Moving Pains

No, you’re not lost. I’ve moved. Just down the block from our old place, and a much easier address. More importantly, no more blogger. No more delays or system down or whatever the hell was wrong with blogger. My move has lots of bugs in it, lots of problems to be fixed, please don’t bombard me with “fix this bm” emails, because that will make my head explode. So-to-speak.

I’ve been having great skype chats lately. This evening with Madge Weinstein, who will be appearing on my podcast this week. And looking at the news about the train derailment in Japan, makes me think of the conversation I had with Scott from Tokyo Calling last night. I do hope he and his family are ok.

Both these conversations reinforced the fact that blogging… podcasting.. it’s all related to personal connections. You come to know someone, to some extent, and you grow/explore ideas with them. Just as I’ve come to know many of you reading this, so too have I come to know other podcasters, and it’s always amazing how easy it is to get along with them. Like we’ve known each other forever.

Yet another example of this would be the Sloeries, Holland’s beloved podcasting couple, who came over to the bicyclemark ranch yesterday and filled my powerbook with yummy goodness. (thanks duc!) Still getting the hang of lots of these shortcuts and software, but I can tell you now, I’m sold, this here powerbook is Quality with a capital Q.


It’s good to get back to the ‘dam. If there’s ever any question as to whether or not I’m in love with this city, that question is answered the moment I land back in the NL and I breathe in the moist air and involuntarily smile following a long sigh of relief. I’m home! No not New Jersey. No not Lisbon. Home in the present tense, no offence to the latter two wonderful places.

Sweden is obviously a wonderful place. Huge, with lots of space, is what I can conclude from seeing it from the plane. Diverse and modern is what I can conclude from walking the streets and watching the people. But there was one aspect of people in Sweden that I wanted to point out – and that’s their use of tobacco.

I’m not talking about smoking. No no. You can go into any club in Stockholm and I’m pretty sure the air will be breathable, not including the stench of man-hormones as they try to pick up all the females in the vicinity. You won’t smell smoke, yet everybody is using tobacco. How? Through these little baggies, which come in a little circular case. You place these miniature tobacco pouches under your upperlip, and apparently it just soaks into your system. (and gives everyone a temporarily fatter lip)

Now no offence to my friends up there, but to me — this is scary! Tons of people are doing this instead of smoking, yet I can only imagine the effects. Though apparently it’s not ALL bad for your health, it seems just as addictive as cigarettes, and worst of all its going in your mouth, so in theory – isn’t that dangerous in the long run?

Believe it or not, I’m not a doctor. But I do play one on the internets. And I’m worried about Scandinavians and their love for this habit.. which I believe is called Snus. I’m not a guy who panics about people smoking or preaches to others about what they should or shouldn’t do with their bodies, but I had to mention this and how odd it made me feel to see it.

Now go read TPB on the literary world. and then take notes of how Madame Levy cons people out of rugs.

Today’s Sounds: Weezer = Make Believe


Go Away

Dam all this extra crap that keeps appearing. Damn damn. Whats a blogger to do?

Closer and Closer

OK OK, I’m getting closer to launch. I really am. Like T minus 5..4..3.. and that whole thing.

But you know, just like the space shuttle, we gots to check and double check, to make sure this thing doesnt fall apart. Plus we don’t want to lose any of the public out there.

That reminds me, I’ve still got lots to do with the stupid stupid archives.


Finally back in the ‘dam after the Swedish journey. This podcast was a huge pain to assemble, as Im fumbling with Garageband, Logic, and Audacity, and each one has its share of drawbacks in my eyes. Former Amsterdamer, and now Stockholmer, Marty McFly joins me in the second half for some soundseeing. To see photos of the journey, check out my flickr.

AudioCommuniqu? #28(mp3)

22min+, 64kbps, 10Mb+


Photos Speak

Tired. Very Tired. Happy. Very Happy. I should have come to Sweden long ago. I feel fortunate to have travelled here and visited with such great friends. Beyond that, I can only speak to you through photos.

Oh and here’s the link to me talking podcasting.

Today’s Sounds: Madge Weinstein – Eating a Lean Cuisine
