bmtv10 Twas the Night Before Berlin

Click on the Photo below to be directed to my vlog about the journey that is about to begin. (this one is not in my feed for all those who hate video in my regular rss feed.)

More when I arrive in Berlin at some point tomorrow. Yeehaw.

bmtv9 NBBK: Front-loader Motorcycle Madness

When I accepted an invitation to go cheer on a friend racing in the national bakbrommer championship, I had no idea what a unique and excellent event I would be attending. The neverending stream of competitors with their unique bakbrommer cycles was incredible. As was the location; a big squat community, a car/boat cemetary, and an old factory. I’ve never seen anything like it, hence this vlog.

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bmtv8 Religion versus Wealth

With this vlog I intend to begin a series focused on questions of poverty, religion, education, health and more. Somehow these things are all inter-related, and I’m going to look into the numbers around the world.

This episode deals with Religion versus Wealth. Using the data from PEW’s 2002 study, we can see the level of religiousness in both wealthy and poor countries. But the conclusions don’t come easy, so I’ve got much more work to do.

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PS — Yes, you may notice I make several guesstimates that are somewhat incorrect in this vlog. I was speaking only from memory, so forgive me. The numbers are still there for you to see for yourself, thats the important part.

bmtv6 Video Proof of QD’06

I’m not putting it into the main feed this time, but for those wanting something for sunday evening/monday morn, here’s a vlog about Queen’s day. Starring lots of famous Amsterdam and Netherlands characters from my life who will not be named in this post. Cept the mindcaster… of course I’ll use his name, my co-pilot on board the red august.

All in all, the red august braved the Amsterdam waters despite bumper to bumper bigass boats with DJ’s and people shakin their booties on board. It was certainly not the August’s first queens day, as I was a guest on board back in 2003. Still, this time I was captain and owner of the vessel, it was a big responsibility, but I survived and enjoyed taking the friends around town in style.

For full coverage of Queen’s day from the view of expats and nonexpats, consult BlondeButBright, Todd over at Waking up in Amsterdam, Gabe Mac of, and of course the Mindcaster himself. Just to name a few.

bmtv5 Pre 1848

It’s the way I like to look at the united states, pull out some pre-1848 maps… before there were crazy american militias running around with guns threatening people who cross the rio grande. This vlog comes to no great conclusion, it just expresses thoughts and some maps to make you go hmmmmmm.

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Obviously the tune is Bob Dylan’s With God on Our Side, special thanks to Scott from Tokyo Calling for recommending it considering the theme of this vlog. He’s also vlogging so go there and enjoy.

*one more thing: this one is in my regular feed in order to reach my regular audience. soon I’ll keep video only on the video feed, but few people are suscribed to that feed thus far. If you like my vlogs, subscribe to the video feed.