Bile, Fear, and Depp

“Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony”

– Monty Python and the Holy Grail

I work in Newark, New Jersey. Sound familiar? Maybe you saw an article in a newspaper? Yes, lovely Newark was named as one of the location as a possible target for an attack. Hopefully by now you’ve read the fact that’s the information they received was possibly outdated, however, all I can think about is the building they named. The Prudential Building is a very tall structure situated in the middle of Downtown Newark. Yet another little factoid is, the Newark Board of Education is one block over. My office window faces the Prudential Building and I am close enough that on a very overcast day I can almost see in the building.

These facts didn’t strike me right away. I drove right by the building on my way to work, parked my car in the over-priced parking lot, and proceeded to walk towards my building. My entrance into the lobby was heralded with the following greeting, “Please have your employee IDs ready to be checked as you enter the building.” For the last two years, I have only had to show my ID the first day. Since then, I made it a point to greet every security guard in the building. The wise person knows who the people are who truly have control. I found it tedious yet I showed my Driver’s License and promised to bring in my ID tomorrow (which I did). I got into my office and began to go about my day.

My eyes wandered out my window towards the building in question. It’s so very close. I wondered what would happen to me if something did truly occur. I quickly shoved that thought out of my mind and went about my routine. At the end of the long work day, I got into my car and began my commute home. As I approached the building, I found myself getting anxious that the lights were taking too long to change. I tapped my finger impatiently as I waited at the light directly across from the building. I felt fear in the pit of my stomach. Just the fact that I did not know what was to happen next in this colossal structure was enough to make me want to travel just a little faster down this road to get out of the area and safely towards my destination. What was I allowing these threats to do to me? My thoughts then wander to the poor citizens of war torn countries. The fear they must feel on a daily basis. The courage it must take to walk out of there homes and go to work knowing that the chance are good (much better than in my case) that something may happen to them. I felt shame in my cowardice. I’m not quite sure where I am going with this, I just felt I needed to express it somewhere to get it into the open.

Today’s Music: Lamb – Between Darkness and Wonder (I dunno quite how I feel about it)

Today’s Movie: Once Upon a Time in Mexico (Weird choice for Depp. The movie hasn’t settled well with me. I need a second viewing.)

Throw Water on Me

I’ve now arrived in Lisbon, where internet caf?s grow on trees. Hence, more blogging, but not as link heavy as normal, and of course, Big Daddy J is still in charge here.

I attended a baptism today. It might not sound interesting, but for me it’s always a saga. Being a staunch non-theist, I enjoy visiting churches/synagogues/mosques/temples just as I enjoy visiting museums. But I dislike attending services, especially Christian ceremonies since I’ve been over-exposed to them in my life and feel a sort of hostility towards them. I just don’t want to be mistaken for religious, and I hate when the priest asks the crowd to “denounce satan”… I’ve never met this satan guy, and why is this priest in such a hurry for me to write him off. Maybe he’s hip and cool and I can learn from him. I will absolutely not denounce him, unless he spills his drink on me.

My calling at these events, I’ve discovered, is that of “the photographer.” Relatives for the past few years, perhaps knowing of my distaste for ceremonies, hand me a camera every time. Suddenly, those sit down, stand up, kneel, speak, sing rules don’t apply to me. It’s awesome, like getting an all access pass, or being invisible. I think at one point today I was standing right next to the priest guy point my lense at him, and there ain’t nuthin he can do cause I was designated “camera person” by the mother of the baby. Finally, I understand my role within religion, I’m there to make camera sounds and ignore the rules.

Tonight was my arrival in Lisbon. This place continues to be magical for me. For a second, I forget all about my girlfriend Amsterdam. My old love affair for dark, narrow streets, and dog poo covered cobblestones returns. It has this wonderful feeling of ancient-ness mixed with modern-ness, and it’s just the quintessential “hip european city.” So, time to soak up my week of Lisbon… on the list of things to do:

-Watch TV

-Sit on the roof and watch the river

-See whats new in Day and Night life

-Comb the Feira de Ladra

-Check out 1 museum

-Wander FNAC

-Visit with my boys.(and girls)

Today’s Music: Bill Frisell – Intercontinentals (could listen 24-7)

Why waste my time?

