Blog Reporters Rock

Many of you have probably never worried about it, and rightfully so, but there are many journalist-scholar types who spend lots and lots of blog space repeatedly asking the question, “Are Blogs Journalism.” I’m not going to bother linking all the boresville names, and ironically one day I might even enjoy meeting some of these deep thinkers. I can see the headline now, BM shunned at Amsterdam Blogger Conference… and then in slightly smaller print: Scholars claim the bicycleman snubbed them back in ’04. Ah well… yet another reason why writing a blog where everyone can know your identity, is dangerous.

Why am I so bitchy towards them? Cause the question bores the shit out of me. Are Bloggers Journalists? Bla bla bla — YES! My simple answer: If they want to be journalists they can be, when they want to be. And then tomorrow then can get back to talking about poo or how it feels to grow older.

I’m pretend scholar, so let me compose myself for a moment, and provide some evidence to back up my gripes. Allow me to present blog reporters at their finest:

Exhibit A: Ms. Thingk, direct from Amsterdam, covering the Hash Olympics which took place over the weekend. While she did not “partoke” in the events, she did cover it down the to wire, which in this case involved a bunch of students passed out on mattresses.

Exhibit B: Blogger, and celebrated Author Tony Pierce, reviews Bob Dylan on 60 minutes, and compiles his own list of superb questions for Mr. Zimmerman. Ed Bradley, sometimes a journalist himself, is outmatched by the busblog.

Like I said… ladies and cowpokes of the jury, when we bloggers want to be journalists.. we are journalists. Doesn’t really matter if the old learned white men recognize us as such.

And finally today, just in case you were wondering – as I was – what to do while in the United States over the holidays… look no further, Winter of Discontent has compiled the perfect list.(note.. you only have until January 20th to do these things)

Today’s Sounds: Badly Drawn Boy – The Hour of Bewilderbeast

XTX Review Bonus

When she’s not rockin’ the blog mic, or workin herself silly, xtx inspects blogs like mine. And here’s her latest, a review of that pic randomizer of my melon.

Ttothe33: the red shirt pic?

Ttothe33: you look like

Bicyclemarko: oh no.

Bicyclemarko: nooo

Ttothe33: mr. bean

Bicyclemarko: oh. that.

Ttothe33: like a young mr. bean

Bicyclemarko: Im sure the beanster had his share of uk lovin.

Ttothe33: he has.

Ttothe33: now i have the flash forehead pic

Bicyclemarko: I have the shinin there

Ttothe33: its very chakra

Ttothe33: i like this one the blurry purple shirt pic

Ttothe33: you look very blurryandsome(blurry + handsome)

Ttothe33: if i squint, you might be hot

Bicyclemarko: nice.

Ttothe33: it fucks with my eyes

Ttothe33: but i like yer outfit

Bicyclemarko: oh thanks that one always gets the looks from the ladies at work.

Ttothe33: i’m back to the bike licking pic

Ttothe33: VERY obvious you are licking your bike…

Ttothe33: well, here is my final overall review: bicyclemark is pretty damn good lookin even when he is cartoony or blurry or has dirt on his face

Ttothe33: tracy give BM four stars!

Ttothe33: two thumbs up!

Ttothe33: “i was riveted!”

—Thanks xtx!

Blue or Orange

I thought of this blog during a few conversations in the past days, first: During the holiday meals with my cousins (both of which work in EU institutions), and then this morning with the return of Aim from her marathon 5 week work-tour of the left and right American coasts. There are those who’s presence make coming to work worth it, and amongst others, Aim does just that and more. As if her return and the good discussions that followed weren’t enough, she brought me more Tom’s of Maine Stuff and a Bryon Thomas CD.. both of which I’m liking very much.

The thing I wanted to blog about stems mostly from the situation in the Ukraine. Let me first be clear, I heart protest movements and civil disobedience, despite growing up in a generation of indifference, I’ve been lucky enough to march and sing in various countries for various causes, and yes – on occasion – get gassed. So naturally I’m enjoying the images and the spirit coming out of Kiev, we could definitely use more of it in the world, in the face of fraudulent democracy and pretend freedom.

