bmtv73 Amsterdam Public Library 2.0

In an era where most people get their books from a superstore or a .com, it might seem like libraries are behind the times and forgotten.

But here in Amsterdam, the largest public library in Europe was opened last summer… and is quite something to behold. From books to media of all kids to art to live performances to food to every magazine I can think of… it is perhaps the greatest example of the library for this era

bm247 Holding the Army Corps Accountable

A recent court ruling may have dropped the case against the army corps of engineers, but it also pointed to them as responsible for the terrible state of the levees in New Orleans before the Federal Flood. Sandy Rosenthal, founder of joins me on this program to explain what is happening with the legislative and legal battles being fought in the quest for justice and accountability in NOLA.

The controversial video we discuss can be viewed here.

We Discuss:

  • The Jan. 31st ruling to drop the case against the corps.
  • The 8/29 Investigation Act
  • What has been rebuilt?
  • The Army Corps’ investigation of itself
  • The current presidential candidates and what they say about NOLA


note: I had a big technical problem in the recording and that is why Sandy’s audio is so distorted. Still, I fixed what I could and on most sound systems, it should be audible.

Antarctic Research

I’ve been collecting articles about the antarctic, for future use in podcasts relating to what is happening there.  While my interest is in the nations with competing claims over pieces of the antarctic, I’m also interested in how global warming is speeding up the ice melting there and what happens as a result.

One story I read today, was about the animal known as “pink gold” or “krill”, which is abundant in Antarctica.  According to the article, Krill are:

small shrimp-like crustaceans which with modern technology can be used in fish feed, human dietary supplements, soya sauce flavoring, pharmaceuticals, or even to clean the paintings of Old Masters .

The list of uses and benefits of Krill go on and on, and well worth reading. But there is also a great danger that they are being overfished, which brings a whole other list of problems for the antarctic ecosystem.

Another issue is invasive species.  Wherever you live you certainly come into contact with some type of invasive species; plant or animal life that is not native to your area but was introduced somehow and becomes overwhelming to all others and in turn damages the ecosystem.

In the case of Antarctica, scientists and tourists have apparently unknowingly caused invasive species to appear there.  Even the smallest of  moss or mold, or even rats coming off visiting ships, are a huge risk to Antarctica which is known for never having experienced any type of major invasive species.

The learning continues… related podcast coming soon.

Great MLK Talk

It has been some time, since the show changed format, that I was blown away by an episode of Radio Open Source.  They’ve been doing alot of arts related interviews, they being Chris Lydon, and I’ve felt the show has lost its global conversation feel.  But nevermind that, today I was riding my bike from the University of Amsterdam and I almost forgot where I was… as the interview Chris did was really that powerful.

His guest is a gentleman named Michael Haynes, who had a special relationship with Martin Luther King Jr, and founded a church with him in Boston.  The man has tremendous insight into MLK and his philosophy.  Often times, when someone starts on about what MLK would say about the state of the US today, it is almost cliché…. and empty.  But not in this case… Haynes had me rewinding and listening again and stopping just to consider what he said.

I strongly recommend you take some time from all that is so important in your daily routine, or maybe just pop this onto your mp3 player instead of that Radiohead album you’ve been listening to over and over again.  In fact, if you happen to be a teacher, make this one a special lesson this week. It is better than any history book, I can promise you that.

bmtv72 Guam Under Siege

This vlog entry is about the US military buildup in Guam. The government is moving its forces from Japan to this tiny island over the next 6 years, and the place already has problems supporting the military bases it has. Of course its much more complicated that this, watch the vlog.. its a start.

Click To Play

On This Oz Day

January 26th is Australia day, and what a good year to talk about the land down under, where changes are taking place that have caught my attention in a positive way.

Prior to his election, I confess I didn’t know much about the new Australian PM Kevin Rudd. Observers in and around Australia said that he was different, a man who would shake things up… they even called him an environmentalist.

Obviously time will tell how much he is or is not the real deal when it comes to an Australian leader who challenges the status quo. But in the last month he has already gotten my full attention, especially when he formally apologized and re-enforced the plan to pay reparations to Aboriginal people in Tasmania.

Throughout the 18 and 1900’s, aboriginal people of Tasmania were subjected to diseases and sicknesses brought over with European settlers. Between 1800 and 1833 their population decreased from 6,000 to 300. Later other attrocities would take place, with children of aboriginal people being taken away from them by the government, or when a christian missionary promised a safe place to live on another island for the remaining people, and when they arrived they were left to their own devices, once again facing starvation, disease, and death.

Which a history like this, seems rather insulting to celebrate Australia day. But what I’d like to do instead is celebrate some overdue positive steps in Australia, towards coming to grips with history, as well as the present. Not to mention, finally electing leaders and adopting policies that reflect an compassionate, forward thinking, and mature society.