bm104 Cheney’s Cronies

This is a very sloppy background into who Cheney was hunting with and what connections they have and the ethical questions involved. Also it’s an analysis of how the press has focused on the talking points and the smaller points instead of asking hard questions about how Cheney hides things from the public and illegally secures contracts and jobs for his friends.

AudioCommunique #104 (mp3)


This didn’t turn out as I intended.. hard to draw conclusions
White House Press is putting pressure but on the wrong issues
Hilarious Press conference on the shooting
Who are the members of the VP’s hunting club… and who are they connected to
The question of Halliburton

A brief message and song in memory of Gussie


Gil Scott-Heron – WashingtonDC
Jurassic 5 – High Fidelity
Warren Zevon – Lawyers, Guns, and Money
Billy Bragg – Red Flag
Clash – Im so bored with the USA
Death Cab for Cutie – What Sarah Said

show on the ship breaking industry of India, this weekend…

Old Media Habits Die Hard

Like many of you, I have my podcast listening habits. They include probably about 30 podcasts that Im subscribed to, 4-5 of which are essential for how I get my news and commentary about what is happenning in the world. Naturally I hope the topics they cover will be diverse, interesting, in-depth, etc. Often they are. But when something is all over the news, they usually all get into it at the same time.

M goesSo in the last 2 weeks, with the story of the prophet mohammed comics (praise be to goddess), my core of podcasts has been all over it. Which is fine. But what occurred to me, as I listened to the 4th interview in 4 days with the Angry Arab Newservice blogger, is that these programs use a similar pack mentality as the mainstream does. What I mean is; they rely on the same sources, even when it comes to blogs!

This is disturbing to me as a journalist, blogger, and podcaster. One of the key differences between the blogosphere and the monoculture mainstream is that on the internet we have a plurality of voices and resources. Unfortunately this is still a relatively new concept, and many of those working in media were raised with the old pack mentality, and they still fall back on it. That’s how we get A-List bloggers who dominate the discussions online, or so we think. That’s why when I say Daily Kos, Instapundit, or HuffingtonPost, you know who Im talking about. It is these people that have been magically granted legitimacy from traditional media, they get the interview requests and the quotes in the washingtonpost. And as I mentioned, when this happens, they are unknowingly or knowingly trying to limit the amount of voices that can be heard, and putting the traditional limits on who can be part of the conversation.

I say it’s a mistake. Especially from programs that I respect very much and will never stop listening to, like Radio Open Source, On the Media, or DemocracyNow. I will personally call them on it when I see them comitting this error. and to the rest of the blogosphere, I urge you to break down the A-B-C lists, look beyond what you’re told is a big name, seek out what interests you and what captures your attention, regardless of how big or small they might be.

and for the love of allah, interview someone besides hoder or the angry arab, the man deserves a break, and there are plenty of good middle east based bloggers you can contact, like Miss Mubarak, Sabbah, or Beirut Spring.

Cruel World

Tonight I am in a great deal of pain.

It has nothing to do with snowboarding.

Tonight I came home from a weekend of isolation to find someone very special died.

I didn’t know him, and yet I knew him.

That fact alone upsets me.

He was the a partner of a amazingly inspiring friend who I love very much.

Life is so strange.

I was snowboarding down this little path today where the snow had not yet been touched,
I slowed down for a second, and in that second the board sunk into the snow throwing me softly on my back. The snow was so deep I couldn’t get up in my first two attempts. So there I lay, staring up at a beautiful sky with a hint of sun and snowflakes landing on my nose. I wasn’t thinking of him, I wasn’t thinking of anything. I started smiling, it felt good to be alive. I felt nothing.

And then I thought of the majority of the world that doesn’t have this good fortune that I do. Those who live in poverty. In warzones. In desperation. Suddenly the nothingness subsided into frustration and anger. Why do these ironies exist? Is this really life? Why do we allow it to work this way?

Sure plenty of things are unavoidable. But so many things in this world are created by we the occupants of this planet.

I just remembered saturday, when he died… where I was. I was angry and feeling sick. For some reason, lack of energy, strength, or concentration, I couldn’t hang on to the lift. I kept falling. Again I see irony. While I was fussing, being miserable and lonely, while hiking up endless hills of beautiful white snow, his struggle with sickness was ending.

And just to add to the irony, I come home to a safe and warm home, read about what has happenned, and decide that writing about this in my weblog is somehow noble.

The world is a perposterous place, filled with terrible irony. I’m part of those ironies, in some form. And just stating that does not magically exempt me from responsibility. Nor should it for you.

– in loving memory –
Juan Montealegre, August 28, 1966 – February 11, 2006

bm103 Zionism, Liberation, and Oppression

Growing up in Berlin during Hitler, then moving to British controlled Palestine, witnessing the creation of the Israeli state, Hanna Braun talks about the underlying agenda and the undeniable hypocracy therein.

AudioCommunique #103 (mp3)

In this show:

Edward Said on Finding the Truth
The way Arabs are drawn now, the was Jews were then = history repeating itself
Germany in the 30’s
Palestine and the zionists
The dream of a secular state
Defence Force, Paramilitary, and the use of violence
Evictions and clearing of villages
Ben Gurion, Ariel Sharon, etc.
Opposing Voices not allowed, Leaving Israel


Edith Piaf – Jerusalem
Alpha Blonde – Jerusalem

I’m off to Winterberg, Germany again.. to practice my snowboarding and drink hot cocoa.

Checking in with Brooklynzoo

If you search the 2004 archives of this here blog, you’ll certainly come across the name Torontonienne, or as she would later be introduced into the blogosphere – Brooklynzon. And if you read through those posts from back then, you’ll recognize that she and I were fast friends and shared many an adventure in this fair city. But, as it always goes in Amsterdam, things change, people follow their calling which often requires a change of scenery. And so Brooke moved on to Berlin where she has taken to things like a fish to water.

How do I know that? Well it’s more of an assumption really. Being an urban butterfly, Berlin would logically fit well with her. And so tonight we had one of our occasional skype calls and asked each other questions about life and what’s going on. One thing for sure, our Torontonienne is going places. Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco, and others, to be more specific. Sounds exciting to me. I’d better get myself over to Berlin before she sets sail, cause who better to wander the town with, then a fun and well-informed urban scientist.

Now back in the day, lots of people knew and loved her blog. And despite it’s retirement, there is most definitely a website of her photos and of course, where people still flood her with comments, her buzznet page. (now with video!)

Well… there you have it. Odd how time passes, things change, and people move.

bm102 Al Lewis and Your Tax Money

My tribute to Grampa Al Lewis, a man who made me more aware of the world around me. In this program I pick apart the US Federal Budget.

AudioCommunique #102 (mp3)

On the Agenda:
Al Lewis Passed Away – A little on him
The Budget – Anyone can and should read through it
Budget Watchdog OMB
Washington Post Article
SIPRI’s information on Military Spending worldwide
What are the real priorities this budget reveals?
Short Term Cuts, Long Term Cuts
Hiding Defence Spending in Other Budgets
etc. etc.

Al Lewis intro
Specials – Bonediggin
NOFX – Murder the Government
Immortal Thought – The Poverty of Philosophy (and I mixed in samples of the budget press conference)
2-Pac – MilitaryMinds
Dead Kennedys – Government Flu