bmtv18 A Visit with Max and Stacy

You know them from Karmabanque and the Truth About Markets. Now witness their return to videoblogging during my recent visit with them in Paris.

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All About the Vietnam Visit

Just back in from a visit with Frisbee Girl, who just returned from a long journey through Vietnam. Tonight was one of those, dinner, wine, and looking at photos that each have a story.

Of course I’ve always been fascinated by Vietnam, especially considering all the destruction that war brought that country only a few decades ago. But also because it is technically run by a communist government, though in this day-in-age, no communist government is really very communist. But let’s leave that discussion for another day.

Listening to FG’s stories and looking at these photos, I was amazed at the bustling life and beauty that seemed to fly out of every image. I’m talking not only of the beautiful nature, but also of the Vietnamese people and their amazing ways of doing things.

In looking at these photos and the background in each one, I saw very little signs of desperate poverty, as is sometimes assumed of this region of the world. I asked FG if she had noted widespread poverty, and she informed me that she had noted no such thing. Instead, she talked about how there weren’t people starving in the streets or begging every tourist for some money. She spoke and presented photos of the neverending amounts of trade and bartering that seemed to go on, fruit traded for fruit. Fish dried into paste. Rice cooked into puffed rice. Bananas grown into… bananas. In so many different regions she visited, the one thing I noted was that each one featured a large amount of people doing some sort of economic activity that involved the land or the sea.

Naturally I didn’t see these things first hand. And of course one person’s impression is not always the whole story. But i think there is something to be said for the quality of life Vietnam has achieved, especially having been bombed into the stone age, not so long ago.

I also came to another conclusion. With all the regional and international trade deals their government is starting to move towards, now is the time to go to Vietnam… before the global market turns it into a brave new world of mcdonalds, starbucks, and kfc.

Bonus: Went seeking a Vietnam based blog, found – Our Man in Hanoi.


Im experimenting with some new looks this morning… maybe shield your eyes. Should be back to normal shortly.

I’m Done With Ray Nagin

You remember Ray Nagin right? The mayor of New Orleans during the largest humanitarian crisis in the history of the United States? The guy who you hear in that radio clip where he starts crying and yelling at the rest of the country for not doing anything while people were dying while staring up at the sky begging for help. Her earned alot of respect for his directness and honesty during that disaster. Hell, I respected him for it.

Of course that was before I knew more about the man and what he had done with the city. Mostly nothing if you don’t count fostering curruption and fiscal irresponsibility. But still I held out hope that Nagin might be a changed man, having seen bodies of his own voters floating around face down throughout his streets. I still wanted to cheer for him… until now.

I’m done with Ray Nagin. Besides the numerous episodes that had shown he was two faced and a typical wishy washy politician, this latest appearance on Meet the Press did me in… or rather.. him in.

Anytime the man was asked if the federal government had failed him, a government that took over a week to respond, and when they finally did it consisted mostly of private contractors and overzealous military police, he refused to acknowledge it. As if someone is pulling his strings or controlling his speech, he refused to admit the the US government has a double standard when it comes to saving the lives of black people. To his credit, he did acknowledge it was a matter of class. Still, a man who once sounded unafraid to speak his mind and admit what a disaster his city had become, now he chose his words carefull, dodged criticizing anyone in particular, and pretended his city was doing rather well in terms of recovery.

Sorry Ray, you’re pathetic and I’m over you. I hope you fall into obscurety after serving your zillion terms as mayor of a city that will never recover, and will never have a leader who will push for a true investigation and trial for the crimes against humanity resulting from the neglect of the federal government, as well as that of the state and local governments.

About the only cool thing I could find in his whole interview, was when he called the site of the former WTC in NYC, a big hole in the ground and Tim Russert got all preachy and bitchy like it was a sin to say so. Of course he backed down on that one too, even though it is, when it comes down to it, a big hole in the ground.

Poor New Orleans. First Katrina. And then this fakester gets re-elected.

bm151 An activists story, from Lebanon to Jerusalem

It was early July and she was invited to a camp in southern Lebanon. A very special camp. Many nations, cultures, religions, all gathered to work for one common goal. This is my friend Elise’s story of being at the camp as the bombs began to rain down on Lebanon.

No links, listening is all that’s necessary.


The Night Before the American Invasion

They’re coming.

They’re using planes as their method of transportation.

They leave from various US cities, often travelling alone or in groups of 2 or 3.

They travel with a great deal of electronics, mostly ipods, laptops, and other personal devices.

They are very well financed, with enough money to run their operations in Europe for at least 5 months.

They tend to look suspicious, easily identified by speaking loudly in their distinct accent.

And they will stop at nothing, until they can move into our neighborhoods, put up some posters of the icons their worship, and infiltrate our higher education system, posing as students.

… They are the American exchange students. And they arrive in T-Minus 9 hours.

My mission, which few would be brave enough to accept (I need the money and I’m mentally unbalanced), is to assist in this process. I must not show signs of weakness if they complain or make demands of me. I must be stoic and in control. Although they may be determined to disrupt my freedom and way of life, I must meet them head on, for my mission is noble and I will not give in to their desctructive, my-closet-isn’t-big-enough ideology.