“I think this club’s restricted, Wang, so don’t tell them your Jewish”- Al Cvervik

I am so excited about how the convention played out. The excitement, the speeches, the demonstrations, the stars, the autographs, all the spandex, yes Comi-con was the best place to be this past week. I couldn’t attend but I’m sure many of you will tell me of the amazing experience you folks had this week because of this convention. To be honest, I was surprised how much attention this convention got on radio and TV. I didn’t get to watch much television this week, or read a newspaper, or listen to the radio, but I heard that even politicians were at the convention. Comic enthusiasts and politicians were hand in hand discussing politics and the Marvel vs. DC battle. I thought I heard that many politicos even made speeches at the convention. I think I even heard that John Kerry accepted his party’s nomination at the convention. What a huge boost for Comi-con. Whew my mind is just a buzz…

Alright enough, I’ll be honest…I did not give the “Democratic” National Convention even one look. If I wanted to watch a bunch of people deliver meticulously planned speeches and make empty promises I’m sure I can find a Jerry Springer re-run on TV somewhere. At least with Springer we get some entertainment.

Two and a half months. Think about that measure of time. What is 2 1/2 months? I’m 29 years old. 2 1/2 months is .7 % of my life so far. What else is 2 1/2 months? It’s the age of my son Alexander (Xander for short). Those of you with children out there will understand me when I say that his entrance into my life has been at the same time one of the most tiring and most wonderful things I have ever experienced. There is a certain peace that enters your soul when you hold your own child. A calming effect in your heart that tells you, “I don’t care about me at all. What can I do for you?”. A smile on that little face takes hours of work frustration right out the window. A small sigh released as he sleeps in your arms while you flip through the mail, is some of the best relaxation therapy around. Conversely there is the feelings of ultimate frustration when he cries for an hour and nothing you can do will satisfy his frustrations. When he thrashes about incessantly while you hold him, almost driving you to tears, simply because (as you find out a few minutes later) his diaper is wet. These two and half months have been more fulfilling and meaningful than anything I have ever done or accomplished (excluding marrying my wife).

I’m not saying go out and have a baby people. I’m saying, look around at your life. At any time, all of this can disappear. At anytime, your whole world can be shifted and your priorities bent and altered by life’s little surprises. I can remember looking outside my door at a beautiful park thinking “I don’t feel like taking a walk. Sun’s to bright, it’s too hot, and I think I have something to read on-line.” Now the few minutes I get to walk with my son and wife in the early evening around my town, are easily some of the most peaceful times I have spent in my life. Take some time in your “busy” schedules. Visit a family member you haven’t seen in a while. Enjoy an ice cream cone with a loved one. Find a place with a clear view and watch the world revolve around you for a bit. Time is so fleeting. We need to embrace what is infront of us, before we can make a change to that which is ahead of us.

Today’s Music: Morrissey – Viva Hate (Venom spit by a haunting voice)

Don’t you, forget about me

The tiny text at the bottom of each post, that’s how to tell who’s writing. Cause surprise, surprise, I managed to get on the net! All-be-it using a paper cup, some string, and a little kid named Manuel on the roof holding an antenna. I figure the kid can hold it steady just long enough for me to read Blonde But Bright, and Flip through the Village Voice. I obviously suck at being on vacation since I am not happy without the internet.

Greetings from Portugal, more specifically Caldas da Rainha, at my parents’ place which somehow also has my name on the mailbox. I’ve just returned from “the” Algarve. No idea why anglophones insist on using the article “the” before Algarve. But they do. It’s their place anyway, everything is in english down there. The only language more widely spoken than english in southern Portugal is golf. Everyone speaks it. Clubs, courses, ranges, department stores, you name it, its got golf in it. Something tells me my brother and I should be in opposite places, he’s the golfer of the family.

At any rate, I can’t reflect on much more today, time is of the essence. I’m off to Lisbon in a fortnight (is that how you use that term?) and then I’ll be in “MY” place. In the meantime I just keep thinking how ironic vacations are, people go to escape the “crowds” and they arrive in their paradises only to find all the same people they were escaping. Not to mention the horror that flying has become. No longer an expression of freedom and convenience, flying will soon compete with taking a boat in terms of time required and overall hassle.

So I take my leave of you, but leave you in the obviously capable hands of Big Daddy J.

Today’s Music: What I think is the Moscow Symphany Orchestra on Portuguese public tv 2

An Interloper Enters…

Rev. 9:2  And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.


