Who’s the Warmonger?

Last night, dicussing Iraq-US over dinner, a friend who studies international relations suddenly exclaims, “The man agrees to the inspectors! He agrees to everything they wrote! Now they’ll go into his presidential palaces and if his bed isn’t made correctly, they’ll bomb!”

He couldn’t have been more right. The word warmonger becomes more and more correct to describe not Saddam… but the administration occupying (illegally since they weren’t elected) the white house.

– They wanted to bomb if he didn’t allow inspectors back in, in September he says he will allow them!

– They don’t accept his answer, they say he lies and they will bomb him if he’s lying

– they demand a new resolution, filled with all sorts of humiliating and barely legal terms, and it gets approved, if Saddam doesn’t like it – they’ll bomb him!

– He accepts the resolution! All of it! The white house response: He’s a liar, we’re getting ready to attack!

Once again… it’s difficult to see who’s a threat to the world… then again.. maybe it has become obvious. The only one who actually has all the weapons that can destroy the world 5 times over.

Wellstone Conspiracy

Bicyclemark refuses to drop this issue of Paul Wellstone’s death! The investigation is taking, strangely enough, much longer than expected. Heres whats come out about the pilot according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:

– According to records from Conry’s (the pilot) criminal fraud conviction, his training experience at American Eagle was sandwiched between his indictment in the fraudulent home-building scheme and his sentencing to a federal prison camp in South Dakota in connection with that case. He was sentenced April 27, 1990, and was released from prison in November 1991.

– Conry never was named a first officer or co-pilot at the airline and never flew a passenger flight at American Eagle.

– Conry never disclosed his criminal history to Executive Aviation

Just a plane crash? Sure… that’s what the major political parties.. especially the one in power, would like it to be remembered as. They don’t care much about justice and the truth!


ESF Italy

450,000 thousand people. That’s alot of people! Thats about half a million. Thats many many football stadiums put together. Over this past weekend, thats how many people marched through the streets of Florence, Italy for the first ever European Social Forum. A forum where people from any corner of the world, including europeans, could come and exchange ideas and strategies for combatting those organizations like the WTO, WEF, and the IMF who are not accountable to anyone and adopt plans that effect the lives of everyone. The conference lasted 5 days during which students, activists, and regular people from every continent participated in forums on subjects like political campaigns, sustainable development, environmental education, and organizing. It should also be mentioned that there were no major incidents of violence. No major injuries. No police attacked. No major property damage.

Here’s the big question: Was this Forum reported about in your major media? Did it make the evening news? Was it on the front page or the second page of the big newspaper? No? 450,000 people….. thats not enough to be seen as important?

Oh, but did you hear?…. they wanted to kidnap Posh Spice (something like that)… that made lots of newspapers.

Since WWII the US Gov Has…

Since the second world war


has bombed 21 countries

China 1945-46, 1950-53

Korea 1950-53

Guatemala 1954, 1960, 1967-69

Indonesia 1958

Cuba 1959-61

Congo 1964

Peru 1965

Laos 1964-73

Vietnam 1961-73

Cambodia 1969-70

Lebanon 1983-84

Grenada 1983

Libya 1986

El Salvador 1980s

Nicaragua 1980s

Panama 1989

Bosnia 1985

Sudan 1998

Former Yugoslavia 1999

Iraq 1991-20??

Afghanistan 1998, 2001-02

EU Cosmetica

Heres a bit of news: European Union has passed a law banning all cosmetics from being tested on animals! Hooray for such an elementary yet important idea. Too bad it won’t come into effect til 2006…. in the mean time, for some stupid reason, they’ll still be putting lipstick on fluffy white bunnies to see if they die. Pathetic.

Silent Chechen War

The pretend battle for congessional control is over. And little has changed. Little would have changed anyway.

The situation in Chechnia is awful. In last weeks “Courrier International” they printed the conversations between the journalist, who was negociating for the Russians, and the Chechen rebel leader. It was so sad. These men knew they were going to die. They wanted the war to end… Russian military to leave Chechnia….. But Russia is so bent on making war that they would never do it… they preferred to kill innocent hostages.

There was a comic in the Moscow Gazzeta (the name sounds like that)… it shows the Theater where the hostages were being held, and all the military outside with guns pointed…. a Russian man is walking by and looks distracted and says…. “War in Chechnia…. theres no war in Chechnya”…. there you have it. The biggest problem of all.