Ridin that Train

There is perhaps no better way to see a country, then from the window of a train. On my Newark to DC Amtrak ride yesterday, I did my best to take in the scenery. I enjoy the cities most of all, especially when you first see the Philly skyline or the somewhat depressing Baltimore cityscape. I also noticed places like Wilmington, Delaware for the first time.. it looked interesting, especially this stadium. Of course I also passed some of the more evil places in the world, such as a Lockheed-Martin plant. I could feel the weapons of mass destruction in the air.

Have you seen the photo of W arriving in France? Tony Pierce hit the nail on the head. I should just carry this photo around for everytime an American asks me what Europeans really think of them and Bush. I could use the same photo whenever a European asks me how Americans feel. Wooosh – inside-out blows the umbrella.

There’s alot of talk about a film called Supersize Me. I have not yet seen it, but it’s about a guy who does nothing but eat McDonalds food everyday. You watch as not only his health deteriorates, but he actually notes the addictive qualities of the food. The moral of that story. among others, is you should never give your children (or yourself) McD’s food to eat, because they will want more… ADDICTION! There’s alot more to the film than this, but I leave the rest to you.

Also Fahrenheit 9/11 trailer website is overloaded. And I noticed another film coming out all about Baghdad in the last two years.

Today’s Music: Morrissey – Vaxhaul and I

The Large Apple

A full day in Manhattan provides so much blogging material. At the same time, there’s too much to tell about. Overall, I’d say NYC is NYC… busy as always.. bussling with people walking their mobile phones and talking on their dogs.

My day consisted of lunch with a lovely former student from the international school (U of Amsterdam). I then noticed the street signs saying “United Nations Way” and I thought – “Yes, I’m up for a visit.” So I wandered over to the UN, which is such an accessible place – it’s great. I browsed the UN bookstore, giftshop (lame I know!), and the art exhibits in the mainhall. I chose not to pay the 10$ for the guided tour that I went on only a few years ago. After that I made it down to the Village in hopes of visiting my old boss at the Voice.

But like any legendary investigative journalist, he was down the shore for the day. So I sat with the interns and bored them with my own stories from my time there. I also snapped a shot of my most favorite room at the Voice, the meeting room. (didn’t manage to get the f?ssball talbe in the pic)

After a mini-dinner with a good buddy who studied with me in Amsterdam, I hopped on the lovely new Bombardier-furnished NJ Transit midtown-direct train home.

Tomorrow will commence my anticipated visit to DC. And speaking of the capital of all things US government, I was reading the Guardian and noticed that the Washingtonienne had published an article, all about her being fired by a senator for having blogged about her sexual exploits. Wonkette is always a solid source for updates related. All in all, it’s complete crap that she got fired, and if you really want to know how little your congresspeople give a shit, read her article on what happens to the mail and phonecalls they receive. Now more than ever, we need to “impeach congress”! (my favorite bumper sticker)

Today’s Music: Jets to Brazil – Orange Rhyming..

Frequent Voter

It is extremely taxing to blog via modem, I’ll keep saying that all week until I’m safely back in Amsterdam with my DSL. I don’t do as much websurfing/research, and I have this nagging feeling that this connection will “hang-up” on me. But enough of my petty complaints, on to bigger ones.

I made it over the Philadelphia for an evening of fun and reminiscing. There’s something interesting happenning in that city, that I can only talk about as an outsider with lots of insider friends: It has been said that Philly has one of the fastest shrinking population of any city in the United States. Anyone with the financial means, has moved to the suburbs or just far away. As a result the only people who would be left are the poor, more often than not plagued by health problems, not to mention drugs, alcoholism, and the social and financial problems that are related.

At the same time,therefore, there is a need for social services; counseling, social workers, pyschologists, etc. Keeping that in mind, In my own life I’ve noticed a significant number of friends and friends-of-friends that have moved to Philly to do such work. These people are young professionals, recently graduated, and eager to create a community of their own. This could mean great things for the city, which just on my few visits, I get the feeling it is happenning to some extent- which is exciting to watch!