Greetings to all the readers of the experience that is “Bicyclemark’s Communique”!  As Mark so eloquently introduced me, I’m Big Daddy J (James being my given name) and I am honored to be your guestblogger for the next few postings.  I hope I can maintain the level of integrity and professionalism that this blog is known for.  Enough butt smooching…


Who is Big Daddy?  Mark’s introduction was pretty accurate but allow me to differentiate myself from my sibling.  I am a Certified School Social Worker and the placement officer for the Newark NJ school district.  Basically I find classes for special education students and do a variety of state and federal reporting.  I am a registered Independent but I don’t stick to any particular line.  When it comes to politics, I tend to look more locally then globally which I am sure you’ll notice in my postings.  I get my news on-line mostly from Yahoo News which I’m sure I’ll get flack for.  If you have any decent suggestions for other places to get news, I am open to it (first person to point me to NY Times gets the Captain Obvious award).  My other favorite news source is The Daily Show, but that’s just sheer entertainment baby.  I am a computer game addict (Everquest being my drug of choice) and I refuse to quit so back off man!  Music and movies are my other obsessions, so you can expect some of that in my blog posts as well.  Ok, Enough intro…


Someone explain to me the kidnappings and bombings currently occurring in Iraq.  Yes its people reacting to a perceived puppet government established by an unlawful invading force.  Yes its a method to achieve change and movement towards their goal.  However, I cannot understand the bloodshed of their own people to achieve this means.  Example, what did this car bombing accomplish?  An insurgent attack against innocent families just trying to survive.  Let’s not remove our focus from Afghanistan either.  Groups just trying to provide aid and support are becoming targets for, what I can only assume, madmen blaming independent service organizations for what has happened in their countries.  What becomes the answer then?  A mass pullout of all armed forces, supplemental service personnel, and independent services groups and contractors?  How do these countries, that have been devastated by our political leaders actions, rebuild without the support of outside agencies and governments?  Do we believe that the daily violence will stop if a United Nations peacekeeping force was in place?  Educate me…


Lighter note…  I’ve become a big fan of the Independent Film Channel.  I especially enjoy their short films.  I was touched by a particular short on Monday titled Souvenir Views.  If you can find this anywhere, please give it a good viewing.  The courage and beauty of his trip just made me think of Mark. 


I will be continuing the music recommendations (as seen below), but you can also expect some music ranting and raving as well from time to time.


Until tomorrow…  Be well John Spartan. 



Today’s Music: The Cure – The Cure (A glorious return to where they belong)

Presenting Big Daddy J

Good people of the blogosphere, first time visitors, loyalists, friends, Romans.. I give you the guest blogger for the next two weeks: My brother (I mean that both literally and in the “ma brotha” sort of way as well)- Big Daddy J

What can I say about this individual, besides coming from a fabulous family, he’s a professional in the Social Work field within the education system in the city of our birth(s). He’s skilled in the realm of computer games, a connoisseur of adult-swim cartoons, and a bit of a legend in the central Jersey bowling world. He’s tri-lingual and bi-pedal (two-leg walker). He and his wife recently had a son, my nephew, who’s now over two months old. The rest, well, is up to him to share. I simply wanted to properly introduce this guestblogger who will begin blogging on Wednesday. (commence standing-at-your-computer ovation)

If you check my site-stats, you’ll find my blog has gotten big in China. I’m very excited about that, I recently sent my personal envoy “Ed” to Beijing. I don’t suppose he’s spreading the word about blogging, but apparently –as Leonard and the Asia Times have been talking about – blogging in general is growing in China. While I’ve yet to experience it for myself, I think regardless of the thousands of “web police” the Chinese government has, webloggers will find a way. Much like an old dam trying to hold back a swelling river, they will eventually prove too many for the “censors.” The same happened with capitalism and globalization; despite the rhetoric of the governing party, they have allowed an incredible amount of “capitalism” into China, and seemingly – will continue to do so. I’m not saying its a good thing, just inevitable. And hey, I appreciate all those Chinese readers out there — welcome! Feel free to comment and join the often-heated debates.

The UNDP’s (United Nations development Program) 2004 Human development Report came out and according to the report, in terms of quality of life… Or as they put it

“A composite index measuring average achievement in three basic dimensions of human development?a long and healthy life, knowledge and a decent standard of living.”

The Netherlands is number 5 on that list! Just a little reminder of why I chose to move here. I wasn’t so shocked to see Norway as number 1, followed by Sweden, Australia, and Canada – also places I’d consider moving too. The US was 8th, Uk 12th, and just to give you an idea Sierra Leone and Niger were at the bottom. No offense to them. I should add, I would enjoy visiting those countries. I recommend browsing around the report because it’s loaded with good info.

I added Chris Missick to the unfed blogroll, at last. He’s the soldier in Iraq that I’ve previously mentioned, and I enjoy the conversations we have via blog and email. I even noticed – i think – that he refers to me in a recent post! I think I’ll return the compliment with a trackback.

So for now I take my leave, off to Portugal for a much anticipated vacation. Look for me in Lisbon if you’re in the neighborhood. Stay tuned for more fun this week with me and my guestblogger.

Today’s Music: Prince- Rainbow Children (very gospel)