WIld Packs of Bloggers

Ms. Thingk, who I once referred to as Kirsten Dunst’s twin, sends me emails. Lots of yummy delicious emails. I eat them for breakfast, sometimes an afternoon snack as well. While it sucks having to lose friends who move to D.C., it’s nice when my peeps in “your nations capital” send me thought-provoking words (D-Rock of course!).

So my darling dc intern has been asking for my 2 eurocents on the recent firing of that reporter dude who works for a republican funded rag, within the whitehouse press corps. She was especially interested in my blabber because he was out-ED by “liberal bloggers.”

Right away I cringe. As I was telling NoComunicado in the halls of the fishtank today, my intestines begin to liquify everytime I read, in some mass media outlet, about conservative bloggers doing this or liberal bloggers doing that. They make bloggers sound like packs of Alaskan huskies pulling sleds and eating raw meat.

Sure, it’s cool that bloggers are getting recognized. But I don’t subscribe, not even through RSS, to that whole “any publicity is good publicity” theory. As a seasoned blogger (lots of oregano and a dash of paprika) this isn’t how I wanted to see US get recognized. Like hoards of Boba Fetts, bounty hunting for the empire.

Perhaps na?vely, I hope to see bloggers become a recognized source of alternative media. Where Green Catfish or the StateImIn are just as respected as Maureen Dowd or that annoying but intelligent Paul “I grew a goatee” Krugman. I want to see the pedestals that have been built on artificial credibility, torn down, and replaced with the type of open-earned respect and loyalty system we bloggers work on. Sure it’s not SO different from the system op-eds work in, cept they get cozy offices and nice salaries. (where’s ours dammit!)

So anyway, bloggers got some crap journalist fired from the incestuous white house press corps? Too bad buddy… that’s what happens when you work with the executive whores in the west wing. Next time bring a stun gun and use it on the wild packs of liberal bloggers. Arf Arf.

Today’s Sounds: Pedro the Lion – It’s Hard to Find a Friend

Another Letter to A-Ren

Dear A-Ren,

Hey buddy. I just got all these great photos of you, doing so many cool new things such as: eating an apple, CRAWLING, and often resembling Stuey from the Family Guy, with your schemes of world domination. So this letter on the blog, is my way of letting you know how proud I am and how much fun you are to watch, even from across the ocean.

The way I see it, years from now, you’ll be digging through blog archives and reading these words. You’ll be walking on two legs and eating like us cave-people, with forks, spoons, and all that. I figure you’ll wonder what the hell is up with your uncle bicyclemark, and how come he has to live so far. You’ll probably also be doing something far cooler but related to blogging or podcasting or whatever it is you kids are up to these days. So my little blog/podcast will look like the model-T of internet publishing. Which will make you giggle in that, oh thats cute, kind of way.

So this is uncle bm’s way of saying, I’m watching buddy, and I’m enjoying the ride that is your first year of life. I may be far, but I ain’t far, you know what I’m sayin? Plus, I will be soooo ready for you to come see me. That means not only coolest Amsterdam bike a jersey child has ever had, but lots of Stroopwaffles, Australian Ice Cream, and all the junkfood I normally stay away from, that this city has to offer. You’ll be speakin Dutch in no time, and you can go back to Jersey and communicate with all those undercover Dutch kids.. cause trust me.. they’re there. On the way back, we can make a stopover in Portugal and visit the family and friends. You’re a total celebrity there, so bring a pen to sign autographs.

Anyway buddy… i loves you lots and miss you. Be sure to spit lots of food on your dad, throw everything on the floor, and slap the television anytime Ben Stein comes on. Cause as we both know, he may sound cute, but the truth is he’s a closeminded neo-con… and we’ve had just about enough of that eh?

Your one and only uncle,

a bit of background for the newcomers: A-Ren is my nephew, now 9 months old, living in New Jersey.


And now for a blog from down under.

Oh- guess who won the vivapodcast show-story telling contest? You’ll have to tune in to hear about it.. it involves me and G.Love.

Today’s Sounds: Ani DiFranco – Evolve

AudioCommuniqu? #11: Soundseeing in the Jordaan

If there could be such a thing as too many soundseeing tours, I will probably be accused of that soon. But fear not… starting next week I’m doing something new involving the telephono (no skype for me thanks). In the meantime I suffered the wind, rain, and wrath of the weather gods, in order to bring you this soundseeing tour of Amsterdam’s Jordaan neighborhood. You’ll here lots about churches, Anne Frank, Tourists, and people on bicycles. Of course, Flickr photoshow which starts with Jordaan Soundseeing #1 is available for you to follow along. Enjoy!

AudioCommuniqu? #11 (mp3)

64kbps, 18min+, 8.6mb


  • The Specials.. my favorite opening band
  • ME… wandering round amongst the tourists.

