On Death

Human memory is an amazing thing. I attended a wake this evening for an old friend. By old friend, I mean someone I knew throughout high school, and hadn’t spoken to in 6 years. Still I think we had fond memories of one another and both knew bits and pieces about each other’s recent life-adventures, as information gets around in NJ suburbs.

As I stood in line… one of the longest lines I’ve ever seen as these things, I kept scanning the crowd. Suddenly, areas of my memory which had been long packed up in grey matter, were reactivated. I looked at photo collages and remembered that high school actually happened. I looked at faces that I couldn’t give names to anymore, people who smiled at me, and somehow, I couldn’t remember. Basically, I hugged and kissed anyone who looked like they deserved it… which was mildly entertaining in such an excessively somber occasion. Sometimes I wish people would spent less time mourning the dead and more time celebratin’ them… for the great people they were.

At dinner I asked my parents, quite seriously, that if I ever die young, they should make sure to have a big party with lots of good ska/jazz/punk/80’s/world music. They can take all the money some people spend on flowers and whatnot, buy some healthy exotic foods, and fly in my favorite people from around the world (who maybe can’t afford it). Everyone will be required to tell a story relating to me, and someone should record those stories on mp3 to pass onto to future generations who will look at MP3’s the same way I look at A-Tracs. Photo-collages are encouraged, and beautiful ladies saying things like “I was secretly in love with him” will also be appreciated. Hell, the men can say it too, that’s flattering. And for fucks sakes, its my death party, so no images relating to religion and keep your prayers to yourself, cause I worship the golden calf and she’s all I need. Oh and of course, everyone should blog about it… I want a blog shrine dammit.

Anyway, my original point- lots of respect and love for all those loved ones we’ve lost recently, especially my old friend.

Tomorrow, perhaps ironically, a new installment of “I See Dead Historical Figures”, featuring Jazz Bassist and Statesman Charles Mingus.

Today’s Sounds: Billy Joel – Greatest Hits Disc. 1 (found it behind some boxes)

Blog Scientist

I have THE cutest photos of A-Ren… too many to post.. too many to look at, as the cute gland in your occipital lobe will burst and liquify in a state of “awwwww”.

Jamiee of the Known Universe called me something of a blog scientist. I love jamie for the way he understands and translates my bla-bla-bla. Hangin out and talking with him is like hanging out with someone I’ve known for years. Plus his family has roots in Newark – the Brick City. And then he also has links to Union, NJ as well. All we have to do now is prove that Jamie is Portuguese and we’ll be de facto brothers…. fo shizzle.

So I went into the village and met up with he and the world-reknown Torontonienne, who got bored in Accordian City and came down to NYC. She’s crashing with Jamie, coincidentally I introduced them over dinner back in Amsterdam this past fall. I like to feel good for bringing bloggers and friends together, which also creates this humongous social network, where everybody is separated by a few degrees. Take Anti Dis, for example; I was not a reader of his blog, but I knew of him. Then I noticed the Torontienne had met him over the blogosphere, and apparently Jamie is friends with him as well. Viola – one beautifully incestuous blogosphere… now I feel like I know a little about Anti and I read his blog.

As Jamie mentioned in his blog, I can talk for hours about the social networks that are in orbit around groups of blogs. Whether they be readers, writers, online or offline, everyone is connected somehow. I love how I can talk to my offline friends, like my brother and say things like “So Brian from theStateImIn is doing so and so” and since he reads my blog and reads the comments, he knows exactly who Im talkin about. In fact, he separated by one degree from Brian…. via me.

I really started waxing lyrical about mapping the blogosphere as the three of us walked into a used bookstore near Cooper Square last night. I talked about Mathemagenic’s “Rose Diagram” which shows weblogs as little nodes, and how many other blogs are connected to them. I remember first seeing this and trying to find my little node branching out from the busy nucleus. Jamie laughed and said his node would probably be somewhere near pluto. I reminded him that wherever it was, you can bet its a huge molecule looking thing, because he is a dam well known and prolific blogger.

Oh and I heard Dave Chapelle on NPR the other day. I don’t care how excessively popular he is, the man is one of my comic heros.

Today’s Sounds: The Roots – Tipping Point

New but not happy

For some inexplicable reason, I’ve spent the last 4 new years eves in the most random of spots, and often feeling completely alien and out of place. At times it was laughable and other times it was depressing. Last night falls somewhere in between.

When I moved my life in 2001, to Portugal, New Years was spent with my darling cousin N on the beaches of S?o Martinho. You could hear the countdown echoed through the night air, and we were each armed with a bottle of champaign to shake and pop. We also ate raisins… as per the Portuguese tradition, one for each wish (or something like that.. I always forget) Then they did some nightswimming (which deserves a quiet night).

Little did I know then, that one year later, I would be somewhere -lost- in Flatbush, Brooklyn.. having just visited a Dutch gal I had a crush on who was also in NYC for new years, I was on my way to see Mr. David the Worldchanger. I could hear the echoes from Manhattan, as it must have been midnight… but all I could think was — this is symbolic.. I don’t know where I am in life, or at the start of the new year.

Last year was yet another unplanned adventure, as leah8 and I abandoned the portuguese community center and headed to a punk-new year party in New Brunswick, NJ. Oddly enough a few people recognized me from the band days, stopping me and saying “Yo… you were in OCG man.. that was awesome!” To which I just said, thanks, and went on sipping my pbl.

