Movie Going Recovery

Happy 2006 dear readers! While I shold be recovering tonight from last night’s partying, the truth is, I’m recovering from seeing one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. It was so terrible I won’t use its title and I’ll stop talking about it after this next sentence. My only wish is that I could one day meet Peter Jackson and skowl at him for making this piece of shit Ape movie, when he could have taken all those millions and built a hospital – ANYWHERE – its not like the world doesn’t need a new one.

Speaking of world health crises, though I’m sure it’s a downer to start off the year this way, there are to many downers to ignore on this here blog; so to kick off the year, note that the French government is surprised to discover that 30 years of nuclear testing in French polynesia, the area is contaminated to the teeth. 600 new cancer cases per year, 250 deaths, and all this after the gov. did a whole compaign way back when insisting nuclear testing is fun for the whole polynesian family.

Time for some charges of crimes against humanity against some old rich white guys rotting away in the French parliament. Lets go… drag their old bones up here and let’s have the truth about this cover up.

bicyclemark92: What is (wrong with) journalism?

While saying goodbye to 2005, I respond to a critique that what I do is not journalism. I also break down what podjournalism is about and why it exists as a response to a flawed tradition of designating newspaper reporters as credible.

AudioCommunique #92(mp3)
35min+, 80kbps, 21Mb+


Back in Amsterdam, constant explosions outside
Is what I do journalism – feedback from Germany
Journalism Defined
Radio Open Source on Participatory Journalism
Newspaper and journalistic bias
the myth of objectivity
Fred Friendly interviewed around 1989
Money, Markets, and Media, the terrible combination for the public good

Shows I wanted to mention briefly: Belgium FM, the Podreport

Thanks for a great 2005 to everyone who listens or reads, without you this wouldn’t mean much. Expect more in 2006.


Bloc Party – Blue Light (Silent Alarm Remix)
Mathieu Boogaerts – Bien (Super)
Slackers – Knowing (the question)
Motorcycle Diaries OST – Leaving Miramar
Imogen Heap – Hide and Seek (Speak for Yourself)

Presidents Should Cut Their Own Salaries

Some might call it purely symbolic, but if you’re a newly elected president, or even one who’s been sitting around for a few years, and you claim you’re going to change things and reduce corruption and injustice, in my eyes a great start is if you cut your own pay. And that’s just what Bolivia’s new president has done: 50% pay cut for him and all members of his movement to socialism party which made huge gains when he swept into office last month. That means his salary will actually be 1800 american dollars per month! I hereby REALLY like this man.
Plus he has called himself a “nightmare for the United States,” and you know how Im a sucker for that kind of rhetoric. I love picturing Georgie Bush sucking his thumb in bed at night tossing and turning because most of Latin America is tired of eating his shit and staying quiet while the US government dictates how things are going to work down there. Sure they still live under the economic thumb of the US, but electing leaders like this sends a message. Economic intiatives that focus on Latin American unity and self-reliance, like MERCOSUR also stike me as a strong statement. Maybe the Willing Warrior is on to something and we expats should consider floating over to Bolvia, Chile, or Brasil. I know my friend Ditta is certainly enjoying life close to the equator.

Speaking of the developing world, the Lounge Chicken is still recovering from a nasty leg injury, and even on painkillers, his accounts of the domestic wildlife in Malawi are very entertaining and informative.

It was snowing in Amsterdam all day. Film at 11.

A Rare Book Review “Envy the Rain”

I didn’t think it was possible for Jetleg to get worse, but mine has. So naturally instead of trying to sleep, i spent time doing work, messing up my blog, posting a new videoblog, and finally finishing Jamie’s book, Envy the Rain.

Jamie handed me his book during one of our dinner’s in the East Village during my still fresh-in-my-mind visit. I was very excited, having met Jamie a little over a year ago, it seemed like we were good friends right from the beginning. During that same period when I met him here in Amsterdam, he told me about his book. And although I had read some rave reviews and love the man’s blog, I held out til I arrived in the US to get the book and start reading.

Shocking as it may sound, it normally takes me months to finish a book. I read a chapter per night, or less. This manner of reading usually leads me to lose interest or forget where I was anyway. But with this book it was differentl; perhaps because I know him in real life, or because I read the blog regularly, or maybe just because it was so well written, I could barely put it down since day 1.

As I read about his trials and tribulations, there were so many familiar themes and scenery: new jersey, new york city, amsterdam, paris, and of course – a troubled love life. Not that my personal life looks anything like the one presented in the book, but as I read it… I felt like it was me… Is there any clinical term for that? Sympathy pains? Empathy? Whatever the reason, I somehow felt a sense of comradery and commiseration with Jamie. I’m not even positive those two adjectives describe the feeling, but i think it was related.

Beyond the emotional connection, as a brother who has lived in Amsterdam for going on four years, taking occasional trips to Paris, I felt his descriptions for the sites, sounds, and smells of the two cities was in tune with mine. He captured much of what I love about this city in a only a few chapters, which made me feel even more connected with the story.

That’s pretty much my bookreview. I don’t have a powerful conclusion to inspire you with or wrap it up in a neat little bow. I would say that instead of browsing the corporate shelves of whatever mega book store, head over to the known universe and pick this book up. Tell ’em bicyclemark sent ya.

Now I can go back to not finishing books.

bicyclemark91: Zipping Though DC Discussing Issues

I cruise around the US capital with my buddy D-Rock behind the wheel and we discuss important and unimportant issues like two old creepy guys.

AudioCommunique #91(mp3)
34min+, 80kbps, 20Mb+


Me at newark airport about to leave
Drock in the Zipcar
Soundseeing in the heart of the District
The perpetual campaign problem
congress and reform
fiddling with XM radio
my cab ride
an inpromptu debate about free trade and movement of jobs, which I seem to have lost and ends abruptly because we arrived at our destination suddenly.


I’m from New Jersey song
Postal Service – The district sleeps tonight
Interpol – Evil

Return to Amsterdam Pending

24 hours from now I’ll be back to full on blogging about world affairs, injustice, and the occasional story of flying discs. (oh how I miss playing frisbee) As you’ll read about over at Ms. Thingk’s blog, Brooklyn’s internet diva came to New Jersey for some down home Portuguese-American christmas rituals. My family was thrilled to have a guest and I think secretly thrilled that I actually brought a girl home regardless of our relationship to one another. Oh and I also noticed quite a few people assumed she was full-on-just-arrived Dutch simply for her Dutch looks and the fact that she was with me. Fun.

And so I’ve been enjoying catching up with Yeast Radio and Open Source, and I must saying I’m missing my daily podcast listening routine which has been ruined by my so-called vacation. Now I look forward to heading back, seeing my darling Amsterdam, and taking a vacation from my vacation. New Jersey is where I was born and raised, its where my family and countless love one’s reside, but my heart is still in the Netherlands, and you’ve got to follow that most important organ… right?