The Bush Administration, in the name of the United States, filed a lawsuit with the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the European Union regarding Genetically Modified Food. Bush administration officials, as well as senators, assert that Europe’s refusal to import American Genetically Modified Foods is damaging to American farmers who want access to the important European market. They go on to insist that GMF “represents the difference between life and death in developing countries.”

Of course, this assertion is completely false when considering that the problem of hunger around the world is not because there is not enough food, but rather because of war, poverty, economics, corruption and mis-management. Furthermore these law-makers and politicians completely ignore the inconclusive and incomplete knowledge of the long-term effects of GMF.

Meanwhile the real forces singing the praises of GMF’s are not representatives of Non-Governmental organizations, nor representatives of third world countries, but instead.. it is the major drug companies like Monsanto and the senators that receive huge sums of money from such companies who insist GMF benefits everyone.

Of course, their court case has been brought before the WTO, an organization who’s members are not elected and not accountable to citizens of any country. An organization who’s rulings supercede any nation’s laws regardless of the law or country.

Obviously the motive is clear.. shove genetically modified food down the throats of the rest of the world, quickly, before anyone (or any government) can notice.

So the Republican National Convention 2004 is to be held at MSG in NEW YORK CITY! Once again the party, rallying around their crown prince, show the nation as well as the world that they truely have no respect whatsoever for the people of New York City and the sanctity of that city since that awful tragedy. Once again they use New York to score “political points” and play upon sensitive emotions for their own agenda.

This is an injustice.. an embarassment to democracy.

Republicans, Democrats, and basically every citizen should demand that this decision be reversed. Their first target should be non-smoker extrodinaire Mike Bloomberg, who literally spends his days figuring out new ways to fight smoking… which is a really cute way for a mayor to pass his time. As apposed to balancing a budget, addressing serious education problems, etc. But Mike isnt the only problem.. the Republican National Committee, the New York State Senate, and the US Congress should all be pressured to help stop this convention from taking place.

New York City is off limits to political parties seeking to “galvanize” the hearts and minds of New Yorkers and Americans scarred by the terrorist attacks. Nor republicans or any other party should be able to have their convention there. Shame on the Republican party. People must mobilize before New York City is once again exploited!

The Government of the United Kingdom has decided to “delay” elections in Northern Ireland. The benevolent goverment of Tony Blair, who loves to talk about bringing democracy to the people of Iraq, etc… apparently isn’t interested in implementing democracy in the terroritory that is controlled by his military, much closer to home. What an embarassment for the people of the UK, as well as its allies in the quest for world liberation, as it turns out.. democracy is only good when they decide it’s time for democracy. Prior to that, as is the case in Northern Ireland, you’re required to endure a military occupation and legal persecution.

Fear not people of Northern Ireland… you are members of the EU! And the European Court of Human Rights has the authority and the power to give Downing Street a good slap in the face and grant you the justice you’ve suffered for.. for so long. Hold the criminals accountable… take the British government to court! Become your own liberators, stand up to this new brand of fascism.

Happy May 1st to all. To all those who work: whether it be at home, in the office, at school, on the street, in the factory, in the air, at sea, on the road, underground, in orbit… this is our bond.. we work. Today.. one day out of the year… on this day we remember the millions worldwide… throughout history and still today who have fought and died to bring us a better life. To bring us things like healthcare, retirement plans, 8 hour work days, and WEEKENDS! Yet this is not only a day for remembering and honoring, but to renew a commitment. The commitment to struggle.. whether it be through everyday work or specific direct-action, the struggle around the world continues, for a better life, where profit is not the only god, but where quality of life and human dignity are valued above all.

On this day I remember Joe Hill. Organizer, Worker, Poet, Human. Murdered by the firing squad of the state of Utah. His life commitment to fighting for change will always be an inspiration for my own life commitment.

(Written in his cell, November 18, 1915,

on the eve of his execution)

My will is easy to decide,

For there is nothing to divide.

My kind don’t need to fuss and moan —

“Moss does not cling to a rolling stone.”

