Unexpected Inner Tour

Travel with me back in recent time: Saturday night and Toronto’s finest Chef in exile calls me, “Yo man, Stars at Paradiso tonight, I put you on the guest list as bicyclemark +1.” I thanked my good buddy, as he always goes above and beyond for me, especially when his longtime friends the Stars are in town. Normally I would call on a lovely Amsterdam feminina to be my +1 for such a great night, unfortunately my potential to land a date is pretty shitty these days, so instead I call my local mindcaster, who’s always up for adventure.

We head over to the former church-turned-nightclub, and as I park my bike I can already hear “One More Night” pouring out one of the stained-glass windows. But as we approach the bouncer-lady and tell her we’re bicyclemark+1, she informs us there’s no such name on the grand list, not even variations of my legal name. I text the man and inform him something went wrong, we wave to him from beyond the glass and he looks apologetic and concerned for us. But in fact, there was a reason for this rejection — we were meant to experience something far great on this december night.

Mindcaster knows as well as I do that the IDFA documentary film festival is still going on, and we could still catch whatever isn’t sold out. We head over to the box office and choose from among the few films showing. I think it was our second or third choice, we ask for tickets to “Inner Tour”, and although it sounds like a generic title, the description tells of a documentary from 2000 where a group of Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza are taken on a bus to tour Israel for 3 days. – We bought some heinekens and wandered over to the fairly busy theater.

What follows was one of the most gut wrenching, uplifting, thought provocating, and emotional film watching I think either of us had experienced in some time. Documentaries are typically depressing and dark, probably reflecting the sad state of the world. But this was not one of those, this had bright moments, moments shared between an old Palestinian man remembering the home he grew up in, now in ruins, and uncovering the grave of his father, in the middle of what seems like nowhere. And it wasn’t a film about blaming one side or the other, it was about the unfathomable situation people go through in that region, visiting a place you consider your homeland, but everything is different, and its no longer your homeland, but you wish it would once again be so but you wonder if it ever was.

There were too many scenes to adequately tell you of the beauty and power. But for me, my heart raced as a Palestinian man from Ramallah got into a cab in Tel Aviv and said to the driver “Take me to where they killed your prime minister.” And then the driver asks what the man meant to him, and he tells an amazing story of being imprisoned during the intifada and how the prime minister (Rabin) visited the prison, and came to talk with him, to find a way to make peace. For his part, I think Mindcaster was floored when a young Palestinian who’s family was scattered throughout the world, meets his mother at the Lebanese border, where they can only stare at each other through a terrible fence, and throw care packages over to each other, filled with photos and a video taped message he had recorded during the journey.

The film made me think of how far I live from my family. And how different this world is from the one I’m surrounded with. And how all these things take place while I sit here surfin the net and writing emails about who-knows-what. It’s a cruel irony… those who live in comfort and those who live in pain. Those who go to concerts versus those who simply try to cross checkpoints to find work.

What started out as an unexpected night for music and dancing, turned out to be a true Inner Tour, in more ways the one.

bicyclemark85: CIA Prisons and Torture Airlines

Radio Journalist and Blogger Peter Gentle joins me from Warsaw, to discuss the talk about CIA gulags and where these prisons might and might not be. We also get into the role of Europe has a landing pad for the torture flights, etc.

AudioCommunique #85(mp3)
31min+, 80kbps, 17Mb+


The Beatroot – blogjournalism
Radio Polonia
unnamed sources and the washingtonpost
Not in Poland, but could be anywhere – especially Baku
torture flights
EU will try to do something, but will it result?
Poland’s Role in the War and their Dependency on the US
Intolerance for freedom and openess at home vs. tolerance for torture and killing abroad

oh and I recommended Saskia Nation and Radio Clash – the Anniversary Show


Outlandish – Guantamo
Boards of Canada – (some background tune)
Jets to Brazil – air traffic control
Vinicius Cantuaria – India

bicyclemark84: Justice Ain’t This Blind

You’ve heard a few things about Stanley Williams from a scattered few media sources, now hear more about the man and the case, the details the media ignores.

AudioCommunique #84(mp3)
31min+, 80kbps, 17Mb+


Tookie Williams on Wikipedia, the entry Ive been fighting to fix
Mumia on Torture
South Central LA in the 70’s
The orgins of the crips and why they were formed
The case against Tookie, the paid witnesses, the contradictory experts
The other suspect and the drugging of prisoners in the LA system
The clemency “discovery”request (88 pages)
The response from the LAPD and State (both the discovery and the response are available on the wikipedia links for the above mentioned Tookie entry)
Film about Tookie starring Jamie Foxx –Redemption
How the critics see it
The achievements and actions of Tookie as a global activist
Nevermind where you are on death penatly. Never mind if you like the man or believe him. The question is — is there something wrong about this case? Are there doubts and examples of negligence?
Credit to Yeast Radio, Mikeypod, and DemocracyNow


Gil Scott-Heron – Billy Green is Dead
Johnny Cash – San Quentin
Dr. Dre – Death Row
Bloc Party – The Price
Talib Kweli, featuring Res – Where do we Go?
Iron & Wine with Calexico – Prison on Route 41

bicyclemark82: The Right of Podcast and Mashup

World Famous dj, mashup artist, and podcaster Tim of Radio Clash joins me to discuss our right to podcast what we want and the conflicts with money, commercials, and laws.

AudioCommunique #82(mp3)
42min+, 80kbps, 24Mb+


Radio Clash’s
1-year anniversary
Adam Curry and EU laws
Mashups Aren’t Selling Anything
Commercial Podcasts Should Pay
Advertizements on the AudioCommunique?
The Future at risk for podcasting
Self-Censorship and the excessive fear of podcasters
Tim and I will podcast til we have long-er beards or we get arrested (beards preferrably)

Music Includes:

Leonard Cohen with Noir Desir – The Partisan
Boards of Canada – Satellite Anthem Icarus
Stereo Total – Joe le Taxi
Dave Mathews – Out of my hands
Vinicius Cantuaria – bootleg I proudly made at Bimhuis last week (and yes I buy his CD’s and go to every show I can ! )

bicyclemark81: Another Podcaster Visits the European Parliament

OK not really. But I’ve been in the neighborhood in the past 24 hours and this podcast was recorded whilst walking around the suburbs.

AudioCommunique #81(mp3)
22min+, 80kbps, 13Mb+


Reactions and Reflections on my Interview Style
Armistice Day in Belgium
Central Europe’s War Wisdom
Adam Curry’s Visit to the EU parliament
dutch podcast meetup today
Integration.. a word that annoys me
other odds and ends

Music — A bootleg I made. I can say no more about it.