Some Inspiring Videos for 07

“When you recommend stuff, I like that, you should do more of that,” said a nice guy at a party in Berlin who knew of my blog. He was pretty curious and concerned about my choices as a writer, podcaster, and vlogger… which I very much appreciated.

So, in honor of him, and because I was particularly inspired by these vlogs I just watched.. you absolutely should watch the following three:

1 – Minnesota Stories’ vlog entry about the artist C. Beck. This is not just me saying.. hey watch this.. this is me saying.. I absolutely loved the words and thoughts of this artist and his work is brilliant.

2 – While the Colombian migration project has many strong entries, this latest one on a woman named Rocio and her struggle to obtain citizenship reminded me alot of my own thoughts on life. The value I place on my own right to travel and move and live where I want.

3 – And finally tonight, I just added him to my vlogroll… he’s a great friend and probably certifiably insane. The macdocman has returned to the vlog world with a very motivating focus… go watch the first crazy entry on United VLoggers. I’ll go to his house tomorrow night and let him know in person why I liked it.

3 Videos Since Milan is Coming Up

Since I know yee good people have things to catch up on and I can’t keep writing mountains, today I’ll simply recommend three videos and be gone. Friday is the journey to Milan for vlogeurope, so video is the name of the game for the immediate future.

First: A New vlogger on the scene. You may recall I had a group of students I was tending to from Minnesota… well wouldn’t you know it.. one particular Rachel has started a vlog that has this great energy.. a certain je don’t know quoi.

Second: I’ve recently been writing for Richard’s news vlog, the Eclectic Newsbrief… news you won’t find in the mainstream and presented in a unique way. (see if you spot the societal critique)

And Lastly: A wonderful artist, my friend Hollye Davidson has a great understanding of how people relate to art. She even helps me to see my own art, which I often forget. Watch her latest vlog on dogs and art… i learned alot.

BM Will Travel to VlogEuropa

I tend to poo-poo conferences. Let’s be real; no matter what the topic and how noble the mission, the world is full of conferences with bullshit topics where obscene amounts of money are spent in order to talk about a problem for which we will have to hold another conference to continue the discussion- repeat process for a few years, run out of money or interest and move on to another catchy titled conference.

Anyone who’s annoyed with what I just wrote is probably a frequent participant in such conferences.

Despite that, and contradicting my normal outlook on conferences, I’m going to a very modest and enjoyable conference in a few weeks: (hahaha) VlogEurope. If you were at the first one than you know how low budget (or non-budget) it was and how the priority was figuring out how to get this wonderful forum – videoblogs- into the hands of people who don’t want to learn to be nerds, but have a story that lacks representation in this world of media.

Milano 2006!

One year on, obviously alot has happened and more people are doing vlogs and watching them, but it is still far from where we hope for it to be. Plus, in making our videos and maintaining our sites, we don’t often get to sit together in person and experience the energy and feed off the inspiration. So this year, when we meet up in Milano for a weekend, we will have that rare occasion for all of this and more.

If you can make it to Italy, or you’re just curious to know more: read up and consider joining. Or don’t… either way Ill be reporting from Italy, Slovenia, and more, come November 17th.