Fine I’ll Talk About The Pretend War

I’m just gonna list a bunch of points tonight, because I’m generally annoyed with the story that everyone seems to just buy into about some guy named Bin Laden and his request for a truce. I hate talking about what every other Tom, Dick, and Harriet is blogging about, but tonight I’ve got to be a lemming:

1. There is no war on terrorism. Call it what it is, another farce like the cold war where people are manipulated by fear and believe that they will be destroyed, and then send troops to various countries to kill other people and in the process also get killed, or otherwise torture and be subject to mental anguish that will plague society for generations.

2. Just like numerous political and business leaders make big money on this farce that destroys lives and countries, so too do these groups of what are known as “terrorists”. It’s a symbiotic relationship as pointed out in the most important documentary you can ever watch – muslim fundamentalists are dependant on the same factors as neo-conservative militants: manipulation through fear and religion, deamonizing a certain group in global society, acquiring financial and other assests through activities related to using violence or waging war, etc.

3. Just because someone claims they did something, doesn’t mean they did it. Whether you’re talking about fucking the prom queen or destroying the trade center, it does not prove you did it, just because you appear in a video tape saying so. There must be a proper investigation based on evidence, proof, FACT. (in either of those two examples)

4. Pictures, especially video, do not always tell the truth. You can certainly create whatever character, look, voice, etc. that you wish fairly easily with all the resouces available to the average crazy or non crazy person. If someone tells you Al Jazeera has a tape from AlQaeda and the CIA confirms it… why do you believe it? Has the CIA never lied? Could Al Jazeera be wrong? Or is it the fact that yahoo news, CNN, and Scott McClellen (a man who should be on suicide watch considering all the guilt he lives with)… is it because these entities report about it? Or maybe because Tony Pierce reports it… cause everything on his blog is true. Right? When did the world get so dam easily convinced about things that they no longer require REAL TANGIBLE proof for crimes and other deeds?

5. The “war on terrorism” is the ultimate gift from the gods for countless politicians of many parties, worldwide. They make entire careers and fortunes off of it. It doesn’t matter if tomorrow every rebel fighter in Iraq or Afghanistan suddenly came out of hiding naked with their hands over their heads — they will not give up this war business, cause it’s far too profitable to give up.

Now seems like a good time to watch Wag the Dog again. “He just ended our war!”What, how can he end our war, its not his war to end? ” We he did it, I saw it on television, so it’s over.”

bm96_060117: National Health at Risk in Europe?

Some European governments are talking about reforming national health systems. They don’t use the word privatization, but the old national health systems are certainly the target of big changes. Is privatization near.. what’s going on with Healthcare in Europe? Mindcaster Marc here in Amsterdam and Martin G. in Stockholm discuss the cases of the Netherlands, Germany, and a little on Sweden as well.

AudioCommunique #96(mp3)
28min+, 80kbps, 16Mb+

In this program:

Lots of AudioClips of the REAL Patch Adams being interviewed on Chilean TV
Article on the Netherlands Health Reform in the British Medical Journal (2000)
Some Dutch Healthcare Market Review that I found useful (2004)

Media-opoly, from TV Funhouse
Lime in the Coconut – Harry Belafonte
Aguaviva – Poetas Andaluces

They Don’t Really Teach About MLK

Martin Luther King Jr. day has almost ended here in Amsterdam. Not that you hear anything about it on the streets, since it’s not a holiday, but I did manage to ride by Martin Luther King Park today. (nevermind that one has nothing to do with the other, its good enough for me today!) MLK Jr. day is always a wierd one… because of the very neutered image of the man and his work that you hear about from political leaders, mainstream media, and even many school teachers.

Now I certainly had some great teachers in high school, many of whom taught me to be critical about the bullshit society serves me on a platter. But when I think back to what I was taught about Dr. King, it was a white-washed, disneyfied, feel-good story… devoid of the details of all the goals that still have not been accomplished, and most importantly, of what the great man had been working on at the time of his death: The Poor People’s Campaign.

You don’t hear about it cause it scares the shit out of the powerful in society that want to keep things more or less where they are. That reap the benefits of the incomprehensible gap between the rich and the poor, and more importantly, the terrible conditions so manly countless poor people endure day after day. He wanted congress to enact a “Poor People’s Bill of Rights,” it was to be the largest and most widespread campaign ever undertaken by a movement. Yet you never hear much about that in the clean and pure story of MLK as an American hero. If you heard about that children might grow up demanding to know what happened to that campaign and why isn’t there such a movement. And there are few politicians who could afford such a change of political winds.