There’s lots of talk about the upcoming elections with my family and friends circle. Besides the understandable fear of 4 more years, there is also a great amount of fear about the direction of this country regardless of who wins. And that, I feel, is also a warranted concern. One close family friend recommends we vote as often as possible. that’s right, many people I know – who may realize it – can vote in two counties. This includes myself, I’m registered to vote in two former addresses, and I have voted in both. Illustrating once again what a joke this so-called democracy is.(I know it’s a felony and I’d like to see them prove it.) That’s not even to mention the faults of the new electronic voting system invented by a company that has said it wants Bush to win. A further investigation of multiple voting will follow in the coming blog entries.

Today’s Music: Jon Brion – Here We Go

Culture Crash

Cars and cars… everywhere I turn.. cars. This state (NJ) has always been full of them, but it gets worse with each passing year, and no one seems to want to admit it or do anything drastic. When my generation is about 50, the state of NJ and probably many of the surrounding areas, will just be lines of cars honking at each other wondering when traffic will start moving. This is unsustainable developement at its finest… which means that despite its wealth, this area of the United States is underdeveloped in terms of public transport and future outlook, since they seem to have practically none of either. It is reason #70 or so, that I don’t miss living here. All I wanted was some soy milk and cereal, and I had to sit in traffic.

Still I have to say it’s interesting to see how popular both Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s are. I hear alot of talk about food and diets, for all the citicism that the world has about American’s and their diet… there is definately a trend in this area, to do something about it. I just with Trader Joe would go to Europe, then I’d be set.

In my next posts I’ll get into the word on the street about politics and the presidential race. Thus far I can sum up by saying W. Bush still has a large fanbase or loyalists who don’t seem willing to ever give up on him. No matter how much more of a disaster his administration turns out to be. On the other side of things, I got my primary ballot in the mail… Lyndon Larouche and Dennis Kucinich are still on there. (note, he’s got a blog on his website) Go Dennis GO!

Today’s Music: Coheed and Cambria

Babies Home

I am indeed blogging from my family’s humble abode, somewhere near Newark, NJ. I arrived in the early afternoon after a long and typically uncomfortable flight. The whole time I was having visions of peasants rising up from couch and taking first class over. You know they have empty seats… and it’s in humane how we underlings must sit. Them and their privacy curtain… and toilets without queues…. rubbish!

I did manage to come up with a new invention for airlines: The Standing Lounge. This because lots of passengers, rightfully so, are concerned with circulation and long hours spent sitting. They stand in the isles.. which is a problem for safety and service. If there were a designated area without seats.. maybe with a bar, like on a train.. people could go stand there during appropriate times in the flight. Then during take-offs and landings, back to their seats. And this could be available for all classes, not just those nobles in business class.

Oh, one last airline point… the extra security measures are pointless! Asking me if I packed my own bags and if anyone asked me to carry something, useless and I’ve had it with those two questions! Also, I want my metal butter knife back. They give a metal fork, as if that’s not a weapon, give me the full set for the love of utensils!

It’s really hard to blog and read blogs with a modem connection. Or at least, I’m spoiled and it’s already driving me nuts. And I’m not obsessed… well.. maybe according to what Pandagon pointed out recently. But hey, I’m flying over oceans, going out, biking/jogging, holding newborns:

Clearly not blog obsessed… at least.. I think.

Today’s Music:Azure Ray – Hold on Love

Homeland Shopping Network

In a little over 24 hours, I shall be setting sail for the little town of Newark, NJ, where I was born in a manger. Oh wait. Well.. something like that. This visit is an especially important one considering my newly appointed uncleship, meeting with some new friends, and of course – the boys who have already started contacting me. I’m fairly sure that my tour will be playing in NYC, Philly, and DC. So keep your ears peeled.

Speaking of time spent somewhere… I was thinking about time and what we do with it. I tend to blog after midnight, every other day. Recently someone asked – why? Why not do it earlier? I don’t know. My brain wants to blog usually after midnight. I also keep a personal journal and have big ideas at this time of night. I’m not sure I have any ideas in the morning beyond – “TIME FOR CEREAL.” Maybe Jill’s blog will shed some light on this subject.

Hey the department of homeland security, you know — the ones with the tacky and useless color coded warning system, they released their numbers recently. $38 billion. $38 billion! What are the top three expenses:

-1. Miscellaneous alarm, security systems, $792,078,468

-2. Other administrative support services, $767,915,734

-3. Radio navigation equipment, $431,082,736

So, you can rest easy knowing the nation has a nice new alarm system, lots more administration, and some fancy radios.

(Meter courtesy of the Daily Gusto.)

Today’s Music: Rush – Roll the Bones