The F Word

Remind me to visit the staff of Radio Netherlands and buy everyone at The State We’re In a drink. Week in and week out the crew produces excellent audio programs on topics related to human rights and human wrongs.

In their latest program they hit yet another homerun with a segment that just reached out and grabbed me; forgiveness.

While I was raised in a fairly religious family, I myself don’t have a religion, nor do I want one.  But one of those lessons many religions seem to try to teach people, is the importance of forgiveness.  Throughout the world there are so many terrible conflicts… and when these conflicts end… if they are really to end.. forgiveness seems to me a very essential stage.  Yet after many conflicts you don’t often see that many truth and reconciliation processes.

In their latest program, The State We’re In speaks with someone from the Forgiveness Project, which is all about understanding and inspiring forgiveness. And later in the program they go to a park in South Africa, know as Freedom Park, which is dedicated to the idea of forgiveness; a place where people (victim or perpetrator) can tell their stories and make amends.

I highly recommend you listen to this segment, and the program in general. If there’s one thing the world could use more of, it is forgiveness.

A Look in the Mirror

On this blog I try not to spend time talking about popculture or other trash that the mainstream media shoves down our throats hoping we won’t ask them to cover the more difficult topics including why our world is in such a state and who made it this way. That means I also don’t talk about television or film unless it is something I feel worth talking about and directly related to the aforementioned troubled world we’ve somehow created. But here comes one of those times where I MUST talk television.

The greatest television show, for me, is probably the show the fewest people have heard about or watched. It is called the Wire, and I call tell you that from what I’ve seen – it is the single most important television show to have ever been beamed into people’s homes.

By important.. I mean just what I say.. this is important. This program deserves to be studied.. discussed.. replayed.. and revered. How can that be? Because The Wire is about a dying city; like many cities in this world. It is about people; possibly-good, corrupt, and lost; like many people in this world.

The Wire encompasses a never ending list of the problems we have as a society. A society with institutions that are supposed to serve people but that actually serve themselves, or maybe serve nothing. A society that doesn’t value human life equally, where some people count more than others. Whether they’re showing you the day-to-day life if a low level drug dealer, a drug kingpin, a beat-cop, a chief of police, a mayor, a school teacher, a dock worker, a junkie, an ex-convict, a child… The Wire is like one big mirror being held over people, places, and relationships that we are often unable or unwilling to really look at… and see all that is wrong with our world and what we make of it.

I watch The Wire… I dream about The Wire. Instead of being a television show that helps you forget reality, this program wraps you in reality once and for all. I’ve even heard from friends who say they can’t watch it too much because it is “too real”.

That is what I call a show that everyone should be watching if they care about anything at all. A show that is.. too real. Forget every other program you once loved, put to the side your preconceptions about police dramas or mafia-dramas or any other incling you get that this show is not of your concern. If you live on this earth, what goes on in the Wire, goes on where you are in some way, shape, or form. And if more people were to watch and truely think about it… I shutter to think people might even start changing a thing or too in their own communities.

Watch this show. Nevermind not having HBO or a television. There are plenty of ways to get episodes of the Wire from your millions of friends on the internet.

Followup On Money

Next week I will move beyond the US elections, but so long as the big media does such a poor job of looking behind the show, I feel the need to bring forward whatever information I feel is of importance.

Some months back my internet colleague Chris Weagel recommended a media source to me, by the name of consortium news.  I’ve subscribed to that site, and have indeed found useful information that is not available in the mainstream.

The latest eye-opening article went over Hillary Clinton’s income, on the heels of her 5 million dollar loan to her own campaign.  Some people may not be surprised or remotely uncomfortable about the numbers, but I want to lay it out anyway.

According to author and journalist Nat Parry, Hillary’s income breaks down like this:

  • Senate salary of $169,300 a year.
  • From her memoir Living History, 9.9 million$
  • $10.2 million for giving 57 speeches in 2006

And then there is husband Bill’s money coming from such places as:

  • $20 million via business relationship with Yucaipa Cos., the investment firm of his longtime supporter, billionaire Ron Burkle, which has connections to the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum.  – according to the Wall St. Journal
  • Helped Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra in securing a lucrative uranium deal with the repressive government of Kazakhstan in 2005, shortly before Giustra made an unreported $31.3 million donation to Clinton’s foundation. – according to the New York Times.

This is just a taste, read the full post for details as well as links to the sources.

