Rise Up Zimbabwe

(a none rhyming poem)

Zimbabwe re-elected the president – again.

mr. president says he wants to stay in power til he’s a hundred.

powerful countries say they will fight tyranny around the world.

zimbabwe doesn’t have any oil or strategic location in southern africa.

hypocrisy? irony? stupidity? Inconsistency?

people are hungry. newspapers are closed. voices are murdered, arrested, silenced.

it’s time for an uprising, and not the kind with the guns or the invasions.

it’s time for scared people to get brave, and march into the presidential palace.

tear down the fences, open the gates, expose the emperor and the clothes he isn’t wearing.

do it now, do it without made in europe/us/russia guns. do it with made in zimbabwe strength.

that type of power and spirit cannot be imported, nor can it be quelled for long.

remember steve biko? remember patrice lumumba? remember ken sarowiwa? heros. then and now.

that’s my wish, as an outsider and cultural admirer, for you.

Today’s Sounds: Yeast Radio – Madge in Miami

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BM versus Nucs

Hey… Adam Curry is talkin bout lil ol me on the SourceCode today… again. Thanks mon!

Disclaimer: I’m not a scientist, but I play one on the internet.

I hate nuclear energy. It’s over-rated, over-promoted, under-reported, and a general bummer for the earth. Yeah yeah yeah… tons of energy from a very small and potentially deadly scientific process. GREAT. Meanwhile there are missiles in every corner of the world loaded with this fun technology which can potentially murder everyone at once. And the US, Russian, Indian, PAkistani, Iranian, Israeli, French, UK, Chinese, N. Korean, etc. governments think they have the right to further develop this crap, cause despite the good chance everyone will die of some new cancer, they feel it’s worth it so we can charge our Ipods and they can make up for their penis envy. (missile envy since all of those governments are run by men)

And oh the waste. Lots of megawattage, but they have no clue where to put the waste. Tons and tons that will slowly kill us all or just maybe contaminate our drinkin water and kill us nice and secret-like. Some old rich white men in the US congress want to put it in the mountains of Nevada or somethin…. you can bet my friend Ashabot isn’t down with her mountains being a hiding place for nuclear death.

In France they just throw it on trains and stash it overground in small towns where local people are seemingly considered too dumb to actually kick up a big enough fuss. Little do they know we got some crazy and intelligent people ? la campagne!

It’s crazy crazy. Even if you’re up in beautiful Sweden you’re gettin milked for you kroners so these wonderful nuclear facilities can keep bringing you juice and shitting radiation.

I know.. I know.. we like the energy right? What do you know BM… bitchy little C-List blogger that I am. Asking for donations just to buy a powerbook, what makes me qualified to say if its right or not? –back off man… I’m an activist-journalist, this is what we do.

If I had my way.. we’d haul them all to court in the Hague… or in Rwanda.. doesn’t matter. I’d hire a lawyer-blogger to represent regular people, and all this governments and the nuc companies they bend over for, would face crimes against humanity charges.

oooh.. and much love to the Verbal Chameleon for the tip in the jar… a mac user herself I might add.

Today’s Sounds: Daily Source Code from Yesterday

Dead Man Talkin

Welcome everyone, to my first installment of: I See Dead Historical Figures the series that takes my favorite historical figures who have been dead for quite awhile and asks them what they think of things. This new segment is partially inspired by the work of the Busblog, Winter of Discontent, etc., who have pushed the art of the interview to new heights.

So please welcome, 65 years after his death, Revolutionary, Freedom-Fighter, Book-writer, Military Strategist, and uniform design consultant Leon Trotsky! (applause from blog-studio audience)

BM: First of all Mr. Trotsky, thanks for coming on the blog, especially at such short notice during the holiday season.

LT: please… you will call me comrad.. and spell everything with lowercase letters, just like mr. e.e. cummings and the busblog.

BM: Very well comrad, I see you’ve kept up with developments in the literary world from the afterlife, including blogs?

LT: indeed there is much time for reading after one’s death… and you wouldn’t believe the bandwith and processor speeds we dead people get. i don’t miss a single post from green catfish, or BitchPHD; that pseudonymous kid cracks me up, and occasionally I consult your weblog.

BM: Wow. But lets get away from blogs, lets get back to mexico city, what were those last days in exile like?

LT: purple haze dear comrad… purple haze. although I had barricaded myself into my own personal prison, i had everykind of earthly pleasure my heart desired. except for indoor plumming, what a bitch that was. still, all i did was write and read newspapers… sometimes all day and night, somewhat the way you bloggers might do it.

