bmtv82 Stasi Museum with BaghdadBrian

During my recent visit to Berlin, BaghdadBrian and I visited the stasimuseum and recording this videoblog entry. It also features the most excellent tour guide who not only gave tremendous insight into what life was like in the GDR and the activities of the Stasi, but also gave these great personal stories of how she felt and what she remembers. Oh and here’s the museum website.

bmtv81 Wikileaks Pushes On

Last week Wikileaks was talked about in alot of media outlets, but not for exposing some crime or wrong doing, but because a judge ordered the site taken down.

In this vlog entry I talk about that story as well as what makes wikileaks special and other stories the site has helped expose.

I refer to a Guardian Article and a Christian Science Monitor article, both related to wikileaks.

bmtv80 Winter Soldier, from Paris

Greetings from Paris. The following video entry was put together to direct more attention to the extremely important gathering a few weeks ago in the US called Winter Soldier. It was organized by the Iraq Veterans Against the War organization and the stories you will hear… the testimony.. well.. every citizen should have to listen and relisten whenever they start to think that war is ever an option or an answer.

Video excerpt is from democracynow and ivaw

bmtv79 Christiania You Have My Heart, Part 2

Part 2 of “Christiania You HAve My Heart” features some great interviews and a lovely musical performance. Im probably not going to show part 3 unless someone protests.. otherwise I think you get the idea and what is so special about this community in Denmark. You can watch the whole thing on googlevideo. Also full credit to the director of the film, Nils Vest.

bmtv78 Christiania, you Have My Heart PArt 1

With Denmark, Copenhagen, and more specifically Christiania still fresh on my mind, here is a film I wanted to share. I liked this film so much, I’m posting it here on my vlog in 3 parts. It is about Christiania, filmed in 1990 by Nils Vest.

In this part the film gets into the questions about drugs and also the misconceptions and poor media coverage that the place would get. Note the great house that the mother and her child are in. If you want to watch the whole thing instead of waiting for my vlog entries, go to google video.

bmtv77 Watching a War from Denmark

Greetings from Central Copenhagen.

Where I sit, drink hot chocolate, and watch as another illegal and deplorable war is launched. War is a big word for it, better to call it an excercise in modern weaponry that involves the occasional slaughter of a smaller enemy.

Here’s Juan Cole’s blog, he’s doing alot of documenting of what information is out there.