Rise Up Zimbabwe

(a none rhyming poem)

Zimbabwe re-elected the president – again.

mr. president says he wants to stay in power til he’s a hundred.

powerful countries say they will fight tyranny around the world.

zimbabwe doesn’t have any oil or strategic location in southern africa.

hypocrisy? irony? stupidity? Inconsistency?

people are hungry. newspapers are closed. voices are murdered, arrested, silenced.

it’s time for an uprising, and not the kind with the guns or the invasions.

it’s time for scared people to get brave, and march into the presidential palace.

tear down the fences, open the gates, expose the emperor and the clothes he isn’t wearing.

do it now, do it without made in europe/us/russia guns. do it with made in zimbabwe strength.

that type of power and spirit cannot be imported, nor can it be quelled for long.

remember steve biko? remember patrice lumumba? remember ken sarowiwa? heros. then and now.

that’s my wish, as an outsider and cultural admirer, for you.

Today’s Sounds: Yeast Radio – Madge in Miami

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AudioCommuniqu?#24 – PodLoneliness

This podcast features a new coined term in the realm of pod-theory. It’s called podloneliness: when all the podcasters are busy with life, and you kinda miss them. I also talk about future generations that will study my podcast to understand what humans were doing back in 2005. Mindblowing – I know.

AudioCommuniqu? #24(mp3)

19min43sec, 64kbps, 9.2Mb+


Podcast Archeology
Frisell rocks
Caribbean Free Radio Podcast


Throw Up

Sometimes on saturday I like blogging a family story. Tell you bout my parents and life in Newark when I was a kid. Or maybe bout a journey I took in Portugal, Spain, or whatever. I’ve got lots of those. I know not everyone gets that chance, I know I’m lucky. But actually I lost the train of thought, for one reason tonight:

I’m watching this We Were Soldiers movie. Did you see it? Maybe not. It’s got me close to throwing up. The part where a bunch of the soldiers are caught in the bombing line and they’re all charred and burning alive, and then the journalist tries to lift one of them by his legs. The guys legs are all black, like bar-B-Q, and when he goes to grip the tar colored ankles, the flesh falls right off. You see the muscle tissue and the bone, and the journalist has fists full of flesh… I’m on the couch clutching my stomach, and you tell me what the fuck was it for? War is the stupidest ritual the earth has ever known. Maybe dumber then all the mass murders, rapes, environmental dumpings, political scandals, money laundering, child abusing…

I don’t know if you can make a scale like that, but if you could, war would be on top. The worst of the worst. The most inhuman and pointless. TAKE THAT HILL. CONTROL THAT RIDGE. FLANK THAT FLANK THIS. WIN THE BATTLE. DIE FOR YOUR COUNTRY. What the fuck for?

I got an idea. Don’t do it. When you get the order. don’t. If you’re the “enemy” disobey. If you care about FREEDOM or SAFETY… Walk away. Go to jail. Suffer the punishment. Cause there cannot be anything worse then killing or being killed on the so-called battlefield.

The pope is dead. Whooptey do. They pray in Saint Peters and everwhere. The cameras are there. Yet all over the world there are wars… little.. big.. war. Skip the praying… everybody go there and stand in the fucking way! Hold hands like its a hippy event and stand there unarmed.

Stupid idea? Well… can’t be any dumber then the idea that carrying weapons and shooting other humans is important for your future. If that’s the future, count me out. I’ll go hang with the Pope and Joe Strummer, cause you know those two are gonna hang.

Today’s Sounds: Faudel – Sumra

VBlogging Friends

I’m doing my tribute to video blogging today. But it’s hard to talk visuals when i have some kind of eye problem right now. In high school we used to call this pink eye or something, but I refuse to admit I could have such a thing. So I call mine, an eye irritation. But nevermind that, let’s talk about vblogging.

Don’t get scared, it’s not far off at all. Matter of fact, it’s already here. You know blogs (I hope), cause you’re reading one. And while the world may still send mixed signals in public, you also know about podcasting; sort of an audioblogging. So vbloging is the next step of course. In the natural progression, dating back to the typewriter, radio and television. People will (and are) record snippets of their daily lives, or a personal message, and publish it to their blog-style site. Direct, personal- media.

I know.. I know.. video bm? But think deeper, there are so many people in this world of internets. Obviously most of us can sneak a peek during work and read blogs. MAybe slightly less of us can pop on headphones or just load podcasts onto our mp3 players and listen to shows. So probably even less of us can sit and watch video blogs on our computers throughout the day. Even if those little handheld video players are getting more popular. But still… there are so many of you out there… some prefer text, others sound, and plenty — video. So, vblogging is definitely here to stay. Just ask the duke of the vblog… Anti. I think my favorite part of anti’s films are when he puts the caption under them with the title. It always has the little tag “a film”. Thats the part I love…. like “How to Brush your Teetha Film

I playing with the Vblog system he recommends, but its far from perfect. Wanted to throw on a vb of my own here, but no dice. So instead I refer you to his work, as well as that of Madge Weinstein’s Insane Films, and the wide world of Vblogging. Look out world, it’s already here!

Today’s Sounds: Desperate Housewives is on lazy friday night Belgian TV

AudioCommuniqu? #23 – Legal Issues, RadioClash

This AC was recorded using my new audiotechnica lavalier mic. I’m trying not to hate it, but mono recording just LACKS something. I rant about legal issues, file sharing, and podcasting, cause I feel like internet users are giving up the fight too easily. Tim from Radio Clash is also on q the a’s on this show, which is a great honor.

AudioCommuniqu? #23(mp3)

21min54sec, 64kbps, 10.2Mb+


Life Roundup

As much as I love google mail, and it looks all manageable, I’ve never seen an email box so huge and I’m pretty sure emails are falling through the cracks. Putting a star on things isn’t special if everythings got a star on it. So I thought to write a bit of a life update. This time — it’s personal.

For transparency sake, I wanted to say something about all the beautiful donations you guys sent me. Something around 30 people contributed, and that was a huge honor. All in all, I now find myself with a nice cash gift from ye the readers. Nevermind the specifics, lets just say it amounts to almost 1/4 the cost of my powerbook. Speaking of my love child, he/she will be arriving in Amsterdam around the 14th of April, much thanks to Crazy Dr. M who read my troubles and had a solution. If anyone out there still wishes to leave me a tip, it will still be appreciated. But beyond that, you guys rock!

New business: I will definitely be appearing in Northern Sweden for a week on the 19th of April, Umea to be exact, where I’m speaking at the very hip HUMlab. Well, they seem hip to me. What am I going to say? I’m talkin podcasting of course! So I intend to curse alot, where old jeans, and keep shouting lines from Pump up the Volume like.. “Steal the Air.” Remember that film? Harry would have loved podcasting. And it’s much easier to fit in a jeep wrangler. Oh.. I digress, going to Umea means getting to spend (more) time with delightfully crazy swedish bloggers like HER, him, and maybe the infamous him. Actually breaking into her and him is lame, cause there are way more.. but oh well.

Also, I thought Vermont was a cool state, but they just banned blogging in High Schools. So sing it with me “FUCK VERMONT”. Blog hard high school students!

Today’s Sounds: Postal Service – Giving Up and Giving In (oh so classic)