Update – BaghdadBrian Released!

I received news from Eowyn earlier today that BaghdadBrian has been freed and is en route to Los Angeles.? 7 other US citizens were also released.? Unfortunately 2 other international detainees who I believe were being held with Brian are still being held and their fate is unknown.

Apparently the amount of international pressure demanding their early release was quite significant and may have been a factor in these events unfolding as fast as they have.? I’ve been told that the story of Brian/the Beijing 6 had spread through the internets and to several high profile major media outlets.

Whatever the cause, I’m relieved that my friend and colleague is safe and out of such a dangerous place for journalists. Though still and always concerned for those who remain incarcerated regardless of their nationality, held for exercising basic universal human rights which the Chinese government claims to respect.

bm275 Baghdad Brian Arrested in China

Fellow independent video blogger and friend Baghdad Brian, along with 5 other individuals, was arrested Thursday in Beijing. They are accused of being part of an overseas pro-tibet activist group. Brian was there to report about the demonstrations during the olympics as an independent journalist.
Chinese authorities say they must serve a 10 day jail sentence, according to the American embassy the conditions they are living in are better than average (perhaps because they’re foreigners). Since the start of the olympic games at least 400 people have disappeared as part of the continued repression of pro tibet and other human rights demonstrations. These disappeared include many journalists who are their without the supervision of Chinese government handlers.
The following podcast features an interview with Brian’s wife, Eowyn, who explains what she knows about Brian’s situation, the group, and people who have risked their freedom and well-being in protest of the Chinese government and their disregard for basic human rights. More information can be found here. Please listen to the program and do pass on the link, otherwise all we have is the image of the mainstream press… the picture perfect images of the olympic games and China on television.

Phil Ochs – I’m Going to Say it Now
Utah Phillips – Ain’t it Grand

Mauritania and Greenpeace, Round 2

An unexpected series of emails came my way today from several concerned citizens around the world, as well as Greenpeace Netherlands.

The topic of these emails was a reaction to my podcast with Pauline last week, regarding some of her work in West Africa over the last year.? In that program I brought up the topic of Mauritania, as I remember she had been there to look into the fishing industry and a controversy surrounding the selling of rights to fishing their waters to EU based companies, (including a Dutch company that uses bottom dredging, though I did not ask specifically about that technique).? One of the major sides in this struggle, as Pauline mentioned, is Greenpeace, who are acting to stop such fishing in Mauritania and throughout the world, due to its extremely destructive impact on the world’s ocean.

During the interview Pauline discusses things that most journalists in the mainstream will not tell you. The background to what she was thinking as she made her way around Mauritania, and how her observations influenced her opinion about what she was seeing.? Although I wish mainstream media would do more of that, instead of pretending to be so neutral and perfect, I recognize that alot of people and institutions out there, expect their journalists to behave as the mythical impartial news reporter.? Again, it is why I think podcasts can be of greater value if we really want to understand how and why the world is as it is; that vital understanding that no information is perfect, but by being a critical and engaged audience, we can not only be informed, we can understand that there are many sides worth keeping in mind, to an issue or disagreement.

So Pauline explained the side of those who see the practice of selling fishing rights to outside companies, despite the environmental risks, as worth it.? It should come at no surprise that regardless of where you stand on such questions, plenty of people on the ground in poor nations like Mauritania, will want to take the deal in the name of having jobs and boosting an economy.? YES, even to their extreme detriment in the long run. That doesn’t make it right, it is simply a fact that I felt Pauline communicated quite clearly in our interview.

In today’s emails, many people expressed their outrage that anyone would suggest that bottom dredging is ok and good for Mauritania.? They spoke critically and angrily at Pauline’s writing in the Dutch newspaper, and used my interview as some kind of evidence supporting their critique.? Greenpeace Netherlands have now asked to appear on my podcast to clarify there side in this. Obviously I’m glad to have them on, and eager to hear more about the situation in Mauritania. It is an issue, not to mention an important organization, that I’ll be proud to have on my program. But one thing I can say right now, none of this changes the respect I have for Pauline and the value I give to her work.

Expect that interview in the coming week

bm274 The Ironbound Through My Father’s Eyes

My father Alfredo Rendeiro joins me to talk about Newark, the Ironbound, since the late 1960’s when he first arrived from Portugal.

Til Soon Lisbon

Flying back to the Netherlands on the middle of the night flight.? Regular production will resume momentarily.

Manufacturing Their Cold War

For almost 2 decades, the military alliance known as NATO has been expanding to include most of Eastern Europe.? Originally founded to oppose the Soviet Union and it’s allies, NATO leaders have insisted for the last few years that it is no longer to oppose Russia, but to fight terrorism and increase security.? Meanwhile many of the countries which border Russia to the west or were once part of the Soviet Union, have become members.? Everyone except for a few, including most significantly – Russia.? Still this didn’t stir up much conversation in the West, even if it does make the Russian government very nervous.

Meanwhile there is this very expensive and theoretical project known as missile defense, which this blog has been focusing on ever since it was founded. You remember, the missiles that would be positioned all over the globe in order to protect the United States and so-called allies from Rogue States and terrorist groups who might launch missiles against them.? This system would supposedly knock out the other missiles.? Tests have long proven either failures or inconclusive, but that hasn’t stopped the huge amounts of funding from the US congress.? Meanwhile the among the nation’s who would allow these missiles to be stationed on their soil there are, once again, Eastern European nations that go right up to the Russian border.? And yet again, it is nothing against the Russians, the US government tells us, it is merely a coincidence that missiles are installed in such places.

Now we have this pathetic situation in Georgia, which I’ll leave the explanations to more experienced sources out there. But now the threats grow louder and less concealed, the US says don’t do that and lines up with Georgia, for the first time in a long time painting Russia as the aggressor and enemy. – Immediately the issue of who is in NATO comes up, specifically by the very desperate and politically savvy Georgian president.? And then, coincidentally, the issue of missile defense is on the front page of the major newspapers.

If you are in the weapons manufacturing business, which includes the people who make missile defense, this is all very convenient.? The governments, the media, and the public, are finally falling into step with the type of scenario where you can get EVEN MORE funding for your missiles and maybe cash in as nations very easily slip back into cold war logic, which so many of them have wished to go back to anyway. (the good old days for some)

My more simple point: Pay attention not just to what is happening in Georgia. See the larger picture of who benefits and just what is being set up here.