Dig Deeper

On Tuesday nights, I seek television shows that will wisk me away to a fantasy world of witty humor, indie music, and tormented lovers. It used to be the O.C., but that’s gone, and my old standby is back EVERWOOD. Which sounds like a porno, but isn’t.

Nevermind that, this is actually going to be a serious post goddamit. So sit up in that chair, cause this is big stuff.

If you’ve been round the Communiqu? before, you know that bm is a big critic of media and government. Some might say I’m a cynic, but I prefer to call myself a wacko pinko watchdog. (in private) Because whenever I listen to a politician or consult the media after something tragic happens, they consistantly act like they just landed on earth and have no concept of history or society. I’m talking worldwide here, not just the US or Europe. A terrorist act is committed, they talk revenge. Someone is murdered, they talk severe punishment. Rarely to never, do they ask WHY and WHAT are the conditions in which this thing happenned.

So I’m following this story of the kid who shot classmates and himself on an indian reservation, and silly me, I’ve got this hope about the discussion that will follow. I skim the articles looking for anything about poverty, unemployment, depression, mental illness, alcoholism, or the history of how Native Americans have been treated for generations. And no matter how much I’ve skimmed the last few weeks, I can find barely a shred of such discussion. Lots of boring sad pictures of memorials and people crying. A little bla bla here and there about guns, schools, arrests, and whatever. Same old shit that got us here in the first place.

Chalk it up to another dropped ball. Another clue completely missed. And both a government and a national media who lack any kind of real analytical and investigative tradition. Who the hell votes and reads for these morons?

Course there is hope, besides blogs, there’s this.

Me, I read WRITEHARD.. cause he can tell a tale that keeps me on the edge of my seat.

And Jill/txt wrote one that hit home for me as she was fingerprinted at the gates of the promised land.

Today’s Sounds: Ray Charles – Ultimate Hits Collection (disc2)

A story through pictures

Once upon a time.. the was a powerbook born in China,

After his birth, he was shipped off by the fedex to America

In America he was stranded for many weeks, and lived in a box, until one day, some very kind friend(s) agreed to (help) bring him to Europe.

But our story isn’t over, because the ending only comes two weeks from now, in a town called Amsterdam. So umm.. to be continued.

Obviously I can’t tell a story like the mailman.

Today’s Sounds: Ani DiFranco – Up UP UP

AudioCommuniqu?#22- Mac Cult, Speak German

After a brief respite this week, HE HAS RISEN. No not your precious messiah, BM’s AC! I finally got the German phrase of the week workin, still perfecting it. Plus live audio from some Mac worshipping ceremony I attended with some charming Dutch podcasters. Enjoy!

AudioCommuniqu? #22(mp3)

20min+, 64kbps, 9.6Mb+


Color Eggs

The Amsterdam family had the traditional Easter meal today. A day early, without colored eggs, and this year no joint was passed around. But the basics were there, Crazy Dr. M’s new pad, good people, great food, including my internets-reknown veggie lasagne.

Funny thing bout easter, its not like any of us have religion, but its the four day weekend we adore, and the time of year (sunny, mild, etc) which makes us all suddenly say “happy easter” as if we’re into the whole thing.

A bit lethargic with all the time off, but I’m also worried about Angola and an outbreak of a deadly fever. If you didn’t know, Angola has a very special place in my heart. Never been there- yet lots of ties, culturally and personally. Ive always had this side-dream that I would someday work for the UN there, since I can handle lots of the languages, and maybe help the country back on its feet after decades of civil war that only recently ended. Anyway I’m following events as best I can, worrying, cause that’s easy to do from my comfy computer seat.

A Fresh podcast goes to you tomorrow. Lots of new things to talk of, and treats for the ears. Now you go and see the Torontonienne who got her camera back and NoCoins who got a swirly at the bowling alley.

Today’s Sounds: Tina Turner – Some Random tracks i downloaded

That Roll

For those who may be wondering, my next podcast will arrive on sunday. I’ve held off this week for numerous reasons, including fighting off Pod Fatigue (other peoples, not mine), letting people catch up, been travlin’ within the NL, and had visitors!

Gotta mention fun times in Enschede (east of the netherlands)at a blogger dinner with such friends as Miss Mathemagenic, Anjo, Carla, Ton, and of course the visiting Steph “thesumofmyparts”. Cool conversations, fun people, though I felt myself definitely the non-academic blogger, and beyond that — scarey do admit — I start to identify myself more and more as a podcaster! Isn’t that odd? I mean, blogging is my bread and butter, but suddenly podcasting has become my passion. Scarey.

And so now I’m showing Sweden’s infamous blog researcher around Amsterdam this weekend. A bit of biking, walking, restauranting, and minimal tourism. In our conversations, which are filled with blog-knowledge-nerdness, we’ve debated the importance of the blogroll. (list of links on your left) She has said that they don’t mean much, and most bloggers don’t read everything in their roll. To which I responded, SAY IT AINT SO?!

Every single blog in my list matters to me, friends. Or else I wouldn’t have it there! And let me add this, if I’ve blogrolled you and you haven’t shown me the same respect and added me, I won’t make a big fuss, but I consider it extremely rude. I will go as far as taking blogs OFF my list if they don’t link me after months or years of having been linked. Ediqette friends… I believe in it. And if I link you, it’s because I want to show my respect and also compliment your work which appeals to me. So I gotta insist, links in the margin do mean ALOT to me.

Today’s Sounds: Frank Sinatra – Capital Years Best Of

Dutch Easter

The ranch is like a ghosttown on easter weekend. Amsterdamers tend to run off to family to enjoy the four day weekend. While hardly anyone is religious, they of course love their easter weekend here. Everyone wishes everyone a happy easter, but I like how its got nothing to do with some dude popping out of a cave with holes in his hands.

Recently alot of international students have been coming up to me at the fishtank to say “BM, I finally saw the PASSION ….. usually I think they’re talking about some B-Porn film.. but then I remember that whole jesusy film. I then ask them what they thought of it (still havent seen and dont care really) to which I’ve heard a very similar response from each and every one of them — “What a piece of shit film! I hated it. I found myself yelling at the screen, GET ON WITH IT… GET ON THE DAM CROSS.” I find it funny cause so many have said that exact line. They usually add a complaint about the specific scene in the film where hanging jeebus looks down on his mum and says something like “WOman, look upon your son.. bla bla bla” and the complain is always “Who calls their mom, WOMAN? What kind of bullshit is that?” Guess JC was a bit of a bastard towards him mom.

Anyway, how did I get onto this film? Oh yeah Easter… happy fucking easter. My easter wish, brace yourself: I hope the pope dies. YES – I said it, just to see if the vatican secret service will come to my door and bop me in the head with a cross or maybe the swiss guard will hit me with a staff or something. I love their pajamas.

Oh, go listen to the latest Sloeriesource and you’ll hear me in dutch for most of the show. Ive been listening to it and its trippy to hear yourself speaking dutch, trust me.

Today’s Sounds: Belle & Sebastian – Boy With an Arab Strap