Family History, Word of Mouth

Spent the day with grandma and grandpa, which means I have tons to say, and even more to reflect on when it comes to life, work, love, and family.

On the surface my grandparents may seem to have the typical 80+ snydrome where you talk alot about aches and pains and how everything sucks. But once you finish lunch, put away the dishes, and gather around the fireplace with them, that is when the magic happens.

Sometimes, I admit, I set it off on purpose. I’ll ask a leading question, maybe because Ive got my camera ready to record the magical response… I’ll ask: So how old where you when you started working grandma? And she won’t give me a second look… no hesitation… she breaks right into “Oh.. me… 9 years old. I was nine years old and my father made me guide the cows because the cows never knew where they were going and it was during the olive harvest and …” She goes on and on for hours. And you know what? I don’t mind one bit.

Maybe I’ve even heard half the stories already.. but I don’t care. I want to hear them again. I want to burn them into my head. I sometimes catch myself daydreaming while grandpa talks.. picturing how I will tell my children about their great grandparents. I’ll tell them the stories about the wine harvest and the great-great grandfather who was the town poet… it will all be told as if I was there. Because I will adopt these stories as mine.. because when it comes down to it.. they are.

Keep the Car Runnin Paw’

Here I sit… 3 houses down from my parents place… engine running.. heat on… laptop on crotch… this is what it takes be a dedicated blogger in this town. Hot dam.

I’ve clearly left Lisbon and it is, as always, an internet jungle out here. Just got kicked out of the Youth Center-Cafe where I had only sat for 30 minutes before they were telling me to hit the road, not that i care, that fascist place firewalls my website. Imagine that? Internet Porn and… thats not right. Both of those should not be censored.

Before it gets to dam cold with the engine off… i wanted to tell a brief story:

Today I had lunch at the pump house.. to see my darlng Elsa. Ive blogged of how much I love her before.. she and I go sooo way back and its amazing to see how we’ve both aged and life has changed.. yet whenever Im here I end up right there in that pub.. and there she is ready to leap from behind the bar and give me a big hug and she knows my flavor of iced tea and loves to tell me about her love life. And thats how it has always been.. since I was teenager and she was this super cool bartender.

As I sat eating, the cook came to sit with me. Ive noticed him only in the last year or so.. looks british.. might be eastern european, I aways figured, from his style. Turns out he’s polish and we got to speaking about a certain town in Poland that Im trying to do a podcast on the mayor.

Turns out he’s also a journalist, just cooking to pay the bills (soon I will too!). He was talking about how opposite Portugal is from Poland, and how he can’t explain it.. but that I must simply go there to see and feel it. He also spoke about how there is only about one town where people walk with their heads held high(!). According to him, most people are disillusioned with everything and either planning to leave or walking around in a rut. This general mood is said to be reflected in politics, where I went on and on about how fickle the electorate is and how they change there minds about politicians so fast, no one has enough time to ever impliment any programs; good or bad.

Unexpectedly interesting conversation at my favorite pub. Which gave me more fuel and inspiration for the Wroclaw Mayor podcast (working on it) and confirmed any thoughts I had about needing to visit that country ASAP.

Time to get out of this car.

bmtv32 Jingle Bell Hash

One of the great traditions I keep is whenever I come back to Lisbon I participate in the hash with my buddy BadHareDay. To get a taste of the Lisbon Hash House Harriers, watch this vlog… and weep.

Direct Link HERE.

Saturday in the Lisbon Area

Im editing video of my most unique day near Cascais. Plus its 240am and Ive just returned from drinks with unexpected friends, old and mostly new.

So for now, here’s photo

Vamos As Compras

Portuguese people be shoppin.’

You cannot stop a Portuguese person from shopping.

I didn’t bother trying. I joined them, cause grandma and grandpa deserve a little something nice from the impoverished travelling vlogger of a grandson.

But it really me wonder that classic question: How do they afford it?

I’m sure you’ve heard about people in debt and still shopping in places like the US. But someone should check the stats, Portugal has by far less money yet there are shopping malls and insane shoppers everywhere.

Spent the early afternoon with Mr. Miguel of the vlogspark project, whom I became fast-friends with at VlogEurope a few weeks ago. We talked about people’s consuming habits here, and how they aren’t very into shopping locally. Instead you find the big megastores full of people while the beautiful little mom and pop stores wait nearly empty in the heart of the city.

My hope, as I told Miguel over lunch at this fancy-fun alternative café/clothing store, is that this is a phase, and soon people will long for shopping in a local place again, where shop owners give you that wonderful personal and caring touch. Luckily for me, I got to experience that joy today, as random old people walked me around their shops, carefully helping me choose and taking their time to carefully prepare every detail of my purchases.

bm173 Turkey Talk in Lisbon

En route from Amsterdam to Lisbon via Porto, I had ample time to read through the French, British, and Portuguese papers. I ran into many articles on Turkey and the decision by the EU to slow down or what many call “freeze” the process of expansion to include them. While it is certainly not under-reported news, it is an issue that I have a seperate or somewhat different concern about, and therefore voila: a podcast on this topic, including some other EU related concerns and criticisms from me. No podjournalism today, just me in this chilly Lisbon apartment, trying to huddle around a electric-space-heater.

Here’s an article for additional reading.