bicyclemark93: Chilean Elections and Social inSecurity

FIXED – I’m joined from Chilé by Brad from Willing, one of the most dynamic new videobloggers out there. We discuss the upcoming elections and their significance for the country, the region, and hey – the world.
I also break down the good and the bad of the private social security system there with help from lots of academics, journalists, and economists.

AudioCommunique #93(mp3)
41min+, 80kbps, 24Mb+

In the discussion I refer to:

Elections, Round 2
Bachelet vs. Piñera, the clash of two social movements
The income gap and free trade
The effects of the private pension system on the Chilean economy
The model for other nations?
The unsustainable debt of the system

Music and Sound:

Victor Jara – Te Recuerdo Amanda
Salvador Allende – Ultimo Discurso
Isabel Allende – from an audio archive CD I found in the US
Tiro de Gracia – El Juego Verdadero
Omara Portuondo – A Salvador Allende en Su Combate por la Vita
Antony and the Johnsons – Spiralling

Wikipedia in my crosshairs

Now they’ve gone too far. Wikipedia deleted the entry about me as well as my blog and podcast. I’m extremely disappointed. This time it’s personal. I recently wrote to wikipedia and asked to speak with a rep for one of my future programs; to discuss the work and future of the resource. But now this happens, I’m very angry.

If you go to wikipedia and look up my full name, you find nothing. Unless you search hard, then you find a editing comment that includes the words “vanity post”. Vanity post? Fuck you wikipedia. YES, I started the post about myself, my work, and my life. Why the hell should that be a violation of any policy? The idea behind my actions was to document the things I’ve done and am doing. Same goes for my online publishing work. I wanted to have it all in writing, archived in what I’ve long thought was a great resource. And they delete me? Fuck you wikipedia. I do not understand where your project is going, and increasingly, I find the management tactics are terrible, intrusive, and unreasonable. If you were really open source, this would have never happened.

Wikipedia beware, you and temp agencies are now my two arch-enemies

UPDATE (an hour later) As Andrew D referred to in the comments, they actually frown upon editors writing pages about themselves. Read the policy. I read it and I understand the text but I still think its crap and Im still disappointed that my podcast was also removed. Feel free to click here and go to WIkipedia and describe my blog and podcast to those jerks.

NEXT DAY UPDATE: Some of ye kind readers created entries for both me and podjournalism! thank you. Oddly enough, they have both been tagged by wikipedia idiots for potential deletion! The war continues.

Nostalgic for Old Europe

I always feel like I missed the bus when it comes to living in the era that best fits me. Old professors used to talk about taking over various school buildings in New Jersey and I used to think – man I wish I’d lived in that time. I read about the spanish civil war and hemmingway, and even though Im a pacifist, I thought to myself – man, I wished I lived during that time. I read about Big Bill Haywood when he helped found the IWW and teach workers from all over the world about their collective power and rights, and I thought to myself — Man I wish I lived in that time.

The same feelings haunts me in Europa as I look at the dismantling of those grand ol social systems. For my entire brief adult life they’ve been privatizing, cutting, selling off, converting, or reversing. I hate most of the words, especially when they refer to this great health system, or rail system, or social security. Of course, I never lived during those days, so I live off the second hand stories, and whether they’re accurate or not, I get starry-eyed and daydream of what it would be like to live in old Europe when social services were operating at full speed with the full support if their countries.

And so tonight I sit staring at, a site that helps me to choose which health insurance plan is most in line with my needs and FINANCIAL situation. That’s right, national health in the netherlands is not so national anymore. A dear friend and wise frisbee throwing woman assured me it was better this way, because there are more and different options for people. I trust her judgement, but I keep wondering about the old days and the old system. Was it not world class and great that everyone was covered collectively? Am I missing something? Does anyone else have a bad feeling about all this?

I’m sure somebody will comment about how it was too expensive and inefficient. I suppose those who share that opinion are in the majority now, and I’m just some daydreamer, romanticizing a system I never got to properly take part in. And when Im sick and under-insured and lacking social security, I’ll be sure to cough on everyone, turn to a life of old-person crime, and tell stories no one will believe about how social services used to be nationally run.

Movie Going Recovery

Happy 2006 dear readers! While I shold be recovering tonight from last night’s partying, the truth is, I’m recovering from seeing one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. It was so terrible I won’t use its title and I’ll stop talking about it after this next sentence. My only wish is that I could one day meet Peter Jackson and skowl at him for making this piece of shit Ape movie, when he could have taken all those millions and built a hospital – ANYWHERE – its not like the world doesn’t need a new one.

Speaking of world health crises, though I’m sure it’s a downer to start off the year this way, there are to many downers to ignore on this here blog; so to kick off the year, note that the French government is surprised to discover that 30 years of nuclear testing in French polynesia, the area is contaminated to the teeth. 600 new cancer cases per year, 250 deaths, and all this after the gov. did a whole compaign way back when insisting nuclear testing is fun for the whole polynesian family.

Time for some charges of crimes against humanity against some old rich white guys rotting away in the French parliament. Lets go… drag their old bones up here and let’s have the truth about this cover up.

bicyclemark92: What is (wrong with) journalism?

While saying goodbye to 2005, I respond to a critique that what I do is not journalism. I also break down what podjournalism is about and why it exists as a response to a flawed tradition of designating newspaper reporters as credible.

AudioCommunique #92(mp3)
35min+, 80kbps, 21Mb+


Back in Amsterdam, constant explosions outside
Is what I do journalism – feedback from Germany
Journalism Defined
Radio Open Source on Participatory Journalism
Newspaper and journalistic bias
the myth of objectivity
Fred Friendly interviewed around 1989
Money, Markets, and Media, the terrible combination for the public good

Shows I wanted to mention briefly: Belgium FM, the Podreport

Thanks for a great 2005 to everyone who listens or reads, without you this wouldn’t mean much. Expect more in 2006.


Bloc Party – Blue Light (Silent Alarm Remix)
Mathieu Boogaerts – Bien (Super)
Slackers – Knowing (the question)
Motorcycle Diaries OST – Leaving Miramar
Imogen Heap – Hide and Seek (Speak for Yourself)

Presidents Should Cut Their Own Salaries

Some might call it purely symbolic, but if you’re a newly elected president, or even one who’s been sitting around for a few years, and you claim you’re going to change things and reduce corruption and injustice, in my eyes a great start is if you cut your own pay. And that’s just what Bolivia’s new president has done: 50% pay cut for him and all members of his movement to socialism party which made huge gains when he swept into office last month. That means his salary will actually be 1800 american dollars per month! I hereby REALLY like this man.
Plus he has called himself a “nightmare for the United States,” and you know how Im a sucker for that kind of rhetoric. I love picturing Georgie Bush sucking his thumb in bed at night tossing and turning because most of Latin America is tired of eating his shit and staying quiet while the US government dictates how things are going to work down there. Sure they still live under the economic thumb of the US, but electing leaders like this sends a message. Economic intiatives that focus on Latin American unity and self-reliance, like MERCOSUR also stike me as a strong statement. Maybe the Willing Warrior is on to something and we expats should consider floating over to Bolvia, Chile, or Brasil. I know my friend Ditta is certainly enjoying life close to the equator.

Speaking of the developing world, the Lounge Chicken is still recovering from a nasty leg injury, and even on painkillers, his accounts of the domestic wildlife in Malawi are very entertaining and informative.

It was snowing in Amsterdam all day. Film at 11.