BM: Were you surprised to have been killed the way you were?

LT: what kind of inbecile questions are these? I’m the founder of the red army for fuck sakes… if I still had body guards i’d have you removed. Perhaps in your own uneducated way, you mean, did i expect to die — yes i did. I knew that bloated bastard koba had his assasins all over mexico city looking for me. the only thing i didn’t expect is that the moron would use the blunt side of the ax. what sort of uncoordinated fool manages to use the wrong end of an ax to kill someone? ironically we still had time to chat about the plight of the proletariat world wide. idiot.

BM: Were you surprised about how the USSR ended? And the last 15 years of world politics?

LT: oh please. it was long overdue. all those bourgois oligarchs pretending to be communists, i tell you… i turned over in my grave for 50 years, it was tiring. i had always said you needed to have a world revolution if it were to really work, otherwise you get places like cuba; poor but with a decent quality of life, surrounded by capitalism, and always on the verge of collapse. too bad the country had to fall in the hands of a new generation of drunk old men and remenents of the white russian army, like putin. still.. i kind of liked that gorbachev… the time of comrad i would have been able to work with.

BM: And what about the west? Bush…terrorism.. etc.

LT: I’m not sure your weblog would have enough space. wbush reminds me of your ted roosevelt and his laughable rough-riders with their cowboy hats and every-human-for-himself philosophy. As a writer and an intellectual, I shudder everytime I hear him speak, and fear the day when he publishes a book. Even if it were a children’s book, I weep for the child that attempts to read it. Terrorism is as old as the world. It strikes me as odd the way many speak of it as a phenonmenon of this melenium.

BM: well comrad, I must be going, my parents are expecting me at their beach bungalow. Before I go… any chances of re-incarnation?

LT: You think you have it tough? I led the bolshevics to victory, and now that damn putin is repealing the 1917 revolution as a national holiday. You privelaged scoundrel, you know nothing of sufferring. As far as re-incarnation, there is a long waiting list. My number should be called in 2006, hopefully I come back somewhere in London.. the place where I actually used to have sex appeal and occasionally.. some fun.


Well there you have it, a perfectly boring new segment on the blog.

Today’s Sounds: Tom Petty – Wildflowers (diggin deeper into my archives)


December seems like a month where, besides celebrating a whole lot of birthdays, we also pause and remember some of the worst atrocities the earth has ever seen. I love using big phrases like that, cause then someone will think “you say tomato, I say tomato sauce,” and who am I to argue. Just a blogger folks. Just a blogger.

Back to the point, before I do the usual drifting like Tom and Huck, Dec. 11th 1994 was the anniversary I wanted to point out; Ten years to the date, when the rusty Russian war machine invaded the Chechenskaya Respublika. I’m not here to try and debate why they did it or who was wrong, for me there is no debate. The images and statistics that so much of the world have ignored: 50,000 killed in the first war alone, air strikes that bombed Grozny back into the stone age, the (now repeated in Iraq) acts of rounding up all the men older then 16 and imprisoning them. I’m sure it was worth it… this liberty and freedom from terrorism that Moscow promised. So much of the population had to be wiped out, so you had to do some torturing/raping, and then maybe you had to destroy everything in site… it’s all for a better future. Trust mother Russia, and her friends in Europe, US, and around the world, who – if they even noticed- spend those years doing business as usual.

I myself sat in the library of a tiny University in southern France when the second Chechen war broke out. I sat reading 4 newspapers per day, scribbling articles which I’d never have the nerve to send to a newspaper, other than my tiny column in my college newspaper in NJ, and then posting them on my geocities site, which later became this here blog. I guess I’m alot like certain governments and international organizations, I sat around talking a mighty talk and writing articles, and then at night I put it to the side and went to have another glass of wine at Les Deux Gar?ons. Which in retrospect may have not been a good place to meet women. (?)

I joke… cause well.. it’s part of dealing with all the bullshit. But still.. It’s a crazy anniversary… it was 1994, modern times. Now, with all the stupidity of the so-called war-on-terrorism, people who speak on behalf of Chechnya are suspect… dangerous. The government they elected , whoever still lives, is in exile in the US and UK. Hell, I’m sure Chechnyans themselves would tell me to shut up, cause they must be so tired of hearing about all these politicians with blood on their hands…just wanting to live a somewhat normal life. Whatever’s left of it.

