Don’t Use Their Words

Just because the white house uses a word to describe something does not mean it is true.

Just because the white house says something is so, does not mean we should all run around repeating it as if it makes sense.

That said, repeat after me… “I… state your name… will not use the term SURGE, to describe the tactics of the Bush administration in Iraq which involve vastly increasing the amount of soldiers being sent into an illegal war, which has morally and financially bankrupted the country, even though it was already declared over and successful like 2 years ago. ”

Surge is their media-spin word. Like when they used to call rebels against the occupation – insurgents, and it seemed like every media outlet and citizen adopted the word as gospel. They invent these words to make everyone feel better about themselves and the immeasurable losses they have suffered because of an irresponsible and incompetant collection of so-called leaders. They invent these words to make you believe in them and talk like them and forget who it is you SHOULD be angry at and refusing to pay one more tax dollar for war, while demanding their resignation.

I went looking in the non-US press to see if everyone else has been duped into falling for the bullshit as well.

– Lets see, the German FAZ:

zusätzliche Truppen in den Irak zu entsenden

They seem to call it what it is… SENDING ADDITIONAL TROOPS…. they don’t adopt some catchy name for it, so it seems they’re not zombies.

– The French LeMonde:

acheminement de nouveaux renforts et recherche d’un consensus …

The putting into action of new reenforcements… again.. no S-word, no catch phrase.. they call it what it is.

and lastly, my favorite Argentenian Newspaper Clarin:

pedido presupuestario de la Casa Blanca para enviar hasta 20 mil tropas de combate adicionales a Irak,

..the sending of 20 thousand more combat troops to Irak. Pretty simple, no secret words there.

So it seems in my quick glance at some foreign non english press, there’s no translation for bullshit; in this case, that annoying word that the whitehouse is hoping you’ll use while forgetting what they’ve done to you and this world. Maybe step one in the path to liberation, let us all stop learning how to talk about the world from the white house, history tells us they are the LAST reliable source when it comes to truth and reality.

Weekend News and Developments

On the g-chat the other day I spotted GI-JANE, still out there doing her job in Afghanistan somewhere. It had been awhile so of course we had our usual fun conversation about all topics under the sun. The great news is that she said she’s going home.. after I can’t remember how many months guiding the convoys for the US army.. she’s going back to the US. And eventually.. she’ll be free and travelling, surely to pass through Europa. Unbelievable to think of how much time has passed since we spoke together on that podcast prior to her deployment.

Elsewhere there was this vlog moment from Ryanne, which I’m sure is getting is deserved share of links and references. She had one of those experiences I often hear and notice happen to our lady friends. The construction worker wooping and whistling. Well, using the power of the camera and her keen vlogger skill, she went back and confronted the workers.. and well.. you watch.

bmtv34 The NJ Death Penalty Report

Click To Play

NJ’s Commission on the Death Penalty released some very important findings this month. While the press has given it some attention, I believe its important to see each conclusion with your own eyes. Also this should be put in the national context, where a very significant number of states are finally admitting the death penalty has been a huge failure. Link to the full text.

Reflecting on Josh’s Experience

Josh Wolf doesn’t know me. But anyone reading this knows that in this wonderful jungle called the internet.. we know many people who don’t know us.

Tonight, as I sat here in my room in windy Amsterdam, I read through this piece he wrote from prison, describing what his average day consists of. It really had me sitting here and imagining. Not to mention appreciating and admiring what he is going through and its significance for all of us who struggle to be recognized and allowed to do this very under-respected type of journalistic work. I should will write to him.

For tonight I quote one of his paragraphs, and hope you’ll read it fully, and remember all those out there who have been wrongly imprisoned.

Although I occasionally watch a bit of television during the evening, I try to devote the last hour or two before lockdown to responding to the correspondence I have received. Just before 8:45 PM, I go into the guard’s office and deliver whatever letters I have finished writing, and then fill up my mug with water from the drinking fountain. By that time, the guard has usually announced lockdown and we all scamper back to our cells where we wait out the rest of the night.

Powerbook Crisis

Transformer for the powerbook made a funny noise and smells like burnt something.

Battery is dead… no more computer power… big trouble until I get to the mac store tomorrow.

Now commencing forced radio silence.

UPDATE: Temporary Solution… borrowed powercord from Gabemac. Its good to have neighbors like Gabe & Gabe; kinda of like living down the block from some of your favorite vloggers.

bm178 Resisting the War, Moving to Canada

Many of us grew up with stories of how soldiers who disagreed with Vietnam found asylum in Canada. Over 30 years later, soldiers are once again acting on their principles and beliefs and moving to Canada… with some help.

My guest, Lee Zaslofsky, the coordinator of the War Resisters Support Campaign

We discuss
-what is was like during the Vietnam era, to seek aslyum in Canada.
-how the support campaign began and when
-the steps a soldier must take, or what the process is today
-Canadian laws, courts, and the government in relation to how easy or difficult it is
-The rights of US soldiers living in Canada, the benefits and options
-The response to critics who despise the work and ideals of war resisters
-Alternative destinations for war resisters in the world

The article I mention, posted on Alternet