Since WWII the US Gov Has…

Since the second world war


has bombed 21 countries

China 1945-46, 1950-53

Korea 1950-53

Guatemala 1954, 1960, 1967-69

Indonesia 1958

Cuba 1959-61

Congo 1964

Peru 1965

Laos 1964-73

Vietnam 1961-73

Cambodia 1969-70

Lebanon 1983-84

Grenada 1983

Libya 1986

El Salvador 1980s

Nicaragua 1980s

Panama 1989

Bosnia 1985

Sudan 1998

Former Yugoslavia 1999

Iraq 1991-20??

Afghanistan 1998, 2001-02

EU Cosmetica

Heres a bit of news: European Union has passed a law banning all cosmetics from being tested on animals! Hooray for such an elementary yet important idea. Too bad it won’t come into effect til 2006…. in the mean time, for some stupid reason, they’ll still be putting lipstick on fluffy white bunnies to see if they die. Pathetic.

Silent Chechen War

The pretend battle for congessional control is over. And little has changed. Little would have changed anyway.

The situation in Chechnia is awful. In last weeks “Courrier International” they printed the conversations between the journalist, who was negociating for the Russians, and the Chechen rebel leader. It was so sad. These men knew they were going to die. They wanted the war to end… Russian military to leave Chechnia….. But Russia is so bent on making war that they would never do it… they preferred to kill innocent hostages.

There was a comic in the Moscow Gazzeta (the name sounds like that)… it shows the Theater where the hostages were being held, and all the military outside with guns pointed…. a Russian man is walking by and looks distracted and says…. “War in Chechnia…. theres no war in Chechnya”…. there you have it. The biggest problem of all.


If you want to know what an oligarch Sharon is.. check out his reaction

“Elections are the last thing this country needs right now,” Sharon told a hastily called news conference at his office.

For my take on the US and ISraeli political futures, see my blog from three days ago. (ps… this is a blog.. what youre reading)

Today some attention will be given to the politics of Latin America…. commonly known as… the American sandbox… where US business frolic and seek profit. Something wonderous has been happenning in Latin America… and it should be kept quite quiet or else the CIA may start assasinations again….

THE LACKIES ARE BEING VOTED OUT! You heard right… all the US boot lickers are getting the boot… and in their places the people are electing independent, critical, and grassroots leaders of the “left”. Course, left is a relative term… as left as you can get when youre up to your eyelids in globalization and foreign debt…. But nonetheless, its quite a site to see… its quite pleasant to listen to…. the whining and complaining from rich american and latin-a businessmen who are shaking in their armani’s that their industries are going back into the hands of the public… or that their profit is going to disappear… can you hear them? Oooh theyre scared.

Lets count them shall we…. its so fun… Well… theres Chavez in Venezuela…. rough around the edges and frequently drawing protests; there’s (i believe) Lagos in Chile… a mildmannered socialist, first one since Allende got couped out by the CIA; In Equador theres that military guy…. loved by the common folk.. hes going to win…. In Brasil we have the sweetest of all – LULA! Working class all the way… no matter what they say… its only a matter of time before Argentina joins em… cause lets face it… where did all that libralization privatization get them….. poor and hungry! Why is this happenning? Cause people are tired of being shit on by big business.. and thats whats been happenning for far too long! The only drawback is that these elected officials may not have the power or the will to really fix the situation. STILL — ITs SWEET TO WATCH!

(please note Colombia doesnt count… its an American colony under military rule) (Peru is still getting over being mugged by their pres. so they dont count either… and Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia…. I didnt have time to research)

Vladimir Putin was already, but has now officially become another GWBUSH! With his crazy sweeping generalizations about being at war with terrorism, and his refusal to “bow to terror” and blah blah blah. This man is a war criminal… start organizing the tribunal.. make room at the hague! He used posoinous gas on both the hostage takers and hostages in that theater! It has been documented by Russian medical examiners that most people died of GAS not of bullets! Now he’s arresting anyone who’s a dissident or tied to the movement to end the war in Chechnia! Its his own war on terrorism! Can the world handle two simultaneous lunatics and their respective personal wars of military spending, influencing governments, subjugating nations, and gaining political clout? This globe aint big enough for both of em!