A Preacher Man

Normally religion doesn’t get much attention here on citizenreporter. Probably because I’m not a religious person.? Nevertheless my recommendation for you today is related to faith and preachers and yes.. evangelicals.. a group I really never pay attention to.

This evening I found myself on a train, coming home from Brussels, mind wandering… and sure enough I turn on This American Life.? This episode focuses on a preacher, an evangelical preacher who went from being a superstar to being a pariah among his own people.? But its not the rise and fall that caught my attention. It is the man’s voice, in the interviews and in church… his voice keeps me captivated.. its magic. It doesn’t make me suddenly religious.. but it does make me think about life and friends and love and how things change.? Plus its a story that just hangs there in my mind.? Therefore I recommend giving it a listen.

bm288 Genetically Modified Sugar

The things you may not have known about GMO sugar in your food.

Threatening NYC Water

Some of you may recall a great guest I had on the podcast last year, Al Appleton, the man who saved the NYC water system.

I thought of Al today as I read about how NY state has loosened restrictions on drilling for gas in the NYC watershed are. Using a method called horizontal drilling under the Catskill Mountains, there are proposals to drill for gas. This despite the risk that drilling would bring of spilling toxic chemicals into New York City’s drinking supply. Interfering with the water system could also force the need for building a water treatment plant which would cost an astronomical amount. This despite the fact that over a decade ago, concerned citizens and watershed experts like Al Appleton eliminated the need for building such plants byContinue reading “Threatening NYC Water”

bmtv94 Undamming Rivers

Word from the Northwest of the US is that 4 dams along the Klamath river will be removed by 2011. The river will once again flow and the ecosystem will have a fighting chance after almost a century of being dammed. It will be the largest dam removal and ecosystem restoriation project anywhere… ever.

Antarctic Importance

Results of a new survey in the Antarctic seas have just been released, showing that more than any other region in the world, the Antarctic contains the most amount of species and overal biodiversity on the planet.

The survey recorded 1,224 species in 50 different biological classes. The team discovered five new species and one genus – the biological category that is higher than species – that was new to science.

Continue reading “Antarctic Importance”

bm287 4 Decades of Conflict in Mindanao

40 years of war in Mindanao rarely makes it to the front pages of the international press. Yet according to Edwin Espejo, more attention in the international would do alot towards ending this long and destructive conflict. As my guest in this edition of citizenreporter, Edwin explains a bit about the orgin of the conflict, the goals of the groups involved, and how things have evolved even prior to 9/11 and the connection between Mindanao and other conflicts in other parts of Asia.

I highly recommend his blog, which focuses on Mindanao and issues effecting the island, especially this conflict.