Seeing these numbers just makes me do a double-take, as sometimes I forget how very wealthy politicans in the United States can be; especially if they’ve lived in the white house.

bm248 Campaign Staff With a Dark Past

Virtually every candidate who was running or is still running in the US presidential election uses the word change over and over again. Some are more believable then others. While recently I’ve been trying to sort out where the money is coming from, in this podcast I look at who is on staff on the democratic side. Since both Clinton and Obama are seen as the most exciting candidates who promise change, I’m asking who are the people that shape their policies?

Campaign staff can very easily become White House Staff if the race is won, especially those individuals with the label of “advisor”.  In this podcast I talk about the advisors on staff, and those with a questionable past. While both candidates have some staff members with impressive and admirable records, there are also those with questionable connections and blood on their hands.

Useful sources I recommend for doing your own research:

  • OpenSecrets – As previously mentioned for money and elections
  • Muckety – Interesting Way to Map Connections

Articles Mentioned in this podcast:

Other Names I go into:

  • William Perry – Clinton Advisor
  • William Daley – Obama Advisor
  • Howard Wolfson – Clinton Advisor
  • Mike Henry – Clinton Deputy Campaign Manager
  • Patti Doyle – Clinton Campaign Manager
  • Robert Malley – Obama Middle East Advisor (alleged)

Response to the Money

D-Rock knows campaign finances… and he shows some of that in yesterday’s comments.  In response to my bought and sold numbers which I admittedly threw together coursely, he had the following to say, which I thought is worthy of highlighting in its own post (extra attention to the last part where he talks about what happens to all that money Giuliani got) :

Well, that’s not quite the whole story

The numbers you reference are from total individual contributors in each sector. When you see “Goldman Sachs” $407,000 that’s what individual employees of the company choose to give to a candidate, and there are limits to what each individual can give. I believe that number is $5,000 per candidate.

A cooperation or union can not give money to a candidate from their funds so you’re bought and sold for line is a little misleading. Corporations and unions can give money directly to candidates through a Political Action Committee – though Obama hasn’t taken any money from PACs. 99% of Obama’s money came from individual contributors 25% of which are under $200.

So when there’s a title that says “insurance and real estate x millions of dollars” that means the millions of people that gave money to candidates marked “insurance and real estate” as their profession on the FEC form. That does not mean that the “insurance and real estate” CEO in his “insurance and real estate” company headquarters just wrote a check for x millions of dollars to a candidate.

Later on he added:

The US fed budget is 3 trillion a year, so a few hundred million ever four years to have some access to that seems like a reasonable investment.

Is there too much money in politics? Sure…I guess, maybe not enough of our money.

Case in point – If Nader had his way and had everyone that made minimum wage give his campaign $10 he would be the most powerful political figure in the US. Would we say there is too much money in politics if that was the case?

The two best things to curtail some of the spending is to lower maximum contributions and increased transparency. I’m not sure where EU parties get their income (prob public funding) but the FEC transparency of political contributions is outstanding. You can search by name, zip code, industry etc. Your link to says it best.

Questions like can the government prohibit you from spending your own money on a political race? See Corzine

Or, what if you raise millions and out spend your opponent 100:1 but your contributions can from small donors?

The biggest problem right now is the double dipping by contributors to increasing amount of PACs and Leadership PACs – that’s a long story.

Oh man I loved watching Rudy 9u11iani fail like a fat kid doing pull ups in gym class. He actually set the record of the WORST campaign ever recorded he spent something like 50 million and got 1 delegate. His left over money can be given away to other campaigns or the national party. But I think he spent everything he had

Money Trail

You might be inspired by this year’s US presidential election, so forgive me for disturbing the good vibes. Like all elections in the US, this one has already been bought and paid for…

 Goldman Sachs 

Hillary Clinton: 407,000$ +

Barak Obama: 421,000$ +

Mitt Romney: 223,000$ +


Hillary Clinton: 350,000$ +

John McCain: 153,000$ +

Morgan Stanley

Hillary Clinton: 362,000$+

Mitt Romney: 152,000$+

Securities and Investment

Hillary Clinton: 5,828,000$+

Barak Obama: 5,295,000$+

Mitt Romney: 4,141,000$+

Insurance and Real Estate

Hillary Clinton: 15,131,000$+

Mitt Romney: 11,686,000$+

Barak Obama: 11,591,000$+

Law Firms/Lawyers

Hillary Clinton: 11.756,000$+

Barak Obama: 9,521,000$+

John McCain: 2,508,000$+

Energy and Natural Resources

Mitt Romney: 731,262$+

Hillary Clinton: 704,000$+

Barak Obama: 619,000$+

Follow the money trail yourself…