Flag of Convenience

Well… the Spanish government, as usual, has been completely impotent do defend Galicia from the toxic black poison that has hit the shores all over that region. Aznar has proven once and for all, to be one of the worst prime ministers in Spain’s history… the man has no plans for anything except arresting people who don’t follow his politics.

Local governments have tried setting up those floating bueys that are supposed to block the oil, but the ocean is so rough that the waves are going right over these barriers. The slick is making its way into the Minho River in northern Portugal. The EU is unacceptably taking forever to respond! This is precisely when a rapid reaction military force could be put to use… send them instantly to stop the oil slick. with all the guns and bombs – all they know how to do is destroy, they are rarely used to protect and serve.

The boat was registered in Bahamas. The government of Bahamas will be one of the first to be taken to trial if there is any justice on this planet! An American company was the last to inspect the ship, that company is the second entity to be taken to court, they let that ship sail! The European Parliament balked on a bill to ban ships like the prestige from sailing because they didnt want to hurt oil prices, the ENTIRE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT must be taken before a world court, charged with endangering the planet and destroying the lives of EU citizens. This should be war… this is truely terror!

International Oil Crime

There were no words, listening to the BBC this evening, to describe the horror. How many thousands of barrells of oil? The ship has split in two? The ship has sunk to the bottom of the ocean? Black waves crashing the Galician coast? Birds and shellfish unable to perform basic survival functions?

This is truely terror. And it’s barely news in some places. Some British expert tried to explain on BBC worldservice, that we really don’t know if its “a disaster”…. right… not a disaster sir.. we can categorize it as just a… mistake… or.. a boo boo. That man should have oil poured over his head and then be forced to drink it for every meal he has. His house and family should be covered in it. Would that qualify as a “personal disaster” then?

The owner of this ship… the oil company.. they should all stand trial in front of the International Criminal Court. The charge: CRIMES AGAINST THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLE!

Galician Oil Spill

Twice the size of the Exxon Valdez! All over the northern and Western Coast of Spain… mainly IN GALICIA… OIL is WASHING UP! Birds and wildlife and liming around onshore… covered in black sludge! How many times does this have to happen? They fight terrorism, drugs, crime…. all things having to do with violence. A violence that is far more a threat to the world… environmental.. is ignored! WHY? Because it’s profitable! Because your world leaders are involved in the oil business. The Sheiks… the Royals.. the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT… they all receive money from or OWN oil companies. Yet its not in the new york times right now. No… it’ll appear later in small print… “LArgest Oil Spill Ever” will instead be reduced to “Oil Tanker has a little Spill” and it’ll be a cute story that we can read over breakfast before we get in our SUV’S and go to work where we use one sheet of paper for each word we write.

They’re sending a probe over to Venus…. hmmm.

Who’s the Warmonger?

Last night, dicussing Iraq-US over dinner, a friend who studies international relations suddenly exclaims, “The man agrees to the inspectors! He agrees to everything they wrote! Now they’ll go into his presidential palaces and if his bed isn’t made correctly, they’ll bomb!”

He couldn’t have been more right. The word warmonger becomes more and more correct to describe not Saddam… but the administration occupying (illegally since they weren’t elected) the white house.

– They wanted to bomb if he didn’t allow inspectors back in, in September he says he will allow them!

– They don’t accept his answer, they say he lies and they will bomb him if he’s lying

– they demand a new resolution, filled with all sorts of humiliating and barely legal terms, and it gets approved, if Saddam doesn’t like it – they’ll bomb him!

– He accepts the resolution! All of it! The white house response: He’s a liar, we’re getting ready to attack!

Once again… it’s difficult to see who’s a threat to the world… then again.. maybe it has become obvious. The only one who actually has all the weapons that can destroy the world 5 times over.

Wellstone Conspiracy

Bicyclemark refuses to drop this issue of Paul Wellstone’s death! The investigation is taking, strangely enough, much longer than expected. Heres whats come out about the pilot according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:

– According to records from Conry’s (the pilot) criminal fraud conviction, his training experience at American Eagle was sandwiched between his indictment in the fraudulent home-building scheme and his sentencing to a federal prison camp in South Dakota in connection with that case. He was sentenced April 27, 1990, and was released from prison in November 1991.

– Conry never was named a first officer or co-pilot at the airline and never flew a passenger flight at American Eagle.

– Conry never disclosed his criminal history to Executive Aviation

Just a plane crash? Sure… that’s what the major political parties.. especially the one in power, would like it to be remembered as. They don’t care much about justice and the truth!


ESF Italy

450,000 thousand people. That’s alot of people! Thats about half a million. Thats many many football stadiums put together. Over this past weekend, thats how many people marched through the streets of Florence, Italy for the first ever European Social Forum. A forum where people from any corner of the world, including europeans, could come and exchange ideas and strategies for combatting those organizations like the WTO, WEF, and the IMF who are not accountable to anyone and adopt plans that effect the lives of everyone. The conference lasted 5 days during which students, activists, and regular people from every continent participated in forums on subjects like political campaigns, sustainable development, environmental education, and organizing. It should also be mentioned that there were no major incidents of violence. No major injuries. No police attacked. No major property damage.

Here’s the big question: Was this Forum reported about in your major media? Did it make the evening news? Was it on the front page or the second page of the big newspaper? No? 450,000 people….. thats not enough to be seen as important?

Oh, but did you hear?…. they wanted to kidnap Posh Spice (something like that)… that made lots of newspapers.