Night Owls

Often when you least expect it, one of those crazy Amsterdam nights sneaks up on you. They take many different forms and shapes, they can be brief, or go on until the break-a-break-a dawn. It can be a group of friends, or a crowd of strangers, or just you… there is no real formula, just as there is no real warning. They just sneak up on you, only to be realized when you fully wake the next day.

I thought last night would be a quiet evening at home, but instead the world reknown Anne somehow got me involved in a French flick with Pedro Abrunhosa, Absenthe, and remembering California. It turns out Absenthe was only legalized recently, so now we can all see purple dinosaurs on Saturday nights. Anne says there are no purple dinosaurs unless I go to intertoys, which I will.

So the peace prize will be awarded on Friday, and way back in 2002 I predicted Carter would get it. In 2003 I was under the influence of thesis, so I made no prediction. But this year I want to re-assert my authority in the blogosphere, on the net, and around the world as a Nobel-predicting-type-guy. My top five candidates are as follows along with my rationale:

  • Hamid Karzai – I know he’s a bastard and a puppet deep down, but I still think they’ll give him credit for not getting assassinated and dressing nice.
  • Bono – Yes. Bono. Again, I’m not a big fan. But the man can sing and has pushed influential people to ALMOST pay attention to the AIDS crisis in Africa.
  • Bill Clinton – Oh stop. I don’t want him to get it, but he gets credit for pushing for Israeli-Palestinian peace.
  • President Obesanjo of Nigeria – I can explain. I’ve noted that he has attended every negotiation of every military-coup in Africa, the past two years. S. Tom? e Principe, Central African Republic.. he was there. Despite killing his own people in the delta, he might get it.
  • My last one is tie… for their successful end of a horrid civil war, the government of Angola and UNITA. OR The BrazilianMINUSTAH Peace Keeping Force in Haiti. Both longshots.
  • My winner will be announced this week. The Bicyclemark prize: a pack of dried apple slices, which are always stocked in my cupboard.*

    *Winner must come to my place in order to claim prize. And then fight to the death, I love appleslices.

    Today’s Sounds: Ron and Fez comedy pyramid on WJFK Washington,DC


    Somewhere on the net… you knew there had to be a blog called McBlog, altogether it doesn’t look that interesting. What is interesting is that I finally saw Supersize Me last night (remember I live in the cinema-third world called Europe where films arrive by row-boat)Allow me to reflect, if you will, on my cinema-going documentary-viewing experience:

    Though I don’t get to the cinema often, I feel this documentary is the best of the year. Surpassing F-911, and that’s not a knock against Michael Moore – I refuse to join that whole trend of Moore-baiting. I just felt it was clear, informative, entertaining, relatively empirical, and shit… who didn’t worry about his health as the month slowly went by. But there is one factor is this film that I feel deserves the utmost attention: The branding of children in schools; getting them while they’re young. If I ran a country, besides having the most unproductive and lazy economy ever, marketing to children would be considered a heinous crime.

    I can remember, as alot of you might, my high school experience in the mecca of suburbia= Union, NJ. I recall comparing schools and almost gloating that Union High had Burger King Food, a Shop Rite (supermarket), and a Bank (Union Center). For whatever reason, it seemed cool because we loved such brands. Now I shudder to think about the side-effects and implications. I can also remember visiting, I think, Brick High School (NJ) and everywhere I walked having a Coca-Cola advert in my face. When I think about all those struggling schools with financial and “test-result” troubles, it angers me to think how companies sneak in offering money or textbooks in exchange for some good clean product placement. Come to think of it, I also remember those bastards who provided grade-X food at the University Dining hall at WPU.(they’re in the film too)

    Apparently the director and star of the film has a similar concern, he wants to get the film shown at every school somehow. I hope teachers will make it a priority to not just show the film, but really discuss and examine the issue to better-equip our little future consumers.

    incidentally he – Morgan Spurlock – keeps an outstanding blog complete with RSS feed. Today I read about his experience in Finland – hilarious, my Finnish readers (hi guys!) might especially enjoy since it involves drinking, saunas, and nakedness.

    Next post I’ll be officially moved in, with all new graphics and colors, and ready to tear-into the RNC in NYC. It has begun, and now more than ever- I wish I was in NYC cause I’d walk all over their grass alongside a million people who think its insulting to have this convention in NYC. Here’s the Moblog from where I follow the action.(recall my past post about NYC as sacred ground)

    Oh yeah- I will also have to talk about the Olympic Medal Count as a reflection of global economics. Hmmmm.

