bmtv111 The Trans-Mongolian Journey

The following is a video montage of my journey from Irkutsk, Russia to UlaanBaatar, Mongolia aboard the Moscow to Beijing Train. It also includes a few clips from my first day in the city of UlaanBaatar.  For more video entries, including many that didn’t appear on this blog, from my Siberian journey, follow this link to my videos.

bmtv108 Adventures in Tomsk (1 more time)

I set off from Tomsk in the direction of Kemerovo more than 2 weeks ago, yet memories of the adventures and encounters that I had there still dance in my head.  In sorting through all the video I recorded during that time, I’ve put together one more video montage of my experience as a guest lecturer and overall visitor in Tomsk, a city which I found to be very interesting; where everyday I learned something new.

bmtv107 Hello Tomsk

First video entry from me here in Siberia. Standing in a park in downtown Tomsk just assessing how the trip is going and what plans have been made for the next few days.

The Crime Known as War

My good friends and colleagues at wikileaks have released a long anticipated and truly horrifying video obtained unofficially from the US military.  Unofficially is putting it kindly, the US military never wanted you to see this video where civilians are targeted and killed over and over.  I could say more but I’d rather let the video and wikileaks do the talking, so please watch for yourself.

bmtv106 Student Revolt in the US

After the mass student uprising all across Europe in late 2009, the movement has awoken all across the United States this month. Students, faculty, and staff began walking out of their classes and holding marches and rallies at University campuses across the nation.  With the lack of support and resources from the federal government, tuition hikes, staff layoffs, and massive budget cuts from state governments, millions of people are making their voices heard and refusing to go about their business as if nothing is wrong.

I was particularly excited and proud to have seen video footage (included in this video entry) from the school I graduated from in 2001, William Paterson University of New Jersey.  As you can see from the images, that spirit of resistance and dedication to a cause is alive and well at my alma mater. It is particularly wonderful to see the familiar faces and hear the passionate voices of faculty members who played and continue to play a big role in helping me find my voice and choose my path as an activist-journalist.