I’d like to begin by sending out a big thank you and expressing how great it was to be writing and recording content to be shared with all of you and to be getting so much feedback; good bad or in between. Thank you. The trip itself was extremely interesting, educational, and unforgettable, but this aspect of having my audience with me, made it something even greater.
Being back in Amsterdam with fresh memories and a wish to keep in touch with those working and living in Afghanistan, be they locals or foreigners, I now often turn to blogs that I’ve come to value with stories, reports, and rants about the situation there. While there are surely many more choices then the few I recommend, I still wanted to post my list (of 3) in case any of you also want to see some voices that interest me from that part of the world:
Read My Eyes – The candid observations of a very experienced and passionate photo journalist and friend.
Transitionland – Sometimes angry sometimes happy, always educational writing about Afghanistan as well as its quirky international community.
Free Range International – Apparently Im the last one to the party as this blog has long been a household name for Afghanistan War focused individuals.
Feel free to add one of yours in the comments.