Shipping Carbon Dangers

Back in 2007, following my trip to New Orleans, I did a podcast with my friend Damian who works down there, on the topic of emission from the shipping industry.? In case you missed that one, here’s the link.

The basic concern that led me to do that podcast was that much of the climate change talk at the time was focused on emissions from automobiles, energy producing facilities, and to some extent, air transport.? Yet so much of the world’s trade and transport is done via the sea and those massive container ships pulling into the world’s ports, day and night.? So my question for Damian was of course — What about the carbon that boats produce? Shouldn’t we be concerned?

I haven’t listened back to that podcast in about a year, but his words I still remember,Continue reading “Shipping Carbon Dangers”

ctrp300 Scott Lockman and Podcasting Roots

To celebrate 5 years and 300 podcasts, audio pioneer Scott Lockman joins me from Japan for a podcast!

bm100 A Vlog From Istanbul

My second visit to Istanbul has been filled with interesting encounters with old and new friends, and exploring places in the city that I didn’t get to on my first brief visit last month. This is a vlog just to say hello and reflect somewhat on the trip so far.

(click on the player on the right or the link below)

Sephardi Istanbul

In the past I’ve made frequent references to the Sephardi jews that in the 15th century fled the Spanish inquisition and Portuguese King’s policies and settled in Amsterdam. I like to refer to that group in history as a clever ancestral anicdote as to why I like living in the Netherlands.

But then I find myself in Istanbul surrounded by some of the finest guides and friends a boy can ever wish for, and when I bring up the sarphatic jews and my long lost possibly jewish roots back many generations, Mr. B turns to me and says — you know where else they settled? – Istanbul.? The Ottoman empire, for various reasons, decided to give them a place to settle, right here in this city. (actually one of two places in Turkey)Continue reading “Sephardi Istanbul”

The Streets of Chisinau

The first messages came in via twitter, a confrontation between young protesters and police in Moldova.? Then, more clicking and a few more messages, live video feeds from Chisinau via Romanian television, reports of 1 young protester dead, 2 cops also killed. No confirmation.? Watching the video feed: scenes from the streets, sometimes just huge crowds standing around talking to each other, other time lines of riot gear police pushing back-and-forth against protestors.? Cut to the presidential palace, where the light exterior paint job has turned to a sllight shade of dirty, with many eggs and assorted garbage being thrown at the building.? More pushing, more police, more people from both sides falling out of the crowd clutching their bloody heads.

Twitter friends report that it all started among the Moldovan Youth, with a fewContinue reading “The Streets of Chisinau”

MBA Bamboozle

There are likely to be a few people reading this who have an MBA (Master of Business Administration). Over the last 10 to 20 years MBA programs have seen a huge spike in demand as well as universities offering such a program.? This is very true here in Europe, where it seems every country has a few MBA programs aimed at international or domestic students.

Popularity may be one thing, but this says nothing of why an MBA has become so sought after and so frequently offered.? Beyond that, what about the quality of the education MBA’s get and how do they perform as a result of this instruction.

ABC Radio National’s Background Briefing had a great program over the weekend focusing on the global impact of the MBA and how it rose to its current importance. It pays special attention to the role of MBA’s in the current global financial crisis.

Among the points I found especially poignant: the emergence of the MBA in the 70’s and 80’s, as being a manager was only beginning to be seen as a career. Prior to that, managers were those who had worked various positions and worked their way up with a company eventually getting the managerial post.? They also get into the creation of an elite based on what MBA program you graduate from, schools like Harvard which pride themselves in allegedly preparing people not only to manage companies, but to manage basically anything, including a government.

Recommended listening, whether you’ve got an MBA or not.