But what gets me is that something like 50 percent of the voting public, in the Eastern Russian speaking side of the Ukraine supports the blue Victor (pardon the simplification, but I am a blogger after all), while the other pro-western side supports the orange Victor and is very visible in international media. So the elections were declared unfair by observers, clearly a cause for demonstration and a re-do. The problem I’m having is how this becomes popular culture, instead of what is supposed to be participatory democracy. Say the blue Victor wins in the re-do, will the orange folks who have been on the streets expressing their demands be able to accept this? Are they even interested in a fair election, or would they rather see their candidate win, above all? I’m being cynical of course, perhaps I should respectfully assume they only want a fair election, nothing more.

This goes beyond the Ukraine of course, makes me think of the value and the danger of capitalism mixed with democracy. Which led me to re-pick up my copy of the Federalist Papers, where Madison himself talked about this. (and George Gregoriou ingrained into my memory) In the end their problems are like so many other republics around the world, one side trying to gain the upper hand over the other. Powerful forces, not necessarily enlightened ones, doing what it takes to hold onto that power disregarding the spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding. And of course, crap choices that you choose to believe in come election time, cause hell – its the best you can do this time around. (and next time.. and so on.)

Oh.. Shirt-sleeves, aka the Anteater, sent me my first Birthday card today, from Rome! My old best bud from Lisbon… gotta get down to Italy and see him in 2005.

In the meantime I’m becoming a total Sabrina C. fan… girl got style and a half.

Today’s Sounds: Bryan Thomas – Babylon (just arrived from Upstate NY)

Podding on the Train

No matter how old I get (5 more days to B-Day), I confess to you, I always get a little nervous when the rowdy teenagers step into the train car where I’ve been peacefully sleeping, reading, music-listening or staring out the window. You know the types – 14 to 16 years old, traveling in packs of 4, unable to speak quietly, baseball caps, big winter jackets, constantly throwing shit or about to throw shit, banging on things, and – I swear – they even smell funny. They smell like teenagers who don’t give a shit about the rules, and are just out for a laugh. And no matter what train you’re on, at what time, they show up when things are most peaceful.

I’m sure it’s very old man-ish of me, but I’ve been this way most of my life. I can remember, even as teenager myself, walking around small towns in Portugal and turning down dark alleys the moment I saw groups of teenagers walking my way. Come to think of it, maybe I’m what the french call “a wuss”.

Whatever the reason, there I was on the train tonight, hoping I was invisible and not a potential make-fun-of-him target. What with my word-filled papers, notebook, collared shirt, and pen. I tried to slouch a bit and be deep in thought, so as not to be noticed. I was also careful to not ignore them, in case the mere act of being oblivious would be an attention getter.

Fortunately for me and my neurosis, as BitchPHD has always told me – it’s not always about me. They chose instead to annoy the man seated behind them by excessively banging on their table while rolling up and down their window (yes.. its one of the old cars). Thankfully for him they got out at Antwerp, and I’ve never been so happy to see boring senior-citizen dutch couples, with their copies of the Davinci code, and bags of shopping, taking the seats around me. Oh hooray for the sound of snoring old passengers. Minutes later, I even joined in. So much for overcoming my irrational fear of groups of teenagers.

My only podcast recommendation for this week: Whole Wheat Radio; broadcasting from Talkeetna, Alaska. WW is super cool if you dig guitars and folk. Oddly enough, computer generated voices announce the songs and their online chat-community thing blows my mind. A robotic voice also announces on the air when their listeners’ blogs are updated. I’m not on their list…. yet.

Today’s Sounds: Ricky Lee Jones – Evening of my day

Belgian holidays

First things first – this here bloggy crossed the 10,000 visitor mark. And for that.. I thank you all.. especially you 10 or so who visit multiple times in a day to check on today’s conversations. I really enjoy those conversations… so again.. thank you everyone!

