European Airlift for Beirut

Now they’ve gone too far. You can’t just go and bomb your neighbor’s airport. There’s no way this world is going to survive if this is how things are allowed to work. Sorry Israeli government, sorry that your military is involved in such a quagmire that a handful get taken prisoner by groups of which you also have prisoners. I realize it makes you look bad and you have to put on a show to ensure your voting public that you’re strong and powerful and have the biggest bombs in the region. I recognize how the bullshit works in Israel, but out of everything that has taken place in my lifetime, this is just too much.

If you for some reason didn’t know it, because perhaps your local media decided not to report it and to hide reality from you, early this morning the Israeli military bombed southern Lebanon, a neighboring sovereign nation, and proceeded to bomb the only international airport, and last I checked, there is a sea and air blockade on Lebanon. The Israeli government has decided to take this action, with the blessing of the United States and what seems like a silent nothing from Europe. Nevermind getting the opinion of the nations of that region, they never bother with that.

Of course this was in response to something, it is always in a response to something. In this case: the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah who are largely based in southern Lebanon. Of course the kidnapping is in response to lots of things as well, the incursions into Gaza, which are also a response to something.. etc etc.. same old chain of -he started it – he started it.

But this goes beyond the usual games. The shots and rockets flying accross the border, now we’re talking about unilaterally deciding to incompacitate your neighbor country because you decide it is necessary. We’re talking about Lebanon… a civilized beautiful country where millions of people live peacefully. The vacation playground for people from around the world, and Israel decides to bomb the airport?

This is too much. When I think of my friends in Beirut. My wonderful friends and friends of friends, the most loving and world conscious people you could meet. They are now cut off from travel. Those who make their living from tourism are also doomed… it is summer time, no doubt all the tourists are flying in and out all day. Bombing the airport is like cutting their lifeline.. their livelihood. This cannot be.

So now the question. Who can do what. What can be done to stop them. Not much it seems. But I have one far fetched suggestion:

If Europe truely cares about Lebanon, and preventing the outbreak of war in a country so near to its borders, then send EU peacekeepers. Send the soldiers and put them in the airport. Station them between what seems like two very unstable and dangerous groups: the Israeli Army and Hezbollah. It is not secret that a European or American life is worth more in the eyes of the international community, than that of Lebanese person. For this reason, Europe must take a risk, defy the reckless policies of the United States, and stand in the way of this war mongering. Let’s see them drop a single bomb on an airport or a neighborhood where its well known European soldiers are standing guard.

Update: I just noticed that Italy and France have both condemned the attacks. Tourists are fleeing the country as fast as possible. This a disaster… action is required, no more bullshit stern statements.

bm141 Stolen Elections; From Florida2000 to Mexico2006

Most anyone remembers the drama of the election results in Florida. Stories of names being wiped off of voter lists, an initiative carried out by the very same company that has done similar in the latest Mexican Elections. In this program I look at the disputed result and the corporation ChoicePoint, the parent company of the firm that handled the voter rolls in Florida 2000, now involved in the latest debacle in Mexico.

Greg Palast’s Investigative Reports

Guardian Article on the Florida-Mexico connection
Hoover’s ChoicePoint Facts
Wired Article on ChoicePoint’s loss of private data


On the Road with D-Rock

Those of you who are frequent visiters of this here blog, and perhaps read the comments, know my bestest buddy D-Rock. A fixture in the comments and the content for the past 4 years, he has left his DC dayjob and is now riding his motorcycle all over the North America.

Today I thought I’d share a little of his recent email and a photo, without his permission:

Photo Hosted at
I got back last night from a VA, NC, TN trip to see Great Smokey National Park, Cherokee National Forrest and sweet ass Deals Gap.

Some cool things that happened:

1) An old fella in overalls at a Waffle House in NC asked if that was my “fancy motor-cicle” in the parking lot. He said motorcicle as in icicle – that was awesome

2) It was 48 degrees at night when I camped in the NC mountains

3) I got nervous when I heard an indescript animal sound while camping, I asked someone about it later when they were walked by. He informed this city boy it was a cow and there’s farm nearby – FYI cows sound fucking fierce in the wild

4) Ashville NC is a crazy little hippy town – filled with high school drama kids, red neck bluegrass hippies and extreme outdoor sports people. You should check it out and eat at a place called the Mellow Mushroom

5) If you straiten your back and hold your head up when riding so you don’t see the mirrors or wind screen just the ground moving beneath you – it feels pretty close to flying

6) Thomas Jefferson’s house was much smaller than I expected – I liked that

7) I said: “yes/no Mam” at gas stations and resurants more in 4 days than I’ve ever said before in my life and I noticed nouns stayed singular even though they were plural i.e. 65 mile and hour, 8 foot of water etc. I kinda like it

8) Even though you’re by yourself you’re never alone

GI Jane Emailed from Afghanistan

I emailed GI Jane, who if you recall, is currently stationed somewhere at a base in Afghanistan. I had heard she mentioned me to Madame L in an email, something about an interview with an interpreter. When I heard this I immediately thought back to our last emails before she deployed, how she was anxious to get it over with and also that she be stationed somewhere relatively safer than out in the mountains in a tent somewhere.

My email was met with a very enthusiastic response, as only Jane can write. She seemed in good spirits if you don’t count the fact that she referred to daily life in Afghanistan as “prison-like”. She was also distressed about a close friend who is off on a very dangerous mission right now in what seems like a very unsafe part of the country. Seems like that applies to a growing amount of Afghanistan… unsafe.

She also told me that indeed she’d been telling an interpreter about me. He is an Afghani doctor that I guess translates for the Army, I found it completely flattering that of all the things she would be talking to him about, she was speaking of me and my podcast. The good doctor, evidently, could not believe that such interviews and such personal media outlets (me) exist. He seems eager to talk on my podcast!

Jane is the best. Not only was I excited to hear from her , but I was happy to hear she’s in a very mundane yet safe-sounding base. Hopefully she will come home soon and not be subjected anymore to that neverending, slow, mental-torture.

Now I must prepare questions that I want to ask the translator. Obviously he has things to say, but I will have my own queries for him on the subject of the present situation, the future outlook, and as an Afghani… how he would have liked to see the situation handled in terms of toppling the Taliban.

Let’s do this Radio Open Source style, if you’ve got questions you’d like me to ask, write them in the comments. Also, if you’re interested and willing, the skype out rates to Afghanistan are quite expensive and I no longer have a sponsor. There’s a tip jar to your left… send me a few dollars to fund the communication. (thanks!)

bm140 Fighting Computer Voting in the Netherlands

There are lots of reports regarding the problems with computer voting in the US. But Europe has its own problems as governments buy into these systems and ignore the dangers involved. Rop has spent much of his career working with computer related projects, but these voting computers are one thing he is funamentally against…

“We don’t trust votingcomputers dot nl” 

Article about Dutch made machines in Ireland


bmtv12 Berlin Flashback

It’s Friday and Madge Weinstein the purple Lumox is here all weekend. So my post is a vlog I put together from unused Berlin footage. Nothing too ground breaking, but this was my most favorite day from my Berlin trip. I’m working on getting back there later this month in time for Christopher Street Day which I believe is the Gay Pride festival of the city. Sounds like great fun and hey – maybe I’ll meet the mayor. (in case you don’t know, mayor of Berlin is gay.. so is the mayor of Paris, come to think of it. Just two more reasons why Europe rocks!)

Watch the Video