    Today’s Music: Coheed and Cambria mix with Taking Back Sunday (since the show is tonight)

    You Feel Sick?

    As soon as the reports came out, I decided it was my responsibility as a blogger, a slash-American, and a human on this earth, to analyze the Health and Poverty statistics from the US Census Bureau. For what we should always remember is that what happens in the US has effects the world-over.

    So lets take a net-trip together, shall we, to the lovely US Census Bureau. Come’on, it could be fun, besides, they’re celebrating “10 years on the web” which is just a year behind me. While we’re out, it could be wise to stop by the Kaiser Family Foundation which has nothing to do with World War 1, but instead, handles health statistics.

    Basically it breaks down like this:

    – 45 million people in the US are without health insurance, including yours truely (though I’m in exile) Thats 2 million more people from 2002 to 2003. So that’s 15% of the population. How insane is that? If I, an uninsured blogger, get eastern-feasle disease, I won’t go to hospital until I’m pretty much dead because I can’t afford it. And in the process of dying, I’m sure to cough and sneeze and spread the feasle spores to a couple of thousand people. You follow me here? OK let me stop the rumors right now, I don’t have such a virus… and I confess.. I made it up. But I had a point!

    More stats for thought:

    -8.4 million children had no insurance in 2003, and those are not short-term situations.

    -33% of all Black and Asian Americans are without insurance. Equality here we come!

    The rest I leave up to you to read and evaluate. Oh yeah and the worst state-with the highest amount of uninsured- Texas. Nevermind that they’re on the border, they should have had a proper plan, long ago, for those circumstances. This is not my attempt at a campaign message, both of the siamese American political parties have created this situation, along with a public that has been too quiet about it. If any time were ever good for getting mad, now would be good.

    If you want more busblog, in between great photo essays, takes a bite into poverty statistics as well. Then there’s buzzmachine’s buzzing.

    I’m interested in Dave Chapelle’s plan – “Fake Canadian ID’s for ALL AMERICANS.” There’s a candidate I’d vote for.

    Today’s Music: Michael Franti + Spearhead – Everyone Deserves Music (for all the good people demonstratin this week!)

    Presenting Big Daddy J

    Good people of the blogosphere, first time visitors, loyalists, friends, Romans.. I give you the guest blogger for the next two weeks: My brother (I mean that both literally and in the “ma brotha” sort of way as well)- Big Daddy J

    What can I say about this individual, besides coming from a fabulous family, he’s a professional in the Social Work field within the education system in the city of our birth(s). He’s skilled in the realm of computer games, a connoisseur of adult-swim cartoons, and a bit of a legend in the central Jersey bowling world. He’s tri-lingual and bi-pedal (two-leg walker). He and his wife recently had a son, my nephew, who’s now over two months old. The rest, well, is up to him to share. I simply wanted to properly introduce this guestblogger who will begin blogging on Wednesday. (commence standing-at-your-computer ovation)

    If you check my site-stats, you’ll find my blog has gotten big in China. I’m very excited about that, I recently sent my personal envoy “Ed” to Beijing. I don’t suppose he’s spreading the word about blogging, but apparently –as Leonard and the Asia Times have been talking about – blogging in general is growing in China. While I’ve yet to experience it for myself, I think regardless of the thousands of “web police” the Chinese government has, webloggers will find a way. Much like an old dam trying to hold back a swelling river, they will eventually prove too many for the “censors.” The same happened with capitalism and globalization; despite the rhetoric of the governing party, they have allowed an incredible amount of “capitalism” into China, and seemingly – will continue to do so. I’m not saying its a good thing, just inevitable. And hey, I appreciate all those Chinese readers out there — welcome! Feel free to comment and join the often-heated debates.

    The UNDP’s (United Nations development Program) 2004 Human development Report came out and according to the report, in terms of quality of life… Or as they put it

    “A composite index measuring average achievement in three basic dimensions of human development?a long and healthy life, knowledge and a decent standard of living.”

    The Netherlands is number 5 on that list! Just a little reminder of why I chose to move here. I wasn’t so shocked to see Norway as number 1, followed by Sweden, Australia, and Canada – also places I’d consider moving too. The US was 8th, Uk 12th, and just to give you an idea Sierra Leone and Niger were at the bottom. No offense to them. I should add, I would enjoy visiting those countries. I recommend browsing around the report because it’s loaded with good info.

