Cluster Crimes Against Humanity

21 people have died and over 100 have been injured as a result of cluster bombs left over from the Israeli invasion and bombing of Lebanon over the summer. I was just reading yet another report about it. DemocracyNow had also mentioned last week that Hezbollah had used cluster ammunition. We know that the US has used cluster bombs at various times during their invasion of Iraq. I was also recently informed that the Dutch military owns cluster bombs for an unknown purpose.

Cluster bombs. What useful purpose could such a thing serve, as if bombs themselves weren’t destructive enough. Apparently the chance to have tiny bomblets drop everywhere and blow up later is an appealing thing for all these armies.

Finding Cluster bombs in Bananas!

It is indeed a crime against humanity, if not a war crime, when these bombs are used and then days, months, and years later, civilians are blown up when they happen to encounter an unexploded cluster bomb. This recent story in Lebanon was of children picking olives in an orchard.

Besides the obvious condemning of each of the above mentioned governments, as well as any nation that owns cluster bombs, there are more guilty parties out there. Specifically, the companies that produce these bombs and make big money selling them. They include: General Dynamics Corp, L3 Communications Holdings Inc, Raytheon Co, Lockheed Martin Corp, Alliant Techsystems Inc, EADS Co (European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company) and Thales SA. All of these companies should face charges for their role in international crimes; producing weapons that have no defensive use and are known to be uncontrollably destructive.

Now that I made that list, not only am I outraged but I’m also ashamed that so many companies are involved in producing such a terrible weapon.

Uganda’s Beloved American Blogger

The question is frequently posed: what do I like about living in Amsterdam.

One common answer, that proves very true this season, is that it feels as though Amsterdam is the center of the world. Or rather; a meeting point for the world, en route to somewhere else. Probably because that airport is so dam big!

This past weekend I had a visit from Josh, a man I know as a Uganda based blogger, originally from the US. I guess it’s more than just this city, but also the power of blogging, podcasting, etc., that made it possible for us to have exchanged emails a few weeks ago and finally meet for some drinks and important conversation.

We spoke at length about the role of the internet in Uganda, and perhaps in the larger African picture. The man has plans, and he has already kicked-started them. And underlying everything, is the hope that I share, that this technology must become more accessible, so that those that are disenfranchised, forgotten, disillusioned, lost, yearning for knowledge and communication; all these people and beyond, will have these tools which we enjoy here in the wealthy west, or elsewhere.

But indeed, it is a long way off in a country recovering from so much conflict and loss. Certainly a story that I hope to bring forward using my own tools, especially audio and video for all of you.

All-in-all, an excellent though brief meeting with another world citizen who is using his abilities and his strength to go somewhere very few are willing to go and doing a job that can truely make some direct impact on a population in need.

bmtv24 My Nephew Has Rhythm

Time to start going through the archives and putting together vlogs from the past few months. This one is for all the A-Ren fans… brace yourself.. he’s got a guitar and he’s not afraid to use it.

bm161 Free Masons, questions and answers

Free Masons probably meet somewhere near where you live. Many think they know all the secrets and conspiracies related to the Masonry. Yet what do you really know about them? Just what does such an ancient club, scattered in so many countries, do anymore? My guest, blogger and freemason Greg Stewart joins me to explore this topic.

These Kids from Minnesota Crack Me Up

I’m not being sarcastic either. These guys are hilarious.

I’m referring to the group from some higher education institution called Carleton in Minnesota. They’re here on a seminar I helped organize on everyone’s favorite topic “New MEdia”.

Today I made sure the allstar vlogger herself met some of the Amsterdam vloggers, to join in that ritual we call thursday night vlogger drinks.

We Want to Join Europe, the sign reads.

And if you yearn for real information, skip this bla bla and go watch what Richard posted on Insane Films, a video of the news that doesn’t get reported in Iraq. It is very eye-opening and should rightfully drive you insane. Like the fact that its too late for a New Jersey absentee ballot.

Keep Your Face Out of Our Space

This just in: space does not belong to anyone!

Repeat after me: Space; that place way up there surrounding the earth, does not and can not belong to a person, group of people, or a government of any form.
Is this clear to everyone?

Little George.. are you listening?

Oh no.. what’s he doing? He’s…. I think he’s signing some important document. Oh shit, it is about space. George.. what are you doing… whatcha got there little guy? Why don’t you put the pen down and we can go over how it works again. I’ll even explain the solar system and the planets again, I know all that stuff is hard to remember and even harder to pronounce. Now put that pen down.. what are you signing?.. NOOOOO!

Curious George discovers Space

The United States is committed to the exploration and use of outer space by all nations for peaceful purposes, and for the benefit of all humanity. Consistent with this principle, “peaceful purposes” allow U.S. defense and intelligence-related activities in pursuit of national interests;

US Defence and Intellegence…. “Peaceful Purposes”? George… what are you doing?

The United States rejects any claims to sovereignty by any nation over outer space or celestial bodies, or any portion thereof, and rejects any limitations on the fundamental right of the United States to operate in and acquire data from space;

Remember what we talked about? You can’t have it. And you certainly cannot just put your friends in the military in charge of it.

Somebody please take the pen out of his hand.

(shout out to the spacetramp!)