You Decide

I have but one thing to post today, because the lovely Underabell Anne is here in Amsterdam and there are drinks to be had, dinners to be eaten, and blogs to be discussed.

The following is a highly pathetical situation, that I want you all, as my learn-ED readers, to give your verdict. It matters not if its based on my life or the life of any other really nice guy who keeps a daily blog.

The story:


For those seeking real content, there’s always my brother Foggy R and the royal A-Ren who now CRAWLS!

Today’s Sounds: Iron & Wine

Detain This

If I were a recently released, after 3 years of detainment, Australian Guantanamo prisoner, here what I would do:

  1. -Go home and smother my wife and kids in hugs and kisses. Cry when I see how much my 4 year old daughter has grown since I’ve been trapped in a cage all this time.
  2. -Walk, run, swim… as far as my body will allow before exhaustion, because my world has for so long been made up of this few sq. meters. Behind razor-wire fencing that doesn’t allow you to see the landscape outside.
  3. -Call up the fanciest and most infamous law firms in the US, Europe, and Australia, and tell them to get ready for some action.
  4. – File a suit against the US federal government, and while you’re at it maybe that specific branch of military, for human rights violation, holding a prisoner without charge (suspicion of terrorism is not a real charge), prisoner abuse, and if there’s anything on the books about racial profiling, THROW THAT IN.
  5. – File similar suits with the European Court of Justice and ICC against NATO and whatever that mission is called in Afghanistan.
  6. – In Australia, take PM John Howard’s government to court for failing to protect or come to the aid of a national citizen abroad.
  7. – Appear on every possible TV, Radio, Internet, Newspaper media outlet, telling every detail of my detainment… right down to the smell of my cell and what the prison guards would do to try and get me to confess to things that I had nothing to do with.
  8. – Start my own blog and podcast, of course.
  9. – Write a book… many books, and become the next Nelson Mandela… making all human rights causes my own.. and being the first on the scene whenever any government is conducting any crimes against humanity.
  10. – Get my own television show… just for kicks and extra money for my kids higher education.
  11. – If my family agrees to the social side-effects, run for office in Australia, and unseat the PM who has just been shamed into resigning by his recent indictment.
  12. – Keep a long beard and wear my traditional clothing, be an outspoken muslim, cause they fucking hate that.

I could think of more… but those things would keep me busy enough. Oh and let me not forget to curse out, every chance I get, every politician who didn’t speak out against my incarseration.

Unrelated, but also frustrating news — Torontonienne’s camera broke! Thats no good.

Today’s Sounds: Lali Puna – Tricoder

Damn the Man

People blog for so many reasons… we’ve all heard them: to air their frustrations, to improve their writing, to be themselves or NOT themselves, to be anonymous, to talk about the exploits of yesterday evening, or (my least favorite) what they ate for breakfast. Those are probably 1/10 of the reasons that are out there.

The case is similar for podcasting. (yes im talking about it again)Especially when you consider a handfull of companies control the radio (regardless of what country you’re in) many if us grew up with it – the neutered, fake-ass, choiceless, unrepresentative radio. I consider podcasting an answer to this problem. (I know sat. radio too, but its still corporate) For those with the knowledge or the will, it creates a method to be your own radio, to transmit your message to the world, free of all the bullshit that so much of our other media is bogged down with.

Why am I preachy today, you wonder? Mostly because of this recent announcement by ASCAP.. scuse me.. ASS-CAP, that there is a license podcasters can buy so that they’re not violating the playing rights and bla bla bla. 280bucks a year for a license to podcast using their artists. Some podcasters, like the godfather of pod, are already saying they’ll buy it. But I can’t believe my fucking ears… this isn’t cause for celebration… this is the MAN at it again.. with their stupid licenses and heavyhanded control measures.

And so ASS-CAPers… all I have to say.. as a world-citizen, musician, blogger, podcaster, and mediocre scholar… is take your license and shove it up your ASScap. I podcast because I love the FREEDOM (now I sound like w)… to say what I want to say, play what I want to play! Lisa & Greg at VivaPodcast were saying it the other day: they play the music they love. Why should that be wrong? I don’t care what laws they pass in what country, I will not accept that my playing a group that I love on my podcast is somehow a crime. NO. Instead.. its a tribute.. my way of honoring great musicians and saying to all of you: look at these artists, they might just effect you in some great way the way they effect me. Try them out. If you’re so included.. support them by seeing a show, purchase a CD. OR NOT. Your choice.

license? MY fellow blog readers and podcasters – WE DON’T NEED NO STINKING LICENSE.

Today’s Sounds: Radio Clash’s Long-ass electronic edition podcast.