When she’s not rockin’ the blog mic, or workin herself silly, xtx inspects blogs like mine. And here’s her latest, a review of that pic randomizer of my melon.
Ttothe33: the red shirt pic?
Ttothe33: you look like
Bicyclemarko: oh no.
Bicyclemarko: nooo
Ttothe33: mr. bean
Bicyclemarko: oh. that.
Ttothe33: like a young mr. bean
Bicyclemarko: Im sure the beanster had his share of uk lovin.
Ttothe33: he has.
Ttothe33: now i have the flash forehead pic
Bicyclemarko: I have the shinin there
Ttothe33: its very chakra
Ttothe33: i like this one the blurry purple shirt pic
Ttothe33: you look very blurryandsome(blurry + handsome)
Ttothe33: if i squint, you might be hot
Bicyclemarko: nice.
Ttothe33: it fucks with my eyes
Ttothe33: but i like yer outfit
Bicyclemarko: oh thanks that one always gets the looks from the ladies at work.
Ttothe33: i’m back to the bike licking pic
Ttothe33: VERY obvious you are licking your bike…
Ttothe33: well, here is my final overall review: bicyclemark is pretty damn good lookin even when he is cartoony or blurry or has dirt on his face
Ttothe33: tracy give BM four stars!
Ttothe33: two thumbs up!
Ttothe33: “i was riveted!”
—Thanks xtx!