bm159 Hungarian Political Lies

You may have seen images of angry citizens clashing with police on the streets of Budapest recently. But did you hear the real story of what happened and why the Hungarian electorate rose up? And what will happen from here, how will people, in the long run, feel towards a goverment that admitedly lied to them? A familiar theme in Eastern Europe and North America, Henrik of the blog Hungarian Accent helps explain was has happened and what can be learned from this.

Heres a Guardian article for further illustration

bm124 The Other Big Election in Europe: Hungary

Atop any list of underreported nations in Europe, Hungary has handled huge changes over the past 15 years. Henrik of the Hungarian Accent blog joins me to discuss Hungary: from the end of the communist regime, to joining the European Union, to the cold hard truth of what lies ahead for the Hungarian people.

AudioCommunique #124 (mp3)


K’Naan – In the beginning
Clap Your Hands Say YEah – Over and Over
Pink – Dear Mr. President

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