And of course just to further re-enforce how scared the government was of MLK and his goals, you can try and gain access to the over 16,000 pages of surveillance and investigation the FBI has on him. Only 201 available online, clearly they’re still hiding most of the pages, and probably still very scared at the idea that people may rise up and demand economic justice. But nevermind that concept, it is a more useful tool to those who profit and thrive on inequality if it simply remains a dream.

Living Abroad is a Relationship

ams010629During the chilly ride from the bicyclemark ranch to crazy dr. m’s super delicious paella dinner, my dear roomate summarized the experience of living abroad as being like a relationship or a marriage; initially you’re crazy about each other and every little thing and day is wonderful and new and a joy. And then a year or two go by, and that initial magic wears off, and then you’re left with this things that you still adore about the place where you live, but you also have a bunch of things you do not like at all – that’s where I am at with Amsterdam.

It is year number 4 and the initial magic has certainly worn off. The student life-magic has also faded, and rightfully so since I’m a working stiff now, doing a million little jobs in the hopes of having money to do things like – go to Cuba. Suddenly I see bills I’ve never really had to deal with before. They’re certainly less than I would have to deal with say, in New Jersey, but still – I have never felt more like an adult with responsibility than I do at the start of 2006.

And then comes a paella dinner with the good dr. and good people. Followed by one of those nights, where as BlondebutBright, Mindcaster, and I ride along the gorgeous and peaceful canals of Amsterdam’s oldest neighborhoods en route to yet another party… I just can’t stop laughing. Maybe its because life in Amsterdam can be so random and hilarious sometimes. Maybe its cause the percentage of vokda to orange juice in my drink was slightly off. Or maybe it’s because I hadn’t been out with these two together in so many months. Whatever the reasons, after evaluating how I’m doing in relation to this town, Saturday night reminded me that I’m right where Im supposed to be… on my bike, with great friends, riding down the streets of the dam.

bicyclemark95: The Transition from Terrorism to Politics

FIXED*Lots of people won’t want to hear the comparisons or the logic behind this program. This show presents the history and current state of 3 political parties which are related to an infamous terrorist group. The idea is that there is evidence that such parties, if engaged and allowed to be involved in the political scene, can help to reduce violence, and tranform the fight to a nonviolent political struggle. There three parties I focus on: Sinn Fein, Batasuna, and Hamas. Spare me the comments that just insult, bring me real discussion and counterpoints.

AudioCommunique #95(mp3)
32min+, 80kbps, 18Mb+


Emmanuel on Off the Wall
The importance of history for the future
Sinn Fein, from its orgins to its present state
Batasuna, from party to outlaw
Hamas, at the crossroads of terrorism and politic-ing
For all its faults, politics can reduce violence
Comparisons for other groups in other countries?
Thanks for all the feedback and tips in the tip jar

Gil Scott-Heron – Free Will
Imogen Heap – Just for Now
Steve Earle – Jerusalem
Dave Mathews – Wake Up
Leonard Cohen – Thats no way to say goodbye
Some Protestant and Catholic songs from Northern Ireland songs from the BBC archive note– in the show I mistakenly call them old IRA songs… apologies.

Purely For Firefoxes

As tonight’s podcast is still in the research process, this one is purely technical, but since you’re all reading this via the internetS, I recommend you read on.

First I hope you’re using firefox for your webbrowsing. I consider it the online equivalent of using a very comfortable and pretty condom, before you go surfing the filthy web. But nevermind that metaphor….

I recently found the time, as the Dutch winter encourages lots of spare time indoors, to look through firefox add-ons. Now don’t turn away from this post just yet, some of these are extremely useful and downright beautiful. Here come my top 4:

Colorful Tabs – You’ll be the envy of your office mates. Assuming you use tabs in your browser, this makes each tab a different color! It’s easy on the eyes and helps you see seperate tabs next to one another.

Delicious Toolbar – It is soo conveniant for your site bookmarking and article clipping to have a button right at the top of the screen to TAG and consult your Delicious links. Especially for podjournalists like yours truely.

1-Click Weather – Less well known than forecastfox, right on your bottom status bar, or wherever you choose, its cool to see the weather for today, tonight, and tomorrow; even if it is always clouds in Amsterdam.

Gmail Manager – Not only a email notifier in your bottom left hand corner, this will actually check multiple gmail accounts. It even has a little label to tell which address received mail.

Now I realize many of you don’t want to change your browsing habits or your browser. But I don’t care, if you don’t look into some of these you’re missing out on a world of internet convenience, fun, and possibility.