Which brings us to last night. Once again abandoning the community center after having played with the grandparents for a few hours and eating the fair share. The party was at Cathy Van Gogh’s caf?.. supposedly only for friends. Turns out these “friends” were my least favorite people from highschool… mafia types who got extremely fat in the last few years. Found myself wishing I was back in Amsterdam, and promising that next year I’d spend this shit with people I actually like.

Fortunately I escaped in Styles’s VW, and we sped down the highway, dodging drunk drivers, to do something very NEW JERSEY… we hit up a diner for some eats. I ordered all the stuff I love and can’t really get in the ‘dam. A bagel and a chocolate milkshake. Man… I felt like I was Kevin Arnold and we were in the wonder years. Styles misses me… he doesn’t have to say it… he conveys it in his tone. I miss my old roommate too… we’ve got a bond that runs deep… no matter how far away I live or how much time passes.

And so, while the new year starts dark in Argentina and throughout Southeast Asia… to name a few… there’s always a bit of hope. For starters, looks like all is settled in Kiev. Its not much.. but at least its not violence.

Plus… I’m lovin Kalipornia.

Happy New Year friends.

Today’s Sounds: Mighty Mighty Bosstones – Live from the middle east

Eve Bonus

Thinking about the end of the year and bloggers I have quietly enjoyed in 2004… I got this from mr. hugh ~

Three names you go by:

BM, Bicyclemark, Meep

Three screennames you have:

bicyclemark; variations on that theme

Three things you like about yourself:

I’m linguistically able

I’m fit as a fiddle

I good at keeping old friendships alive

Three things you dislike/hate about yourself:

I spread myself too thin

Can’t say no

I treat friends better than lovers

Three parts of your heritage:

Well… looking past my 100%Portuguese-ness; Moroccan and Celtic

Three things that scare you:

Going quietly into that good night

Urban sprawl

I’m afraid of Americans

Three of your everyday essentials:

Soymilk with healthy cereal


morning exercise regime

Three things you are wearing right now:

House slippers

running woosh-woosh pants

William Paterson U (plug!) longsleeve

Three of your favorite bands/artists:

Bill Frisell

The Clash

Caetano Veloso

Three of your favorite songs at present:

23 – Jimmy Eat World

Homesick – Kings of Convenience

Which Way – Nick Drake

Three things you want to try in the next twelve months:


Tango LEssons

Starting up a Ska-jazz ensemble (The ‘Dam Allstars)

Three things you want in a relationship (love is a given):

A linguistical melange

Someone certifiably insane

The last thing would involve a nine-iron, some ice cubes, and a cattle prod.

Two truths and a lie:

I often wake up and have no idea what country im in

I’m in love with Amsterdam… bigtime.

There are WMD’s in Iraq.

Three physical things about the opposite sex (or same sex) that appeal to you:

How about one thing – the small of the back… that part that shows as they ride their bikes around town. I want to setup camp on that part of a women. Press my face against it and keep it warm. That… and maybe the vajayjay. hahaha.

Three things you just can’t do:

Move back to the US

Call everyone Im supposed to when I come home

go 3 days without the inkkernet.

Three of your favorite hobbies:

Blogging, obviously

Horn Playing (french please)

Giving random strangers tours of Amsterdam

Three things you want to do really badly right now:

Mat? (i left it in the NL)

Hang Out With D-Rock

Go to Philly

Three careers you’re considering:

Professor, Jazz Musician, UN Civil Servant

Three places you want to go on vacation:

Stockholm, Sweden ( to see marty mcfly)

Buenos Aries, Argentina (to chase ch?)

Tripoli, Libya (best kept secret in North Africa?)

Three kids names:

George, Dick, and Donald

Three things you want to do before you die:

Ride the railroad that cuts through the heart of Australia

knit a blanket

Find inner peace

-Well I sort of enjoyed that.

Today’s Sounds: Specials – Guilty until proven innocent

Celebratin’ the state

I’ve been glued to NPR radio, and oddly enough- the only channel my parents get at the cabana: NJN – Public broadcasting. Still trying to grasp the depth of this tragedy. Using these sources reminds me of how I was able to survive when I was a full-time New JErsean, where much of my info used to come from. Of course they’re also my beloved WBAI from NYC. I’ve been waking up just to hear Amy Goodman and last weekend I heard a reply of Al Lewis live…. you’ll remember him as grandpa on the munsters. (what a great show)

Speaking of great shows and fantastic people, today the Communiqu? celebrates theStateImIn on the birthdate of the man. I remember when I first stumbled upon his wonderful blog, earlier this year. He was visiting a WWII monument and my first impression was that it was going to be a patriotic blog that I wouldn’t be too into. BOY WAS I WRONG. It didn’t take me long to realize that this blogger, like the transformers, there was more than meets the eye.

My favorite moments are too many, but I’ll never forget when I discovered we both share a love for Natalie Portman (ok who doesn’t), Juliette Binoche, and my all-time favorite: Claire Forlani. And then there was the time Brian revealed the truth about his family militia.

In the coming year I look forward to learnin more about and from the man and his blog. Whether he decides to become an expat and head to ireland, or stays in the chicagoland area, I think he’ll do great. Not only that… I’ll probably get to have a drink with him, in person, in ’05. So… here’s to the man.. happy B to the 33!

Today’s Sounds: Slackers – Close My Eyes