bmtv5 Pre 1848

It’s the way I like to look at the united states, pull out some pre-1848 maps… before there were crazy american militias running around with guns threatening people who cross the rio grande. This vlog comes to no great conclusion, it just expresses thoughts and some maps to make you go hmmmmmm.

Watch the Video

Obviously the tune is Bob Dylan’s With God on Our Side, special thanks to Scott from Tokyo Calling for recommending it considering the theme of this vlog. He’s also vlogging so go there and enjoy.

*one more thing: this one is in my regular feed in order to reach my regular audience. soon I’ll keep video only on the video feed, but few people are suscribed to that feed thus far. If you like my vlogs, subscribe to the video feed.

bm119 Broadcasting, Podcasting, and Community

Discussions about publishing audio content on the internet always involve the fact that there is a global audience, a seemingly limitless reach so long as someone can get on the internet. My guest in the garden, Digital Artist and Rebel Lotte Meijer, takes us back to the magic and beginnings of broadcasting at the community level with her project “Broadcast Your Podcast“.

AudioCommunique #119 (mp3)


Bloc Party – The Pioneers
Talking Heads – Radiohead
Ataris – Radio Song

podcast made possible by you the listener and also

Friday Night Demonstrations

I was ringing ringing the artist formerly known as frisbee girl’s doorbell last night, as we were set to go catch “Me, You, and Everyone We Know”. As I stood there and the little intercom featured her voice saying — be right down– I noticed three bike cops standing next to me. I looked at each of them and they looked back at me and I said, Hello. They returned the hello. Then 2 scooter cops pulled up, followed by a police car. There they are.. six cops, and more coming down the road. I kept wondering what crime I had committed lately and I was prepared to dial the American embassy’s emergency legal-aid number which is programmed into my phone cause I am convinced I will one day need it.

FG came out and was also surprised at the number of cops. As we walked away she overheard one of their conversations and it had to do with squatter demonstrations. She deduced that squatters were going to demonstrate against all the evictions lately and the general spirit of the government that says — no more squatters, build more fancy housing for wealthy people.

That was basically that. We mused a bit about what a shame it is that police and squatters have such bad relations. I mused about how I should be there with my camera and microphone, but instead I feel the need to see a film with a good friend. Go figure.

Since that hardly seems like alot of breakthru information this evening, I present to you three of my latest photos, part of my celebration of the new Sony Cybershot M2 beauty that I own:

Photo Hosted at

Photo Hosted at

Muntplein 2

Driving Around with Nuclear Missiles

Thursday is my all-day in the fishtank day, where all the little fishies come to use the computers. As part of my fishtank ritual, I read the International Herald Tribune and the Financial Times; both because its the only reading material around and because Im looking for stories that deserve more attention. And today it was an article on the British Submarine fleet.

Some people may not find it a big deal, but I’m kind of baffled by the fact that the United Kingdom has a fleet of submarines in service that are still armed with long range nuclear missles carrying multiple warheads.
I repeat and I’ll quote the article:

Nevermind. I can’t quote it now, some dude is eating his lunch over it.

Anyway according to the Naval Defence Industries, the Vanguard class submarines current in service, carry a maximum of 48 nuclear warheads!

Now I ask you, British military, and people around the world. Why? What for? Why is it that certain countries still feel the need to pretend nuclear war could happen at any minute and that without the capability to launch a zillion nuclear missiles, their nation will never survive?

In this case I’m focusing solely on the UK. I’m sure the US and Russia also enjoy sending out their submarines loaded with nuclear missiles to launch at imaginary enemies.

According to the description in the FT, who I believe was quoting the Royal Navy, these nuclear missiles are to be used against “rogue nations.” Nice and specific eh?

The scariest part is that members of the Navy have to work with these useless, accident-waiting-to-happen weapons. I’m sure they’re very efficient and knowledgable with how to manage missiles with multiple world-destroying war heads. But even the slightest possiblilty of any type of nuclear accident is unacceptable.

The real reason they still exist? Beyond any military-strategic reasons, it’s because two major corporations profit from building and servicing the missiles: BAE and LockheedMartin. Who should both be taken to task by the public and by governments for encouraging and profiting from this out-dated and dangerous business arangement.

In honor of my occasional participation in videobloggingweek2006, I present a video montage of my thoughts the other day.

One of these Taylors is a Sociopath

Actually I don’t know anything about Charles Taylor the Republican House Rep from North Carolina. I just found it fun that he shares a name with the ex-Liberian president now on trial.

Charles G. Taylor, American-Liberian. Meaning born in Liberian but having American roots in his family. I know it’s common human rights protocol to condemn him as a warlord, but can I just say – this man fascinates me to no end.

Photo Hosted at Buzznet.comNaturally if your family was hacked to pieces by his soldiers, you probably don’t want to hear this. But all the killing aside, this man is much more than a warlord. His behavior has been described by the BBC as that of a “showman” for his tactics during various moments as president where he would appear in distinct costume (military uniform or all in white) and his use of religion to justify his decisions (sounds familiar).

I’ve read the interviews over the years while observing his actions. With the reports coming out of the first days of trial, I’ve started thinking that perhaps Taylor fits the profile of a sociopath. I’m Portuguese from New Jersey, which makes me automatically qualified as an amateur social worker, so lets use the sociopath checklist on Taylor:

  1. failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
  2. evidence suggests — CHECK.

  3. deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
  4. – seems to be his specialty. Check.

  5. impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
  6. – not sure, but the fact that he got caught – check.

  7. irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults
  8. he started lots of wars, and he’s pretty aggressive in interviews. half-check.

  9. reckless disregard for safety of self or others
  10. the scores of dead and maimed would prove this one true. Check.

  11. consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain steady work or honor financial obligations
  12. money has repeatedly gone missing under his care. Check.

  13. lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another
  14. well, he has collapsed on the ground and begged forgiveness from god. But during this trial he seems completely withoout remorse. So this ones hard to tell. Half-check.

I’ve said it many times before. The world needs an army of psychologists to be rapidly deployed wherever people are suffering or have suffered. They can evaluate the situation, work out the collective and individual issues that lead to conflict, and identify the leaders that are mentally unstable.

Shit, I just noticed there is additional criteria for classifying a sociopath. somebody get me Taylor’s childhood behavior record, I’m on the job.

bm118 Nepal: Life, Liberty, and the whims of the King.

Lodged between India and China who perhaps steal the spotlight, Nepal continues to suffer as the King tries to keep a tight grip on citizen rights. Meanwhile Maoist Rebels and Government troops clash in a struggle for power. In between these two forces, you will find the Nepalese people growing increasingly impatient with the behavior of both sides and calling for a return to the democracy they once knew. Dinesh Wagle of United We Blog! For a democratic Nepal is my special guest to talk about these themes and much more.

AudioCommunique #118 (mp3)

Reporters Without Borders on Nepal


Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros- Can Anyone
Rasham Firiri – (I think the song is called Srangi, but Im not sure)
Ani Difranco – Everest

podcast made possible by you the listener and also