    I added Chris Missick to the unfed blogroll, at last. He’s the soldier in Iraq that I’ve previously mentioned, and I enjoy the conversations we have via blog and email. I even noticed – i think – that he refers to me in a recent post! I think I’ll return the compliment with a trackback.

    So for now I take my leave, off to Portugal for a much anticipated vacation. Look for me in Lisbon if you’re in the neighborhood. Stay tuned for more fun this week with me and my guestblogger.

    Today’s Music: Prince- Rainbow Children (very gospel)

    Check Mate

    Just as I was about to blog, I looked up from my laptop and there was a Chil?an friend with a very familiar object in front of him – a Mat? cup.

    I smiled a familiar smile and before I could even ask, he was already offering to share his mat? with me. I’ve been a amateur mat? drinker for a few years, but this was an education and a half. I had no idea how social of a drink Mat? is. I did know that it has some health benefits and the manner in which it is farmed has been described as very eco-friendly. Wikipedia has tons of excellent facts on mat?, though it comes accross as rather skeptical. All in all it was a lovely hour or so of chatting about mat?, Chil?, Argentina, and anecdotal stories about government officials always drinking mat?. I’m left wondering if at this very moment I’m experiencing the hallucinogenic effects that are rumored to follow.

    I was listening to Pacifica’s WBAI alot this week and I heard a reference to the following article written by a piano tuner, about his experiences traveling Iraq just to see things for himself. I think it’s an incredible article and it’s inspiring. Great editor’s note in the beginning:

    Editor’s note: New Haven’s Daniel Smith, a piano tuner by trade, likes to vacation in world hot spots to see for himself, without mass-media blinders, how people are faring and what they’re thinking. He traveled to Iraq just as the U.S. nominally handed power over to the country’s own rulers. First stop: northern Iraq.

    I hope to someday be able to do similar things – visiting places and experiencing for myself what is really going on there. In general, according to this article.. the situation in Iraq is in fact chaotic. Yet the chaos isn’t all bad, despite the enormous amounts of problems and potential for further trouble in the coming years, there seems to be an underlying good there. I wonder what Chris Missick would say about it. (you out there Chris?)

    Update in the stuggle against all things Microsoft (when possible), I am officially announcing my abandoning of crappy Internet Explorer. At long last a new browser has come along that I love, beyond anything that Opera or Netscape ever did. Mozilla’s Firefox is excellent.. in every way.. I love it.. I’m using it now.. I’m giving it the Bicyclemark seal (*art *art… balance a beach ball on my nose) of approval. Strange thing about seals.. they never learn the beachball thing.. they’re just naturally good at it, aren’t they?

    Mental note: Next post, bitch about Bill Clinton and what a good wrap he gets because Bush sucks so bad. Him and his bigass, boring, shallow book – I listened to him being interviewed by the Dutch public television channel, he said the same exact things Bush did. I refuse to praise the Clinton years just because the Bush years have been so crappy. Bottom line: I dislike both men,their politics, and their smirking, wrinkly faces.

    Today’s Music: Deceberists – Castaways and Cutouts (thanks Bronwyn!)

    Hard to Blog

    Well the situation has worsened. Besides being uncertain about how to spell w-o-r-s-e-n-e-d I am, apparently, not allowed in my current poor-excuse for an apartment, to get a phoneline! Yes.. the hypocracy and stupidity of Amsterdam and Amsterdam landlords. The moron in charge of my apartment, who’s not supposed to know I live there (apparently), is hoping the city government won’t know her last tennant died. I not only suspect that she killed him, I suspect my landlady is a nutcase and she’s depriving me of my human right to have a phone and hence – internet. UNACCEPTABLE. I have prepared a strategy, but my liberation day won’t come until September. For now, its back to computer labs, where I have managed to find wi-fi.

    I have ten minutes to continue this blog, as far as Portugal goes, hats off to the Greeks.. they were just better. Portugal’s selfishness made me quite sad.. they are pampered individualists… I liked the Greek team’s German infuenced precision and collectivity.

    Sadly, my neighbor in the Hague – Slobodan, the future of his trial at the ICC is in jeopardy because of his health. Sad news. Especially since I think its cute how long he’s kept this trial going. Who knew he’d be such a good lawyer.

    Go learn about WIKI’s, Will is talking about them and they are super useful. Computer labs closing. Woa is me and me new netless life. I’m going to – gasp – read a book tonight.

    Today’s Music: Elvis Costello – When I was Cruel