It’s been quite some time since I wrote a post after midnight, in the beginning of autumn I became a morning blogger, and I really don’t know how much it has changed my writing… but I do believe we are different people, in the morning vs. at night… right? I think up great schemes when I’m in the shower, most of my blog posts are developed while applying shampoo. (Kiss my Face imported from Trader Joes!)

Enough of the small talk. This morning.. bright and early at the break-a-break-a dawn, I’m hopping on the international train with the big B on its engine. Destination: Brussels. Objective: A down-home St. Nicholas weekend with my Portuguese-Belgian cousins and godson. I’ve been racking my brains all week trying to figure out what to buy the kids, ages 10 and 5. I stress about this because I’m determined to buy gifts with purpose, but I also try to listen to BitchPhD and her xmas strategy.

I’m the guy who spends hours in that tiny section they call “education toys.” What a nightmare, here in Amsterdam. The only thing I learned from seeing the educational toy section is that there isn’t much education to go around. Worse was when I ventured over to the “educational multimedia” section, where every title seemed to say DISNEY on it. I don’t necessarily have a problem with Disney, but don’t tell me that’s your educational software section!

The thing that haunts me is the roles we assign children early on. You hear the conversations all the time:

Cousin: What's little bm into

BM's Mom: Oh you know, he loves drawing
-Cut to BM receiving enough art supplies
to arm the entire American military.
And suddenly he's the artistic one in the family.

So I’m guilty of this as well… one cousin likes electricty and science, the other seems to like art and creative-do-it-yourself stuff. So sure enough, I get them stuff related. Poor kids… imagine the day where they wake up and just say… “you know what… from now on.. I like backgammon. Skrew this science stuff.”

You have no idea how often I looked at guitars today and thought “I’ll be him one.. and then get him lessons… and a gig.. and a band.. and a record deal.. ooooh man it’s gonna be a great life.”

What’s my point? I dunno.. poor kids… they have to deal with morons like me who start assigning them their careers based on a little interest.

Today’s Sounds: Joseph Arthur – (Something Indy.. I don’t remember.)

Real Terror

I was going to tell you about the beautiful mornings Amsterdam has been greeting me with, of late. But I can’t.. because these words echo in my head:

" I woke up on that morning with my dead son in my arms... 

and I couldn't even look at him as my eyes were so swollen,
I had to force them open with my fingers."

It’s been 20 years. Dec. 2nd, 1984… they call it “the worst industrial accident in the world’s history.” I call it – a crime against humanity. And 20 years later, neither Union Carbide or its owner Dow Chemical, have stepped forward to take responsibility for the fact that 27 tons of some of the deadliest chemicals imaginable leaked out and poisoned 100,000 people. 3,000 died in one night. And the survivors not only had to bear the pain and trauma, they were also left with horrendous cancers and mutations that continue to blow my mind.

So I ask myself, was I ever taught about Union Carbide in school? In those pathetic high school courses they called Western Civilization or US History 1 and 2? Nothing. Somehow the fact that Dow and Carbide are American companies doesn’t count. Somehow the fact that the tens of thousands who died weren’t American, or European, makes it unimportant. The fucking world stops every 9/11, but you don’t hear shit on 12/2, unless you check out public or alternative news sources.

Of course, the CEO and other officials of Union Carbide have been called to face charges of manslaughter, negligence, and you name it, in the highest Indian Court. But they refuse to come to court, or set foot in the country where their factory was the source of so much death. They have been declared fugitives by the Indian government, but the US State Department has refused to hand them over.

If I’m the Indian government, I know when a crime has been committed against my country. Some call it terrorism. And according to recent history, they should send their army into the US and drag these untouchables back to India, into court, to face the charges for one of the worst crimes in the history of the world. – Come to think of it, according to the Bush doctrine, they can bomb the shit out of the US and “smoke out” the bastards.

OH… and of course DOW has made their statements, in that ooooh so corporate-robotic way. They threw some money at the problem and well, it’s a wonder they can sleep at night.

Today’s Sounds: Dead Prez – Lets get free