Category Archives: Audio
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bm296 An LGBT Magazine in Turkey
Kaos GL started publishing in the 90’s in an effort to get LGBT issues into the public sphere as part of the struggle for equal rights and equal protection under the law.? But what is the state of the state when it comes to gay rights in Turkey? What are the major obstacles and issues that the community struggles with on a daily basis, and how does a community oriented publication survive in the current cultural and political climate?
While in Istanbul I had a chance to sit down with Bawer of Kaos GL to discuss these questions and more.
Gavin Castleton – The Human Torch
Various Artists from the Slumdog Millionaire Soundtrack – Jai Ho
bm295 An Alternative Media Network in Turkey
Bianet is an alternative media network in Turkey. The network’s goal is to cover the topics which the mainstream will not or does not, with a special emphasis on human rights, labor, women’s rights, the environment, and much more. How are they funded? Is their structure alternative? What does it mean to be alternative in Turkey’s media landscape? My guest, an editor at Bianet, sat down with me at their office in Istanbul to explain.
bm294 The Pirate Bay in Court
Ive been scanning the internet, twitter, and general chatter among friends about what is happening with the case of the Pirate Bay versus the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry that is currently taking place in Sweden. The following is a mix of facts and thoughts regarding how the case is going and why this case is taking place. Warning: I eat food during this podcast, maybe you don’t like hearing a person eating.
During the podcast I mention the following sources:
Peter of the Pirate Bay’s Blog
My interview with Peter last year at Re:publica.
The Pirate Bay Court Blog.
Some form of Coverage on the Guardian tech blog
In the recording I talk about including audio from my interview last year. I decided not to at the last minute. You can just click and listen to it for yourself.
bm293 Chiquita Banana and Colombian Paramilitaries
Bananas are much more than a yellow fruit that goes good with your cereal. Behind the world’s beloved fruit is a multibillion dollar industry that has the power to create and destroy governments.
bm292 The Battle for Gaza Gas Reserves
In 1999 the news came out that there were significant natural gas supplies off the coast of Gaza. Negotiation soon took place between the Palestinian Authority, Israel, British Gas, and a Athens based company. The deal they produced would have given the PA 10% of the profits, though it was to be put in a special trust fund that only the Fatah political party could touch. However that deal was never signed, and in 2006 Hamas was the big winner in legislative elections, and they immediately declared the deal unfair and demanded it be renegotiated. The other parties would not renegotiate.
Meanwhile at the same time, Israel’s gas reserves off their coast are set to run out in only a few years. And a recent import deal they made with an Egyptian gas company, was declared illegal by an Egyptian court and that important source had been shut down.
Now we are over 20 days into an Israeli military operation which has been explained as an effort to hunt down Hamas who are a danger to the security of Israel. Hardly anywhere in the mainstream media is there mention of the very big issue of gas resources and the supply situation Israel finds itself in.Continue reading “bm292 The Battle for Gaza Gas Reserves”