I got your Tubefeed

Millions upon millions malnourished and hungry worldwide, and the american government and media are obsessed with someone and their fucking feeding tube.

Today’s Sounds: Kings of Convenience – Riot on an Empty Street

Funked Up

You figure after a super fun trip to a mac nerd conference with none other than DucSloerie and FashionSloerie of the Sloeriesource podcast, nothing could bring me down. The show itself wasn’t a huge deal, it looked like the senior prom at Apple High, where Steve Jobs would be our principal, and our basketball team would probably have a going rivalry with the St.Micrsoft High School team.

And while it was neat to see all the I-this and I-that’s, my favorite part was getting to finally hang with the infamous podcast duo. And just like with many bloggers I have met recently (or not so recently) it was like meeting people you’ve known for years and years. Which also made it not so wierd when both DucSloerie and myself are walking around the event with Irivers around our necks and microphones attached to our shirts. At some point a guy comes up to us and asks if we’re podcasting, and as I introduce myself he says “oh, I knew your voice was familiar. I liked your soundseeing of the red light, albert cuyp…” – I’m famooose, you see.

Unfortunately no matter how known I may or may not be, I can’t seem to get a very important piece of consumer electronics smuggled out of the San Fran area. I’m dyin. Plan A died early on. Plan B croaked amidst much drama and some good samaritans. Plan C doesn’t exist. Is there any kind reader in the Bay Area that is making a journey to Amsterdam? I swear I’ll cook you dinner, give you bike, tuck you in at night, shine your shoes… Ill even dedicate blog posts to you. That’s almost as good as poetry!!? I’m serious, this shit is making me miserable…

Only this wonderful xtx story can make me feel better. or dirty. either one is good.

Today’s Sounds: Complete Silence, in the heart of Amsterdam.

AudioCommuniqu?#21: How I moved to Europa

In the spirit of changing things up, this is a special show about a vry personal journey; how and why I moved from New Jersey, to Portugal, and the to the Netherlands. Not my usual style, lots of talking. Music to accompany different stages of my journey, and flickr photo highlights for you to follow, of course.

AudioCommuniqu? #21(mp3)

22min+, 64kbps, 10Mb+


5oclock whistlin

Sometimes stuff feels unique to Amsterdam, but it isn’t. Sometimes you gotta work on fridays, even though you’re the part-time king, and the co-workers invite you out for after-work drinks. Beers after work, probably international protocol, no? Still, it feels like no one does this like the dutch. I bet it starts earlier here, cause the white collared ones barely work on friday, and maybe lunch is barely over, but the pubs are spilling over across from Artis (the zoo).

So naturally when they ask me to go for a drink – I go. Somewhere in between podcasting and powerbook fundraising, I failed to notice what a cool crew I work with. Slowly but surely, the fishtank has put together a staff of international allstars. The pub conversation curiously and quickly zigzags between Dutch and English. Nobody flinches, cept for my brain that keeps thinking — note to self, blog about this phenom and these cool people. Sho-nuff, conversation got to podcasting and before you know it, 15 minutes worth of “what is podcasting good for” has spouted from out this mouth, and now there’s a debate if its good or bad for society. haha.. yeah.. we worry, cause fishtank employees help mold young minds and fix society’s ills.

I’m writing like shite today… distracted by the Fugazi, and the postcard from Northern Sweden. I’m going you know…. to that crazy phallus-shaped country… oh yes. I’m not only going ice-fishing with Marty McFly and SuperSofia, I’m also dogsledding north to visit my most favorite blogologista. ‘Parently her uni wants to listen to me talk podcasting… but nevermind that’s all next month.

So let’s play… cause like the midnight mailman says, blogs should be for fun and for learning, starting this weekend, I present an occasional series on the communiqu? called: “Who are the people in my blog-neighborhood.” Long title, I know. It means with each post I’ll take one blog from that column to the left, and talk about why I blogrolled them or what I like about that blog. Why? Cause they’re there, I put ?m there, and they deserve some explanation/credit.

Oh and weird coincidence, small world, Jamie from the Known Universe is talking about a friend that I also know from here in Amsterdam. Its like seperation degrees of Kevin Bacon sometimes.

Wow.. did I write all this crap?

Today’s Sounds: Fugazi – Endhits (recommended by Greg at VivaPodcast!)

One for Blogger

I worked hard on this “offline”.

Today’s Sounds: Decemberists – Picaresque