I’d like to remind readers that I fully intend to publish this blog every other day usually around this time. Despite my recent lapse for an extra day or so, I just wanted to renew that garuntee. I appreciate those who come here to read, especially those who come back regularly. In an inexplicable manner, my daily routine has been turned on its head by a certain individual in the city of brotherly love. A welcome change, I assure you. Along with the whistling birds who seem to have just showed up this week for the first time this year… takes a bit of getting used to… they’re my new alarm clocks.
The CS Monitor published a piece on weblogs. I thought it was generally weak and a bit cynical about the power of the blog. On the bright side, it did include comments from Rebecca Blood, someone I respect very much, an excellent theorist about the blogosphere.
Yesterday was election day in South Africa. Despite the usual problems of democracies in general, I find SA’s elections to always be inspiring and interesting. That could just be the naive romanticism that I still carry from the anti-apartheid movement. Yes, I’m one of those who still gets a thrill out of watching Cry Freedom, and I sing along to “Biko.” Nevertheless, the spirit and the respect for the act of voting that the country shows should make western democracies blush. Would you ever see such an image at any polling station in NJ? Or the UK?:

Today’s Music: Jets to Brazil – Perfecting Lonliness and DCFC – Transatlanticism