3am Thanks to Fleur

Hello Im 27.

I didn’t think it was a big deal. And then… my friend Fleur called.

You may remember her as Dolphin Girl, as Ive admirably referred to her work with marine life in the Azores.

Well she first called me to dinner, my last meal as a 26 year old, she called it. And that alone left me happy as larry, whomever he is, and then, along with another old friend from way back in my Amsterdam life, these two wonderful ladies took my out to a most unlikely place. And proceeded to make a birthday celebration out of it.

I was shocked. Im still surprised. I cherish my beatiful, pocket-sized gifts. Moreover, I cherish the friends that make up my family here in my most favorite city on earth. After dancing til 2h30.. I decided it was time to come home as I was still able to walk and unlock my bike. I gave them all the biggest hugs and whispered endless praise into Fleur’s ears.. which she shrugged off like it was nothing.

This beautiful nothing made my 27th birthday.. and the day is barely 3 hours old.

Dank jullie wel! Fleur, Barbara, and the boys that would later join us. I don’t normally use the blog for name dropping, but you filled me with joy… and liquor, i think.