bmtv80 Winter Soldier, from Paris

Greetings from Paris. The following video entry was put together to direct more attention to the extremely important gathering a few weeks ago in the US called Winter Soldier. It was organized by the Iraq Veterans Against the War organization and the stories you will hear… the testimony.. well.. every citizen should have to listen and relisten whenever they start to think that war is ever an option or an answer.

Video excerpt is from democracynow and ivaw

Layers of Cuba

Im a news hound. Especially for certain topics, certain parts of the world, or certain journalists…. I virtually clip tons of things on the average day. Lately one of the frequent topics that I’ve paid extra attention to, is Cuba.

Surely Im not alone, but unlike people who are only hoping for a collapse of the political system there, I’m more interested to hear about people’s experiences, and learn about the different layers that make up today’s Cuba.

One of my favorite sources, who’s podcast interviews lately have me rewinding and listening twice or three times even, just to hear the details again, is RadioOpen Source. Chris has been speaking with different people with very different connections with Cuba, and it has made for some educational and eye opening audio.

The first guest was Patrick Symmes. I love this author for a book that mr. D-Rock gave me many years ago, Chasing Ché. Well, he’s been working on a book about Cubans and Cuba and spending alot of time there, he has some very interesting things to share from those adventures.

The second is a man by the name of Adrian Lopez Denis, a social historian and son of a Cuban doctor, who’s descriptions of Cuba dispel alot of the stories we’ve always heard. He also points out the very symbolic fact that while after his stepping-down, big news magazines used images of cigars to represent Fidel, the man had actually quit smoking 40 years ago. But beyond that he uncovers alot of facts about culture and society that are really worth listening to.

And while all this is going on, I’ve been amazed to watch my blogger friend Alexis Oriol, go from being a doctor for the Cuban medical corps in East Timor, to being a refugee without a country, to being a new resident of Miami. An unbelievable turn of events that has me asking out loud sometimes, “did this really happen”. But the answer is yes, and if you read spanish at all, I recommend reading through the blog. OR you can wait a few months because Alexis is sure to become an english language blogger and more American than most Americans (like me, for example)

bm255 Bihari People; Forgotten and Left Stateless in Bangladesh

Imagine having no rights, no home, and no country. Now imagine that on top of that, you live amongst hundreds of thousands of other people in a makeshift camp for over 30 years. This is just part of the story that the people known as Bihari’s endure everyday in Bangladesh. My guest, documentary film maker Shafiur Rahman has made a film on this very topic, helps explain the past, present, and all the details that the world seems to ignore on a regular basis, of how an entire population can be declared stateless and without rights.

His film, The Promised Land (available via

His blog, Imperfect World

The wikipedia entry on the Bihari people


Courtesy of Shafiur, from the film.

note: (there is alot of white noise in this recording as I was recording it under unfamiliar circumstances and Im under alot of stress these days so no need to complain about it, thank you.)

Kareem Knows

Blogging can be revolutionary. Personal publishing, this thing that we do, it can be special if we really use it to challenge tired old conventions and power structures and rules about who can talk to who and about what. But that doesn’t mean that all blogging IS revolutionary. Alot of it is just marketing and regurgitated nothing.

The hardest part of this game, besides getting people to listen.. to read.. to come try it, is to get people with something useful and important to say… to use this medium to say it. Not only to use it to say something, but to explore the limits and the many facets of personal publishing.. because there are so many avenues you can take. Often times I meet amazing people who are simply too busy or don’t understand how this thing.. this blogging world.. could be useful for their work.

Thanks to Tony Pierce and the LAtimes, I’ve become a subscriber to a blog that embodies what happens when someone with so much wisdom to share, dives into blogging with an open mind and an open heart. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is a name that might seem super-human to many of us, a legend to say the least. But what is truely beautiful, I find, is that through his blogging over the past few months, what you come to understand is not just some words of wisdom from someone who has done great things with his life, you come to see that this man has many layers, much wisdom to share, and many questions to ask about the world around us. Instead of sitting up on his blog like some god, inaccessible to the mortals, he is instead the exact opposite. Taking questions from his readers, asking questions of those many of us would like to hear from.. and best all.. teaching.. sharing knowledge. His Black History blogging, for example, is extremely interesting and a great example of how blogging is a chance for us to learn together, prominently presenting important information that is out there.. but so often buried in the daily routine and even by our so-called education systems.

I’m enjoying Kareem’s blog so much, I wanted to recommend it to you the readers. If you’ve been looking for some straight from the heart blogging, by someone with a thirst for more knowledge and understanding, this is the blog you’ve been waiting for. Or maybe you like yoga, history, basketball, politics, health, etc… you’ll find that there as well.

bmtv79 Christiania You Have My Heart, Part 2

Part 2 of “Christiania You HAve My Heart” features some great interviews and a lovely musical performance. Im probably not going to show part 3 unless someone protests.. otherwise I think you get the idea and what is so special about this community in Denmark. You can watch the whole thing on googlevideo. Also full credit to the director of the film, Nils Vest.

Fabrication Yet Factual

While it has already made the rounds in much of the mainstream media, I wanted to look back today on the issue of the book by author Susan B. Jones called Love and Consequences. You may have heard about this author, as it was discovered that her book, which she presented as stories of her life growing up as a corner-kid in south central LA, turns out to have been made up. She actually grew up in a nice suburb of LA, according to the account I heard on NPR’s On Point, she later had a job counseling people who were involved in gang violence or shared related stories with her, which she used to make the stories in her book.

As the mainstream media will tell you, before critics and audiences knew the truth, they loved the book and the story; a gang member turned author… a half White/half Native American girl who made it out of the ‘hood.

But once her sister made the call exposing the fact that the story isn’t true, audiences went nuts. NEwspapers ran stories about how Susan Seltzer was her real name and that she had duped everyone. It was as if there was a collective cry of “poor us, we trusted you!” from across the US. The publisher pulled the book, pulled the money, cancelled the tour and chastised her for putting one over them.

As I listened to the episode of On Point Radio I found myself yelling at host Tom Ashbrooke as he went on and on about how sorry he was to his audience and how disappointing it is to hear about authors lying about their experiences in order to sell books. In his mind he seemed to have this noble idea that in the world of books we can trust the author and the publishing industry and the media can also be counted on to verify what is true and what is not. An idea that any student of history, media, and business, could discredit quite easily.

During the radio program there are callers who express their anger at the author, for writing about life in gangs and on the streets, that she never actually experienced. But eventually a few calls came in that support the final point I want to make today; just because it isn’t completely factual doesn’t mean it isn’t worthy of being read or thought about. She may not have lived it, but her stories can still have value to different people for different reasons. For the lover of literature, perhaps because it is well written. For the person interested in examining society and that world which she writes about, there is still plenty within her stories based on reality and an important reminder about the many people in America, especially children, who live and struggle everyday on the streets.

The cries of “foul” remind me of when blogging started almost a decade ago. Critics pointed to anonymous bloggers, like BitchPhD, or bloggers who claimed nothing here is true like Tony Pierce, and said that blogging could never be worth anything if people used false names or told stories that were only half true. All these years later most of those critics have gone quiet and are probably reading blogs, as good bloggers have proven that there can still be plenty of value on a blog regardless of how factual or fictional it is.

Of course I don’t want the whole world inventing stories and publishing them as factual accounts of life. But I won’t expect the type of media and publishing system that we have in this world to garuntee truthiness. Myself I hope that somehow, one day, I end up with a copy of Love and Consequences in my hands. I’ll give it a read and perhaps even enjoy it, without feeling betrayed.