ACTA Marches On

It has been some time since I mentioned the quiet yet highly dangerous global agreement on copyright that is being drafted and adopted with little public consultation, knowledge or understanding.  Where once I had hoped out of all the global players sitting behind closed doors, that the European Union would put a stop to policies and principles that would help to stifle anyone who creates or shares content online. This week we found out that the EU is in fact, going along with ACTA.

For a better idea of just what is going on with this agreement, you can either consult my podcast on this topic, from earlier this year, or more recently I recommend last week’s On the Media program where you can listen to the OTM crew explain ACTA up to the present.  It is, as always, very informative and a great listen.

ctrp358 Examining an African Election

It was a political campaign and a presidential election upon which not only the future of a nation rested but also the inspiration and example for much of the continent.  Packed with emotion, with great highs and great lows, throughout the Ghanaian presidential election of 2008,  Jarreth Merz was there. In the streets, in the party offices, at the ralleys, on the road, and finally in the strong room, he takes us along to witness a very special and important democratic process.

During the film’s premier at the Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival, I had the chance to sit down with Jarreth and record this interview. Together we get into not only the idea behind the film but also the real characters and issues raised during the course of this film.

For more info go to the website and make sure to watch the fantastic trailer.

Slavery in Western Sahara

War Museum set up by the PolisarioIn the quest to learn more about Western Sahara and how people in that region are living, I have begun reading through human rights reports from refugee camps.  Specifically the camps in Tindouf Province, Algeria, where Human Rights Watch did extensive interviewing and research into the living conditions for Sahrawi refugees living there.  The total amount of people living in the Tindouf camp is disputed between the various stake holders and the UN, but most numbers hover around 100,000 people.

The particular section that caused controversy and anger when it was released back in 2008, is the one focused on slavery. Although authorities  vehemently deny that there is any sort of slavery going on at the camp, Human Rights Watch interviews featured in that document indicate that in fact there were cases where black skinned Sahrawis were owned by other Sahrawis.  This ownership is not the kind where one has to work for the owner (although forced domestic labor only ended in 1978), but it does involve all females having to get permission for their owners in order to marry. Without this permission no judge or marriage efficient will marry them, regardless if there is permission from the actual father or mother.

There were also reports that slave families have, in some cases, been able to obtain an official agreement or document confirming an end to the relationship to their owner. A sort of officially recognized end to their slavery.  Again, in response to such testimony back in 2008, authorities (known as the Polisario) deny such a document exists, and repeatedly deny any modern day forms of slavery in the refugee camps.

Another piece of the Western Sahara puzzle. Although the report is already for than 2 years old, it barely saw the light of day in the major media outlets.

Restoring and Reconnecting: The Legacy of Sousa Mendes

Gerald Mendes was born in Canada and raised with the story of his grandfather Aristides de Sousa Mendes. As he grew up he came to learn not only about the history of his family, but also about those that the actions of his grandfather during WWII helped to save. At a restaurant in Paris we sat down recently to talk about his family, his life experiences, and his activities related to the legacy of his grandfather.

We mention:

The Sousa Mendes Committee in France

As well as the book: Aristides de Sousa Mendes, héros “rebelle”, juin 1940 – Souvenirs et témoignages by Manuel Dias Vaz

bmtv119 Room for Everyone

March from Waterloo SquareThe squatting community in Amsterdam is under siege, with the new law declaring squatting illegal, many who have lived in their homes for a decade or more are now considered criminals and subject to forceful eviction. ; But the community and its supporters have not given up hope and refuse to be made homeless by the authorities.

This brief video clip is from one of the many marches against the evictions, as squatters and supporters marched from Waterloo Square through the heart of Amsterdam.

More info at: or

Conflict in Western Sahara

Dolmen, WS - photo by NPJB on flickr

An urgent message reached me this morning in Paris, from a concerned world citizen regarding Western Sahara.  With all the travels and themes being focused upon here on my small corner of the internet, much has been happening in a rarely reported on region of the world known as Western Sahara. This region, located below Morocco, once a colony of Spain, has been known as a non self governing territory by the UN since the 1960’s.  It has also been partially occupied by Morocco, despite the fact that there is a government in exile (located in Algeria) known as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) who also claim rights to govern the non-nation.

The full story is of course more complex than my few lines lifted from wikipedia, ciaworldfactbook, news reports, etc.  But what really warrants extra attention at the moment, and prompted the message of concern this morning, are the violent clashes between protesters and Moroccan authorities in Western Sahara. Those taking to the streets to demand more rights, more services, and more recognition from the authorities have been met by police brutality. An unconfirmed number of deaths have been reported over the past week alone.

Back in the 90’s, a peace agreement had been signed, promising a referendum on statehood. A promise that never came true. Now the international community pays limited attention to what is very much everyone’s responsibility as member states of the United Nations and people who believe in human rights for all.

More on this, soon.