Moon man

Return to the moon. that’s the Bush camp’s big vote-getting plan, among other crap ideas. It is a shame that science gets raped my politics.. investment in the space program has always been completely abused by political whims of old conservative males. Beyond that, the Bush Admin now presides over one of the largest budget deficits in history, so.. how exactly will he pay for his joyride to the moon?

Be afraid… not just America.. the whole world pays a price when this rich brat gets an idea.

Exciting times somewhere

Last week I sat in awe watching the people of Georgia take to the streets, storm parliament, and chase out all the corrupt and complacent MP’s. I couldn’t stop from smiling as they took the seats in a mockingly official manner and began to sing and cheer their symbolic victory. What started as a tense struggle became a celebration. In a peaceful and organized way, they did what their leaders never thought they could – they joined together and focused on the true problem of the country – its government.

Now who knows what lies ahead with the coming elections, the only thing that is certain is that Georgians have much to be proud of, a peaceful and passionate revolution against an ignorant, oligarchic, and incompetant leader.

Take notes rest of the world… this could be your que.

Disasterous and Worsening

Now they say they’ll be out by 2006. Bush and Blair, partners in sending young people to their deaths in Iraq. now partners in trying to save their own political asses. How many per week, between 5 and 20 is the average in the past 3 weeks. And that’s not including Iraqis and foreign troops/aid workers. This alleged “war” in Iraq is in no way over, and anything but a victory. Obviously no war has ever really had a victor.. the idea itself is an oxymoron. But this Iraq intervention is proving to be a disaster on many levels. And just think when this generation of Iraqi children gets older and carries a hatred toward American and British military… perpetual hatred… terrorism’s fertilizer.

Some say whats done is done, no sense in “I told you so. ”

I say more than I told you so, I want those responsible to be held accountable. All the leaders who lied, military officials who gave orders, they are all murderers and guilty of treason against peace. They should face trial and be removed from their cushy lives.

Fujimori, laughing at the world

We know that crooks and killers go free everyday and live like royalty. That becomes almost like a normal injustice in the world. Those people get elected president, coronel, king, or they just become millionaires. One particular of these: Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori. With the help of his right-hand man Montesinos, who is yet to really serve any time in prison, these men were responsible for murdering countless, rigging elections, stealing tax-payer money, and generally speaking – running Peru into the ground.

Well eventually the show ended, when there were no attrocities left to commit.. or so it seemed, these men ran off.. Fujimori, to Japan, where he was given asylum as a Japanese citizen. (yeah he had both) So there he has sat for some 3 years now, and last week the news that he has been appearing on Peruvian TV surfaced, apparently he managed a commentating gig with some program. A criminal, who committed attrocities as the alleged president of a country, escapes, gets asylum, and now gets on TV. This is truely disgusting. Shame on the Japanese government for allowing it. The American government for ignoring it. And Peruvians for ever being bamboozled by that monster. When one looks to their role model in the USA, it almost seems natural.

The Bishop and the Church

Today the episcopalian church officially appointed the first openly Gay bishop. At the ceremony several bishops stood and read their statements condemning the choosing of a gay bishop and stating that it “breaks god’s heart.” They then walked out with their heads lowered. Why were their heads lowered if they were so certain of their opinions? Weren’t they carrying out “god’s will.” Or could it be that they were ashamed? Ashamed at their own homophobia and bigotry. Ashamed that their own religious beliefs could not tolerate someone based on their sexual preference.

The church may split. Yet another split of a religion that is troubled by the spirit of evolution and acceptance. A religion that can’t seem to keep up with the times, and often chooses archaic exclusionary traditions over open-minded tolerance.

There’s nothing new in this story, except for the new bishop. Otherwise it’s just another church acting as we’ve come to know organized religion, close-minded, outdated, and irrelavant.

Bush Logic

Mr. Bush’s reaction to the recent day in Baghdad which featured 3 different suicide bombings, something to the effect of “This shows that we’re making progress and that freedom is taking hold, our enemies are getting desperate.”

Progress? Over 100 American military personal have been killed. Hundreds if not thousands of Iraqi’s have been killed. The Red Cross and the United Nations have become targets of massive attacks. Officials, journalists, religious leaders, and other civilians are murdered with little protection from the occupying forces.

All this is progress? Is this freedom? The freedom to be bombed and gunned down by gangs? Why would Bush say this? Does he have any concept of what is happenning in Iraq? Of course, he’s never been there, and when his own secretary of defence went to Iraq, he spent all his nights in Kuwait. Sure – he’ll make a speech about freedom and progress, but he himself doesn’t seem aware of the actual situation. Or rather, is it that he really doesn’t give a shit?