A podcast episode recorded from eastern Rwanda on a fine March evening in 2019. Special thanks to my Mikme recorder and the good people at Mikme for their creation and support.
David Brightbill: Podcasting While You Cycle To Makerspaces Around the World
Somewhere in the year 2005, as podcast slowly sprang up around the world, I began listening to and communicating with the great David Brightbill. Over the years we have kept in touch, followed each others projects, and above all kept our love of audio, creativity, and community. Also riding bikes, we both like that. Listen as David and I sit at my kitchen table for our first recording since 2007 and examine just what is going on in this online audio space of ours, as well as many things in the offline space too.
Notes and Noise from Nairobi
Outbursts, Setting Things on Fire and other Non-Japanese Behavior
Matthew Dons: A Walk Around His Tokyo
Today on the podcast, we take a long walk past the houses and trains, the fields and shrines, while looking at how things work here compared to anywhere else. There is learning but there is also a lot of laughing, mostly my own. Listen and enjoy.
Reminder also, Matthew is fighting to live longer, in a relentless battle against cancer; you can help his family afford this struggle by going to http://matthewdons.org and join the almost 900 people that have already donated.
On Giving and Balance: The Story of the Hottarakashi Onsen