthodox ways.

Announcement time: I am a KazaaLite user! YES! I share music from my personal computer! I share with anyone, anywhere in the world with a decent connection. While record companies might like to call it stealing, I believe record companies are the original thieves, who are finally being rendered useless, after years of stealing money from artists. I say this on the heels of a recent decision in an Australian court, allowing authorities to search the offices of Sharman corporation.. better known as Kazaa. While I don’t use kazaa because it’s full of spyware, I respect their right to do what they do… connecting people, allowing them to share with each other. I think this decision is horrible, and I hope it’s succesfully apealed. A similar case has been going on in the Netherlands, but similar recent cases have ruled in favor of file sharing, and I have faith in my country of residence – they’ll tell the record companies to blow it out their ass!

The Reagan miniseries finally ended today… I have no further need for a television. I grew to love that dam show. I enjoyed the Olie North scandal and Reagan telling his own staff he didn’t remember them! Oh.. and it was disturbingly interesting to watch his staff start killing themselves one-by-one as Iran-Contra unraveled. Maybe now I’ll finally have time to properly book a Thalys (Train) to Paris! Oui.. je vais ? P?ris!

Today’s Music: Death Cab for Cutie – The Photo Album