My body? Ah, If I could choose,

I would to ashes it reduce,

And let the merry breezes blow

My dust to where some flowers grow.

Perhaps some fading flower then

Would come to life and bloom again.

This is my last and final will.

Good luck to all of you.

The first round of Argentina’s elections took place yesterday. How difficult it must be to vote in an election, when your country has been completely robbed and sold by the very political class that continues to present itself as the saviors of the people. How many more IMF and worldbank loans will the next president take out so that Argentina can get a quick-fix of cash only to be hit with huge debts for the next 100 years. How many more banks will fold and withhold people’s money. How many more privatizations will the next president give the green light to while his people are desparate and hungry.

What a great day in Argentina. Election day. It’s like going to a bad restaurant to choose from the awful menu… the food you will be eating for the next 5 years or so.

Guantanamo Bay… Camp X-Ray… where the US thinks it doesn’t have to care about human rights… among the places it chooses to ignore human rights in. I’ll let South Africa’s Mail and Guardian illustrate:

US detains children at Guantanamo Bay

23 April 2003 13:44

The US military has admitted that children aged 16 years and younger are among the detainees being interrogated at its prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Lieutenant Colonel Barry Johnson, a US military spokesperson, yesterday said all the teenagers being held were “captured as active combatants against US forces”, and described them as “enemy combatants”.

The children, some of whom have been held at Guantanamo for over a year, are imprisoned in separate cells from the adult detainees, Lt Col Johnson said. He would say only that the teenagers are “very few, a very small number” and would not say how old the youngest prisoner is.

The US military confirmed their presence yesterday after Australia’s ABC television reported that children were being held at Guantanamo, the controversial detention centre where prisoners from the war in Afghanistan have been held by the US, in breach of the Geneva conventions, for over a year.

The news sparked outrage from human rights groups already campaigning against the indefinite detention of the roughly 660 males from 42 countries, held on suspicion of having links to al-Qaeda or Afghanistan’s ousted Taliban regime. They have not been charged or allowed access to lawyers.

“That the US sees nothing wrong with holding children at Guantanamo and interrogating them is a shocking indicator of how cavalier the Bush administration has become about respecting human rights,” said an Amnesty International spokesman, Alistair Hodgett.

Human Rights Watch said the US was exacerbating a contentious situation. “[The detention of youths] reflects our broader concerns that the US never properly determined the legal status of those held in the conflict,” said James Ross, legal adviser for Human Rights Watch in New York.

Lt Col Johnson said the juveniles were being held because “they have potential to provide important information in the ongoing war on terrorism”.

“Their release is contingent on the determination that they are not a threat to the [US] nation and have no further intelligence value.”

Lt Col Johnson said officials determined that some detainees were younger than 16 during medical and other screenings after their arrival in Cuba. He added that all the prisoners aged under 16 years were brought to Guantanamo after January 1 2002 — suggesting that some were 15 or younger when they were first imprisoned.

In September 2002, Canadian officials reported that a 15-year-old Canadian had been captured on July 27 after being badly wounded in a firefight in eastern Afghanistan. Canada’s prime minister, Jean Chr?tien said he was seeking consular access to the boy.

Last week, Toronto’s Globe and Mail newspaper reported that the youth, now 16, is being held in Guantanamo and that US officials have refused access to Canadian officials.

The newspaper quoted unidentified sources as saying that the youth allegedly threw a grenade that killed Sergeant 1st Class Christopher James Speer, 28, of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The Globe and Mail said US officials would want to interrogate the Canadian because his father has been identified as a senior financial leader of al-Qaeda.

Lawyers have blamed the indefinite detentions for increasing depression and suicide attempts at the camp, which received the first detainees in January 2001.

According to the US military, there have been 25 suicide attempts by 17 prisoners at Camp X-Ray, with 15 attempts made this year.

Just this Monday the US military announced that one prisoner, who it said was under supervision in the acute care unit of a new mental health ward, made a repeated suicide attempt. – Guardian Unlimited ? Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003