So here’s to you Chechnya, in recognition of all the hell you’ve gone through (a reality I cannot even being to understand from my comfy seat)… the world governments may not a have a spine, but bloggers do, bicyclemark’s commmunique (and always has) recognizes the independent and sovereign Chechenskaya Respublika.. if there’s anything left to recognize.

Today’s Sounds: Curtis Mayfield – Best of

Blue or Orange

I thought of this blog during a few conversations in the past days, first: During the holiday meals with my cousins (both of which work in EU institutions), and then this morning with the return of Aim from her marathon 5 week work-tour of the left and right American coasts. There are those who’s presence make coming to work worth it, and amongst others, Aim does just that and more. As if her return and the good discussions that followed weren’t enough, she brought me more Tom’s of Maine Stuff and a Bryon Thomas CD.. both of which I’m liking very much.

The thing I wanted to blog about stems mostly from the situation in the Ukraine. Let me first be clear, I heart protest movements and civil disobedience, despite growing up in a generation of indifference, I’ve been lucky enough to march and sing in various countries for various causes, and yes – on occasion – get gassed. So naturally I’m enjoying the images and the spirit coming out of Kiev, we could definitely use more of it in the world, in the face of fraudulent democracy and pretend freedom.

But what gets me is that something like 50 percent of the voting public, in the Eastern Russian speaking side of the Ukraine supports the blue Victor (pardon the simplification, but I am a blogger after all), while the other pro-western side supports the orange Victor and is very visible in international media. So the elections were declared unfair by observers, clearly a cause for demonstration and a re-do. The problem I’m having is how this becomes popular culture, instead of what is supposed to be participatory democracy. Say the blue Victor wins in the re-do, will the orange folks who have been on the streets expressing their demands be able to accept this? Are they even interested in a fair election, or would they rather see their candidate win, above all? I’m being cynical of course, perhaps I should respectfully assume they only want a fair election, nothing more.

This goes beyond the Ukraine of course, makes me think of the value and the danger of capitalism mixed with democracy. Which led me to re-pick up my copy of the Federalist Papers, where Madison himself talked about this. (and George Gregoriou ingrained into my memory) In the end their problems are like so many other republics around the world, one side trying to gain the upper hand over the other. Powerful forces, not necessarily enlightened ones, doing what it takes to hold onto that power disregarding the spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding. And of course, crap choices that you choose to believe in come election time, cause hell – its the best you can do this time around. (and next time.. and so on.)

Oh.. Shirt-sleeves, aka the Anteater, sent me my first Birthday card today, from Rome! My old best bud from Lisbon… gotta get down to Italy and see him in 2005.

In the meantime I’m becoming a total Sabrina C. fan… girl got style and a half.

Today’s Sounds: Bryan Thomas – Babylon (just arrived from Upstate NY)

BM VS Theworld

Today's post littered with photos from Y2K Europe

Like any human on an extremely small budget, centrally located on the continent of Europe, I do love to travel, and travel cheaply. Yet being the part-time king, I haven’t traveled much in the past years. So today as I browsed the travel section of the V&D I made a radical yet non-binding decision: I WILL TRAVEL MORE. Nevermind the money, nevermind the time schedule, forget all of that – Bicyclemark is steppin out!

Today I purchased a Routard guide to Sweden, thin little sucker for such a vast country. It will be my first stop, to see Stockholm and my great friend Marty McFly and his girlfriend comic-book girl. But that won’t be my only stop, over the next four years these are my top five destinations:

  • Sweden/Norway; ladies, snow, friends, need I say more?
  • Ireland; cause Mr. English awaits, and Brian is moving there.
  • Cuba; because I can and I don’t want to miss it.
  • Libya; My good friend from the embassy in Portugal is being transferred back and will be my personal tour guide
  • Brazil and Argentina; Both as a Portuguese-Birthrite and part of my motorcycle diaries tour of South America.
  • Russia;(moscow, st. pete’s, because I’m obsessed with Russian history and Yakov Smirnov“In soviet Russia, country travels to visit tourists.”

Furthermore I don’t want to do all this shit alone, necessarily, so who’s coming along? Claim the trip now, seats are limited.

I can’t blog straight today, enjoying the presence of NoCoins and Tawdryjones here at the ranch. Today we took on junkies, tomorrow – Belgium. Next week, the world.

Oh, and I bloscar award nominate xtx for her post on that show lost and other posts from yesterday. She has quickly become one of my new favorites.

Today’s Sounds: Wes Montgomery – Fingerpickin’