bm161 Free Masons, questions and answers

Free Masons probably meet somewhere near where you live. Many think they know all the secrets and conspiracies related to the Masonry. Yet what do you really know about them? Just what does such an ancient club, scattered in so many countries, do anymore? My guest, blogger and freemason Greg Stewart joins me to explore this topic.

These Kids from Minnesota Crack Me Up

I’m not being sarcastic either. These guys are hilarious.

I’m referring to the group from some higher education institution called Carleton in Minnesota. They’re here on a seminar I helped organize on everyone’s favorite topic “New MEdia”.

Today I made sure the allstar vlogger herself met some of the Amsterdam vloggers, to join in that ritual we call thursday night vlogger drinks.

We Want to Join Europe, the sign reads.

And if you yearn for real information, skip this bla bla and go watch what Richard posted on Insane Films, a video of the news that doesn’t get reported in Iraq. It is very eye-opening and should rightfully drive you insane. Like the fact that its too late for a New Jersey absentee ballot.

Keep Your Face Out of Our Space

This just in: space does not belong to anyone!

Repeat after me: Space; that place way up there surrounding the earth, does not and can not belong to a person, group of people, or a government of any form.
Is this clear to everyone?

Little George.. are you listening?

Oh no.. what’s he doing? He’s…. I think he’s signing some important document. Oh shit, it is about space. George.. what are you doing… whatcha got there little guy? Why don’t you put the pen down and we can go over how it works again. I’ll even explain the solar system and the planets again, I know all that stuff is hard to remember and even harder to pronounce. Now put that pen down.. what are you signing?.. NOOOOO!

Curious George discovers Space

The United States is committed to the exploration and use of outer space by all nations for peaceful purposes, and for the benefit of all humanity. Consistent with this principle, “peaceful purposes” allow U.S. defense and intelligence-related activities in pursuit of national interests;

US Defence and Intellegence…. “Peaceful Purposes”? George… what are you doing?

The United States rejects any claims to sovereignty by any nation over outer space or celestial bodies, or any portion thereof, and rejects any limitations on the fundamental right of the United States to operate in and acquire data from space;

Remember what we talked about? You can’t have it. And you certainly cannot just put your friends in the military in charge of it.

Somebody please take the pen out of his hand.

(shout out to the spacetramp!)

bm160 Mayor Rocky and Salt Lake City

Progressive, green, defender of minority rights, critical of the bush administration, none of these things are usually associated with the state of Utah. But the city of Salt Lake marches to the beat of a very unique and active drum. My friend Catherine joins me at my beloved soup stand here in Amsterdam, to discuss the mayor Rocky and the priorities of his government.

Rocky Anderson’s Wikipedia Entry

Job Does Not a Person Define

It is liberating, when you’re at a party and someone asks “where do you work?”, to respond: I DON’T. And don’t smile. Just give a look that says – this makes perfect sense, what I’m telling you. The person talking to you will look confused. She might laugh. Or just change the subject. Chances are she won’t try to get your number. But it is still liberating!

Tomorrow at the fishtank, I’ve requested the finest pies in all of Amsterdam. Cause hell, it is my goodbye-you-lost-your-job party and when they asked what food I desire, without thinking twice I said BAKKERSWINKEL.. which bakes up magic.

Then lots of people will come eat these pies with me. It will be fun but it will also be uncomfortable. Especially when someone asks “So what will you do next” and I’ll say NOTHING. And some will laugh because they’ll see in my eyes that Ive got plans but I also don’t give a shit about 9 to 5 jobs anymore.

Of course there’s more to this: That same girl who asked me on the dancefloor about my job and then felt odd when I said NOTHING. Just when I thought she would walk away, she asked one more question that cleared everything up: “But aren’t you the bicyclemark that people talk about.. with the radio on the internet and the videos?”

Suddenly I do smile and I do remember that there’s more than nothing up head. There’s me.. and my work. Not the punch the clock go to meetings type of work, but my work; my podcast; my vlog. That which falls somewhere between journalism, art, commentary, nothingness, chatter, and exploring the world through people. Thats what is next.

Turns out she has a boyfriend. Ah well, I still get the best pie in Amsterdam.

bmtv23 Revisiting the Story of Asbury Park

In order to further explore the theme of how cities thrive and decay, specifically the case of Asbury Park, the following is part 1 of a vlogged history. The last minute has a audio-video timing problem, fixing it would give me an ulcer. Please Note: Im just an amateur armchair historian, I don’t claim to know everything about the place, but I have been doing endless hours of research.